Anyone have "New York" mp3 from LA3 11/19?? **Emergency** (of sorts)

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The Fly
Oct 28, 2000
definitely NOT from UCLA :)
I need it for my friend with whom I went to see LA3. The mirror for U2BloodRedSky, which is the only of their servers i can possibly log on to, had everything but New York. I was only finally able to log on today to get the concert, and found it was missing just now.

My friend is leaving for home on Thursday, and will be spending next semester abroad in Italy. I need to get this all burned tomarrow (wednesday) if possible. If anyone can help, i would thank you kindly.

Sorry for posting this in kinda the wrong forum, but this is kinda last minute.

Thanks for your time

IM me if need be, ill be up all night studying for an econ test. im achtungbaby3k on AIM

[This message has been edited by UCLAforU2 (edited 12-12-2001).]
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