Bag boy *rant*

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
(or maybe it's "bag person??") :huh:

Pet peeve: have grocery stores stopped teaching their baggers how to bag groceries correctly any more??? I'd thnk it would be simple enough, any goofball could figure it out, right?? Cans on the bottom, bread and eggs on top....but no. :tsk:

I live on the 3rd floor, so when I buy groceries I only want to make ONE trip (esp. when it's 105F outside), so I bring two large mesh bags with me - one for perishables, one for the non's. I take the perishables up to my apt., and leave the other stuff in my trunk to take upstairs the next day. Works great. Usually.

so first of seems nobody at the grocery store even knows what the term "perishable" means, so everything was mixed in with everything else in the bag I brought upstairs tonight, even after I told them to separate them. First I find my lettuce crushed at the bottom of the bag. Then....where's the milk, the sour cream and the cheese??? (hey, I'm from Wisconsin, work with me). Nope, they were nowhere to be found, so down 3 flights I go again.... :angry:

is it too much to ask to have something as simple as groceries packed properly? You'd think common sense would prevail, but not at the stores I've been to... wtf is up with that??? :madspit: :scratch: :banghead:
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Discoteque said:
(or maybe it's "bag person??") :huh:

Pet peeve: have grocery stores stopped teaching their baggers how to bag groceries correctly any more??? I'd thnk it would be simple enough, any goofball could figure it out, right?? Cans on the bottom, bread and eggs on top....but no. :tsk:

I live on the 3rd floor, so when I buy groceries I only want to make ONE trip (esp. when it's 105F outside), so I bring two large mesh bags with me - one for perishables, one for the non's. I take the perishables up to my apt., and leave the other stuff in my trunk to take upstairs the next day. Works great. Usually.

so first of seems nobody at the grocery store even knows what the term "perishable" means, so everything was mixed in with everything else in the bag I brought upstairs tonight, even after I told them to separate them. First I find my lettuce crushed at the bottom of the bag. Then....where's the milk, the sour cream and the cheese??? (hey, I'm from Wisconsin, work with me). Nope, they were nowhere to be found, so down 3 flights I go again.... :angry:

is it too much to ask to have something as simple as groceries packed properly? You'd think common sense would prevail, but not at the stores I've been to... wtf is up with that??? :madspit: :scratch: :banghead:

I strongly recommend you intervening while the bagging process occurs. Often people just stand there while the check-out person scans the items and the bagger bags. To solve your dilemma, become involved. Help bag. Ask more favors. If you normally use this time to write a check or get $$ ready, well, too bad. ;) It's clearly worth the extra few moments for you to make sure things are prepared properly.
I used to be a bagger many years ago. I actually won a national bagging competition. :eek:

Would you like me to bag your groceries? :wink:
*gets a mental pic of Sicy bagging groceries

I know the feeling Disco....sometimes like you, I only like to make one trip, especially if I'm coming home from work or someplace late at night and I'm tired, or it's hot outside...

A few times, even when I bring the groceries in, but don't want to put away everything before I go to bed...the next day, or a couple hours later that evening, when I'm hungry for something I bought and then I go to the fridge to get it...but can't find it...and realize it's still in the grocery bag, but it's in with the non-perishables and by now it's gone bad...makes me mad too :mad: :banghead:
I cant believe I'm posting this picture


:banghead: :reject:
Yeah based on speed and accuracy. I felt like a big dork but all the checkers always wanted me to bag for them cuz I kicked ass. :p :laugh:
Wow, here in my town it is rare to actually have someone bag your groceries for you. Most stores have a "do it yourself" policy which works fine with me. I can snag more bags to use for trash bags. :silent: That and I can make sure everything is placed just how I want it. :D
I fully agree.

I think this is a great thread.

I remember about 10 years ago David Letterman had a contest to see what the best expression of that year was.

It turned out to be,

"Nicely packed bag boy!"
I laughed my ass off...
OMC! I have these problems too.... My big issue is when they put the raw meat with anything that isn't really solidly packed. I also had a bagger put a scalding hot rotisserie chicken on top of my frozen yogurt. I'm sure you can imagine the drippy mess I had going up the three flights to my house....:banghead:

I love that smilie.
lmao at Sicy:laugh:

ditto DrWho--I get involved with the bagging. They expect you to in this town.

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