Anyone else slightly disappointed with Vertigo?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Great song. I can hear this one over and over cus it doesn't sound like them. Power Chords are awesome!! Reminds me of the song Wire.

I know some people may not like it and thats fine. I remember when some people were saying Where the Streets Have No Name was not that good and then what do you know, its a concert must have. It will grow on you.
AussieU2fanman said:
Everyone will be slightly dissapointed because people aren't remembering to expect the unexpected from U2. When you become accustomed to this new U2 style, you'll love it. I was prepared for Vertigo, and as a result, I thought it was a brilliant song right off the mark.

This is a mistake I always make. I forget I'm dealing with U2 and that one of the reasons I like them so much is that they are continually surprising me. This is probably why I don't like much of their stuff initially, but then after repeated listens I get it. Vertigo very much falls into this category.
lol, im not used to people arguing like from a different neck of the woods but i was brought out by mr edgie coming in here and chatting up a MAJOR storm amongst us!
u2 guy youre entitled to your opinon!! knowing the song was coming out i was expecting to love it just because it was from u2. im just that kinda fan, dogged devoted and retarded:wink:
i guess i tend to worship everything about them without even thinking about it.
so i love the song! i keep listening to when bono says "and noone gets HURT"
im a freakish pleba girl and that just freaking turns me on:drool:
Kelly - I'm with you that I was a bit nervous on hearing the song for the first time - I mean this is my favorite group, favorite songs, favorite music etc. - what if I didn't like it?
The first listen was a shock - new u2! was basically all I could think about
With each listen however I actually am appricating the song even more - the lyrics are very sly/poetic, the rhythm section is damn tight and (please note I know basicallly nothing about the technical aspects of music - sorry) the guitar has different layers to it - kind of building on one another then stripping down again - I don't exactly know how to describe it but I know that I like it.

Also we have another 10 tracks to listen to - i'm sure there will be something to please everyone
(Not relating to anyone specifically)
If anyone else says that 'People are entitled to their own opinion' or anything along that vein again, I'm gonna SCREAM!! I don't wanna hear that cliche anymore, it's thrown around too much!
(This is my own opinion, and I'm entitled to it!)
AussieU2fanman, i have nothing but good words to you.

I admire your devotion.

i feel like with u2 in particular, one can't possibly get the full dynamic of a song without seeing how it's presented in a live setting. i mean, the "under a blood red sky" sunday bloody sunday blows the recorded version out of the water in my opinion. so it would be great to see how the gang sounds doing vertigo live. that said, i love it already!

my opinion:

I think that if we agree that it's alright to disagree, from time to time, then we'd all be a lot happier and we'd probably live much longer. ;)

To my knowledge, the only active member of the community who has the right to take any negative criticism about Vertigo personally is Edge. And, he'd probably also agree to disagree.

er...were he to read this topic. :)
Chile said:

my opinion:

I think that if we agree that it's alright to disagree, from time to time, then we'd all be a lot happier and we'd probably live much longer. ;)

To my knowledge, the only active member of the community who has the right to take any negative criticism about Vertigo personally is Edge. And, he'd probably also agree to disagree.

er...were he to read this topic. :)

Cutting it mighty fine to expressing that dreaded cliche. AHHHHHH!!!! :scream:
a note on the comment of us living longer by not being so weird about people saying stuff. my pastor said that a college study said people who hold grudges are more likely to die young of heart disease and other maladies plus have back problems.
BUT for your benefit aussie i will say now, we have no right to our opinions...especially because edge might see something negative

my my....

there is no pleasing you, is there? ;)

I promise to never use another cliche.....after this post.

I'll give it 110%, take one for the team, put my nose to the grindstone, put my best foot forward, and even state that the first step to the cure is to admit there is a problem....

Vertigo Rocks. Perfect choice for the first single. It's catching like a forest fire, the rest of the album wont sound like this but what an opener.
alexvilagosh said:
There is nothing wrong with the song, but it isn't the mother of all rock songs, and really, it isn't that good of a song at all. I don't see anything special about it. Beautiful Day had a certain something to it, but Vertigo doesn't.

It's ok, but only ok. And from U2 I expect better than ok.

Now I don't want to get a whole lot of angry responses here, and I'm not laying into the band at all. I'm still looking forward to the album, but I'm hoping there are better songs than Vertigo on it.

Vertigo is a cracking tune far better than Beautiful Day (my dad liked Beautiful Day!! There u go...too middle of the road...his taste is Phil Collins for goodness sake!)

It's too early....give it 15 years then listen...we've had years and years to absorb u2 tunes...i was disappointed with the whole ATYCLB lp...but it has grown on me....from what i've heard these new tunes blow ATYCLB out of the's going to be a much much better lp
RademR said:
Vertigo Rocks. Perfect choice for the first single. It's catching like a forest fire, the rest of the album wont sound like this but what an opener.

exactly...summed it up perfectly for me!!

Remember even Bono has said the album goes in a completely different direction after the first track...great first taste to throw us off the scent...
did any one see fuse(music channel) they had other people talk about u2,s new album like papa roach were talking about it , the drummer from the roots cant wait for u2's new album and some other bands talking about edges lost cd funny shit

right now i just hope vertigo is the weakest track of HTDAAB i dont think i can take it any more..
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I love to hear what people feel... you are all fab!

