Banana, Kiribati Superthread

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Haha I just immediately thought, there's about 20 people on Earth who will get this. :sigh: :lol:

I'm out too, gotta follow Mum and then pick her up!

Any theories?

Mine is that he's going to be chasing his mum down the road in the car while she runs to the gentle waves of "Eye of the Tiger" and him yelling at her through a megaphone.
I think I'm going to go again ...

Maybe the sky will fall. I hope so.
I'm still impressed by it :reject:

Is it wrong that I want to give my budgie away because she squawks like a foghorn all the time? We've tried toys, moving the cage, different food, talking to her, putting her outside, giving her a friend and she still screeches. :madwife:
I'm still impressed by it :reject:

Is it wrong that I want to give my budgie away because she squawks like a foghorn all the time? We've tried toys, moving the cage, different food, talking to her, putting her outside, giving her a friend and she still screeches. :madwife:

i don't know whether to be impressed or cross my legs. that's what i get for frequenting sports forums as well as interference - quite an interesting use of the english language.

have you thought of accidentally setting the kitty on her?
i don't know whether to be impressed or cross my legs. that's what i get for frequenting sports forums as well as interference - quite an interesting use of the english language.

have you thought of accidentally setting the kitty on her?

sports forums? Why am I not surprised.

I wouldn't set the kittehs on the bird, imagine the mess. Accidently leaving the cage door and a window open have crossed my mind though.
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