adam fan fic pt 20

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War Child
Dec 2, 2003
"So you came out the other end and survived it ok?" Adam enquired proudly later when Terri phoned him up to let him know what had happened.

"I guess so" Terri's laugh was a bit shaky, "I mean after I told her how it was, and thatI wasn't going to stand for her interfering, I half expected her to get up and walk out y'know.. but she sat there sipping away at the coffee, looking like a wounded animal, trying to make me feel guilty.. but it didn't work, I couldn't back down..and by the time she did decided to go I think it sunk in and she knew I meant business"

"Good" Adam replied, "Do you feel better now?"

"Oh yes, much" Terri assured him, "And I would not have been able to do it without your support"

"Anytime babe" Adam replied, "I can't wait till tomorrow then I will be on my way back to you"

There was what Adam considered a long pause at Terri's end of the line, before she responded

"Ah well, there might be a problem there"

"What do you mean?" he asked warily

"Well it seem I am going to be at the other end of Ireland the day you get back, because of my job assignment" Terri explained regretfully

"Shit" Adam swore in dismay.

"I know its a pain.. but I can't get out of it because of being away with you and the band these past few months I don't want to push my luck by asking any more favours" Terri then said.

"So when will you be getting back to Dublin?" he demanded.

"Um.. probably the following day" Terri informed him.

"Well I guess that's not too long" Adam tried to cheer himself up.

"No it isn't and we will make up for lost time" she hurriedly added.

"Still it would have nice if you had been there for me coming home" he sighed.

"Well these thing can't be helped" Terri pointed out

"Yeah I guess not" Adam replied a little disturbed, he wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but Terri didn't sound as upset about this as he did. There seem to be another long pause, which did nothing to help his sense that all was not quite right.

"I miss you" he then told her.

"Aah- I miss you too" she replied sounding a little distracted, "look um.. I gotta go now, I*ll phone you tomorrow find out how things are ok" she then said

"OK" Adam replied and before he could make any further enquiries she ubruptly hung up with a quick "Byeee" Leaving Adam frowning at his phone with concern at her strange behaviour


Adam arrived back in Dublin Later than he planned, with Terri not there to greet him.. it didn't seem worth caring about, so he had stayed behind to tie up the lose business ends from the tour and got a later palne home, it was almost midnight when he got back, and as he opened his front door was met with darkness.

He switched on the light and dumped his bag on the floor, feeling a little dejected and weary, becausedepsite his attempts all day he could not get the hold of Terri over the phone, it seemed she had switched it of, and the feeling of uneasiness was growing rapidly that she was trying to avoid him for some reason he couldnt quite fathom.

He was so lost in his miserable thoughts when he came through the door, he wasn't aware of the sound of music playing from somewhere in the house, until he opened the door of his living room where it was coming from and found his Music centre was on, and the song playing on the cd player sounded familar Marvin Gaye's sexual healing.

"What the-" he muttered as he went over and realised the repeat button on the cd player had obviously been pressed as the song ended and started again, it unnerved him a little, he knew did not leave the house with the CD player on with this song playing.. unless the cleaners he hired to take care of his house had been messing around whilist he was away.

He went over to turn the CD of, then noticed the note sitting on top of the player, he picked it up and read it..."IF YOU WANY SOME HEALING TRY YOUR BEDROOM... the mysterious and intriguing missive was in bold red lettering and unsigned.

Bemused by it all, and with the note in his hand, he decided to follow its instructions and started up the stairs towards his bedroom, it was only when he got to the top of the stairs, he suddenly wondered had some crazed stalking female fan found her way into his house and was waiting to pounce on him? As unlikely as it seemed, he was still cautious as he reached his bedroom door and opened it, not sure what to expect.

His relief and surprise was audible as he let out a small exclaimation at the sight that greeted his eyes, because There was Terri, just adorned in lacy white underwear curled up in a fetal position blissfully fast asleep on top of his bed hugging one of his shirts against her face that she had obviously pulled out of his wardrobe.

Grinning he went over to her, she looked so sweet it was almost a shame to disturb her, but she also looked incredibly sexy, that it stirred Adam's senses, as he sat gently on the bed next to her, going close to her ear

"Terri" his voice was soft, but enough to make her stir, and move, smiling dreamily "Adam" she mumbled.

Then her eyes flew open and she blinked in bewilderment "A-Adam!" she repeated as if realising he was really there

His grin widened as he watched her try and sit up a little flustered at being caught on "Did I fall sleep dammi" she exclaimed in dismay

"I expected you back earlier than this.. I wanted to surprise you.. please forgive me for lying to you over the phone about supposedly being away and it was so difficult to lie to you as well, "she babbled in a hurried explaination "But I wanted to make your homecoming special.. I remembered what you said about coming back to an empty house.. and I thought I would be here waiting for you walking through the door.. but I wasn't suppose to be asleep.. now its all ruined and I really-"

She broke of there as Adams finger rested against her lips to silence her, letting her know he got the point of what she was telling him and it was ok.

"Well you know what they say, better late than never" his tone still soft as his thumb now lightly caressing her bottom lip, the look in his eye made the anxiety leave her body to be replaced with a warm gooey feeling of love mixed with unadulterated lust that washed over her and she had to resist the attempt to bite his thumb suddenly mesmorized by his nearness.

"Well you won't be needing this" Adam stated grabbing his shirt and tossing it over his shoulder where it fell on the floor and moved closer to her, "You have the real living thing now in the flesh" he pointed out with a small throaty laugh

"Yeah I do" Terri replied with almost catlike satisfaction, happily letting herself get pulled into the open desire in Adam's eyes that mirrored her own, she found herself undoing the buttons of his shirt to get at his lovely chest

"Actually its just as well you had that little snooze" he then informed her, as he gently pushed her back on the bed

"Yeah?" she smiled at him enquringly, her hands still occupied finding it's way inside his shirt as he leaned over her

"Yeah" he replied his lips coming to rest lightly against hers as he chuckled softly "Because I am going to keep you busy tonight and every other night after this if I can help it" he promised.

"I will hold you to that" Terri replied her arms sliding around him pulling him closer and thinking to herself "Damn! suddenly life was good!

And they lived almost happily ever after and all that stuff .....blah blah blah .....THE END

OK thats that's that one done I really couldn't think of anymore to write on this storywise.. so now its up to other to keep us entertained for a while.. *pokes U2bonogirl and stargoblue and YDW* get a move on!!!!

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if anyones interested I will be updating my fan fic website this week with this Adam story and the Dream out Loud Bono one.. which might have a few added bits in it *cough cough* I will let you know when I am finished and post the link up here for those wanting to read it:)
annj said:
if anyones interested I will be updating my fan fic website this week with this Adam story and the Dream out Loud Bono one.. which might have a few added bits in it *cough cough* I will let you know when I am finished and post the link up here for those wanting to read it:)

make sure you post us a link :)

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