AFL Thread. James Hird Does a Bono!

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Oh thank god Fyfe took it out.

Disgusted Goldstein didn't poll higher.
Definitely well deserved, best player in the league, but the AFL really didn't want to suspend him this year.

Imagine if unfashionable Priddis went back to back! The AFL wouldn't like that at all

Sent from a barge floating through the docks of Dublin
I wouldn't either. He's a great player, Priddis, but how absurd would it be if he was a double Brownlow Medallist. I mean come on.

Also can I just say how fucking amazing it was to see Daisy Pearce and Tayla Harris given air time tonight. Daisy is a fucking superstar - she has won an equivalent six Brownlows whilst working as a midwife - and the only thing that ruined it was Tayla Harris was given the utter misfortune of having to share a stage with Darcy.
I think it's on Friday night, I'm sure it'll pop up on Youtube at some stage.

Thought it was very good, really just increased my respect for Pav and Riewoldt, but was very surprised with how well some of the other blokes carried themselves too. Swallow was switched on and seemed very likable. Boak is a handsome devil. My man Bunga didn't have a lot of time unfortunately, but seemed nice. Bob Murphy and Rockliffe were good value. Jobe is the most melancholic man in existence, poor bugger. Also his face is always doing this: =S

Cotchin though, he... really didn't seem like he should be captain at all. Seemed like a nice chap but didn't really inspire the same thoughts as most of the other guys. Obviously you can't tell everything from a documentary, but it's hard not to wonder if there's something worth changing there for Richmond. Pendles too, Bob Murphy gets away with being a chinless wonder as a captain because he's a larrakin, but Pendles just seemed to be devoid of anything.

Hodge was filmed in a bar lol
The Footy Show boss has "banned" sexist jokes, showing how fucked the show is. Don't make them in the first place you dinosaur cunts.

Also, coincidence that Rita Panahi is a Hawthorn supporter and just released a story on West Coast's drug use 10 years ago in GF week? Don't think so...
The Footy Show boss has "banned" sexist jokes, showing how fucked the show is. Don't make them in the first place you dinosaur cunts.

Also, coincidence that Rita Panahi is a Hawthorn supporter and just released a story on West Coast's drug use 10 years ago in GF week? Don't think so...

I'm watching it now but missed the intro! Any cringey highlights?

It's atrocious that they've gotten away with stuff for so long but hopefully this is the start of a turnaround (since, in spite of its reputation, I can't see it finishing any time soon). Brownless at least came off as genuinely disappointed in himself, which should be the natural, obvious reaction, but, incredibly sadly, it often isn't.

Uh oh here come transphobic jokes :/

Disgusted by Chick and Panahi, that shit ran in the Tiser today too. Love that it came with a GO HAWKS poster too. Just gonna make it sweeter when we win.
The only thing more contrived than Sam Newman's attempts at humour are his hand movements when he makes them.
The show needs a revamp in the next couple of years or nobody will be left watching. Would love to see them get rid of Garry and JB. But can't see that changing anytime soon.
Gary's so pissweak. JB I don't mind since he just plays the Zeppo role, you barely notice him. But god, they need some new personalities and writers.

Grand final parade today was a lot of fun. By accident ended up among a whole bunch of Eagles fans, so it was really weird when all the Hawks players went by to a completely muted reaction.

Also, what the fuck is up with people trying to talk this down as a public holiday? Easily one of Dandrews' best initiatives and not before time. I've hated missing the parade in the past because of work commitments. City was fucking packed too.
I mean I get the complaints. I fucking love it personally but it seems like a pretty flimsy reason for a public holiday :lol: although I said to a mate today granny day is so huge in Vic it's worth it.

Less flimsy than a public holiday for horse racing, a sport that isn't even in our top five or watched outside of that particular day! :laugh:

:up: :up:
Yeah at least the GF lasts longer than 3 minutes. It's probably a win win for everybody except smaller restaurants and things. If you love your footy you would have hung around the city yesterday. On the flip side, if you hated footy you can go for a long weekend at the beach/country ect.

Someone was telling me in Albury/Wodonga they have a four day weekend taking in NSW's public holiday Monday also.

Anyway, Carn the Eagles! (Sorry Alison)
I may have lived in this country for eighteen years (!) and picked up a whole lot of Aussie slang, but there's one term I suspect I will never acquire: referring to the grand final as the "granny". It's just weird.
I always thought that a public holiday for the Grand Final made sense given the absurdity of some of our other public holidays.

But the Grand Final parade isn't such a big deal and there isn't much else that happens the day before. It was nice to have a day off though.

There used to be a bit of talk about players possibly benefiting from a longer break between the Prelim and the GF. A Monday Grand Final and Public Holiday would give the players this longer break and at least the public holiday actually does have the GF actually being played. The problem is the nursing of hang overs and the muted celebrations the following day.

Perhaps when they move to a night grand final on a Sunday (as hideous a thought as that is), the Monday could be the Grand Final recovery public holiday.

Sent from a barge floating through the docks of Dublin
I one hundred percent endorse a switch to a night grand final. Aussie Rules has to be the last major sport left on the entire fucking planet that has its showpiece event during the day. Frankly, it looks primitive and retrograde, as if we don't have floodlights in Australia or something.

(Plus footy - and any sport - looks better with even lighting rather than a giant bloody shadow gradually creeping across the ground.)

But the Grand Final parade isn't such a big deal

Yeah, a hundred thousand people in the CBD, who cares eh?
Third beer of the day and it's not even lunchtime. What a fucking heavenly day (the heat aside).
Three. Well, closer to two and a half now.

But it's only about two hours until Bryan Adams and Ellie Goulding! :happy:
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