I don't know shit about how to make music and I don't get into all the fine details of it. I'm not even a very adventurous listener anymore, and there's no doubt that right now I'm in a bit of a pleba-type (I've not yet ever really wandered in there; I 'm a little scared I think) dogged worship-y place, having just recently discovered that U2 did all this great work in the 90s and 00s while I was raising babies and listening to other stuff..

But I just wasn't disappointed at all in Vertigo
and any/all of my silly blathering has been sincere really!

I was thrilled to get to listen to it..tense and worried that I might not love it of course, but a bit more prepared than I otherwise would have been thanks to Interference...

and I just smiled a big relief smile the whole first time, and have just been blown away by it since!

That said, it is my first time waiting on a release like this.
And I can't know if I'd have reacted to it like this if say it was never released as a single and was just one of the songs on an LP.

Perhaps it's just that I like what U2 does so much, that Vertigo being U2 doing, as Bono has I think said, their first rock & roll record makes me feel so hot and bothered by it.

But it hits me in this big way and I think it has a feel of very artfully crafted rock & roll! a sturdy solidly built rockin rock song, that brilliant piece of noise comment Dave Fanning made...which is actually to me a pretty decent description of an excellent rock song..

cheers all!
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RademR said:
Vertigo Rocks. Perfect choice for the first single. It's catching like a forest fire, the rest of the album wont sound like this but what an opener.

Couldn't agree more! I had no expectations for the song (or the LP to come). The first time I heard Vertigo I almost went grazy. I was home listening to Irish radio station via Internet when they played Vertigo. My 2 dogs thought I lost it for good this time 'cause my hands & feet started to make moves I could not control (some kind of dancing I guess) and I sang even I didnt' know the words. That was a great moment, will remember it forever!

So thank you Adam, Bono, Larry & The Edge again for a multi-layered song - I'll spend a lot of time listening to it and it's different meanings and sounds.
this version is just a radio version, on the album is gonna be different,even though it is a power songs we can't say it is the mother of all rock songs, this is just a piece of the song
Vertigo has been a really fun trip for me so far...those first moments of feeling absolutely un-disappointed were very cool ,I agree! but it keeps going for me...and those little odd hand gestures Virve I'm doing too! It's not quite a dance, but my hands want to get busy and I think it's almost a sort of air guitar thing,something I've just not been inspired to do previously to anything while sober.

I was going to give "too much information" in my initial
Vertigo *IS* the mother of all rock songs thread post,

and add that almost a year ago now got done nursing my daughter (til the ripe old age of 3!), but listening to vertigo gets my feeding systems all a flutter, a very "motherly" vibe...
so in a way, lol, it really is a let-down!
okay, now I'm telling breastfeeding jokes, so I think I need to wean myself off this for a while...

cheers all!
it depends what you want from the song i reckon.
Vertigo kicks ass, its a great tune but it doesnt grab me like some of the other songs like streets or stay or even beautiful day and i dont think it's the type of track to do that.

but thats not necessarily a bad thing either, i doubt i would want to grow an emotional attachment to every U2 song there was, it would be pretty exhausting i reckon!

then again vertigo has only been out for 6 days and while i haven't experienced any life changing events or had an epiphany while its on (cue Beautiful Day!) theres every chance that that might still happen!

sometimes all you want from a track is to turn it up exceptionally loud and jump around your living room, for that vertigo couldnt get more perfect!

it might not make me close my eyes and think i'm in heaven but Vertigo elates me and thats pretty cool
In regards to fans, U2's blessing and curse is the wide variety in their music. I mean, if an alien landed and I played him/her/it Lemon then Vertigo then Angel Of Harlem then Mofo then A Sort Of Homecoming (well you get the picture) the alien would probably guess that they were all from different bands. They're all so different, while all still completely grounded in that fabled 'U2 sound'. Therefore, U2 fans are all so different in their tastes.

There are fans that are completely absorbed by that diversity and are crossing their fingers and sending vibes to the band to egg them on to keep pushing in whatever direction comes into their heads on any given day, even if it's Bono's new found fascination with Icelandic Rap/Metal with a Bluegrass feel.

There are also fans that were brought into the U2 fold by one of those particular sounds or era's or albums and that is what they always will consider as 'the' U2. They'll always have a natural urge towards anything that sounds like it's from then, and a little nervous towards anything thats very different. That is all completely cool. I think it's great.

The music can/is often so completely different. If it were two completely different bands, would you expect a fan of With Or Without You by Band A to instantly love Mofo by Band B? Of course you wouldn't. I mean, if the 'net and a community such as this existed over a decade ago, how do you think the greater first reactions would have been to The Fly coming off the back of Unforgettable Fire/Joshua Tree/R&H? How about Numb? "Whats this just talking over a beat business?"

Point is, someone says they adore Vertigo, someone says they don't 'see' it yet. It's all good.

Oh, and my vote is :up: I love it. It's going to be incredible live.
Not disapointed.

I am just not that excited with all this rocking thing; it's good for the kids (and probably for sales in america) but for me is making the difference between u2 and the average fm rock band becoming a bit shorter. Well, i am enjoying also to shake myself to Vertigo (who doesn't, the energy on it is amazing) but at the end it's just that - a rock song to enjoy (despite the serious and clever lyrics), not to punch your heart and soul as i am used to from u2 songs, and as i am sure i will have on htdaab.

will i be banned?

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