Album Title

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War Child
Sep 19, 2002
You know first I thought the album title would make for a great song title, but not necessarily for an album.

It's a pretty damn ballsy title; one which the band had to have had complete confidence in its songs. But I still was unsure of it early on.

But like many people here said- just wait until you hear the music to determine if its fits.

So, now that I've heard the music, and have had time to sit with it, I've got to say, I think it's just about the most perfect title for this album!

Put it this way- after listening to the album straight through I literally feel - dismantled.

It starts off with an atomic explosion of Vertigo (which is also rendered in the video). Each song literally takes a piece of my hurt, my ego, my stubborness, my pride, my inner monsters, my own personal atomic bombs, and one by one dismantles them. By the time I've reached Yahweh, I've moved from confusion, doubt, angst, fear, ego, and turmoil to a sublime joyous love, faith, and- humility.

In other words, this album just completely dismantled my ego- my own highly unstable "heavy elements" just literally waiting to explode. Nuclear fission is a huge force, with tremendous energy- but the point here is, I think, there is NO more powerful energy than love. Love conquers all. Absolutely beautiful.

blessings are not just for the ones who kneel... luckily.
Great stuff. Felt the same way. You know I'm noticing that unlike the last album I'm hearing the album straight through. Every song is something special. I'm actually liking A Man and a Woman now. I haven't done that since Achtung Baby.
This is a great post elfyx. Post of the week, IMO. :applaud:

After reading your post and the comments of Bono in the Bestbuy interview, it really seems that HTDAAB is like a kind of emotional 12 step recovery program...only with 11 (songs)steps. Each song addressing a different aspect and purging out the emotions (in the most matter of fact lyrics U2 has ever written)specific to each song.

It is good to finally understand the title as far as the cover...

11-step program … nice analogy.

Main Entry: dis·man·tle
Pronunciation: (")dis-'man-t&l
Function: transitive verb
1 : to take to pieces; also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of
2 : to strip of dress or covering : DIVEST
3 : to strip of furniture and equipment

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