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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jan 19, 2001
s p o r a t i c
OK - who has done it, who likes it, why did you do it, did it work?

I have tinnutus :| which is driving me crazy (thanks Edge) and am considering acupuncture as a remedy.

Can someone expain exactly what acupuncture is?

All I know is that it involves nedles :scaredofneedles:

Acupuncture worked for me!!!!
I have acupuncture fairly regularly. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of; it doesn't hurt at all, and it really works extremely well for certain things. One of the most extraordinary experiences I had involved a sprained ankle. I knew to elevate and ice it which I did immediately, and was able to get an appointment with the acupuncturist the very next morning. I was leaving town in 2 days, would be walking a lot, and was desperate. Despite the fact that my ankle was swollen when I got to the DOM the next morning, the acupuncture worked miraculously. I've had a number of sprained ankles in my life and always ended up hopping around in a brace for weeks. With the acupuncture treatment, however, it was 98% healed by the next day, and the following day when I left for my trip it was like I had never sprained my ankle. I really couldn't believe it.

Another thing I used it for was a horrible bout of insomnia. I hadn't slept in about 5 days and was starting to really lose it. This was actually the first time I went to an acupuncturist and it happened to be a school where you could get treated by students for like $10. I slept that night for 10 hours. You could argue "Well of course you did, you were tired and the acupuncture had nothing to do with it!" Not so. As a lifelong insomniac, my pattern has never been to sleep 10 hours after a bad bout. I usually just go back to my regular 4-5 hours and I'm good to go.

Other experiences: rapid recovery from colds and sinus infections. One time I went because I was having a personal crisis and couldn't stop crying: the acupuncture soothed my emotional body so I could think clearly.

Everyone in my office goes to the same DOM and many of my colleagues swear by it for allergies (I don't have them so I can't say). Others have had fantastic results for all kinds of body aches and pains.

I go for 'maintenance' even when I don't have a specific problem.

I really don't know how it would work for tinnitus but you really have nothing to lose but a few bucks perhaps. I have a friend in NYC who swears by his DOM if you need a recommendation.

I should also say that I've had experiences where it simply didn't work. It generally doesn't work well if you're sick, for example, and don't get treated right away. But with tinnitus I really couldn't say.

Also, tinnitus can be related to TMJ. Does your jaw click or hurt when you eat? If so you might just need a jaw adjustment. A bodyworker trained in cranial sacral therapy might be the way to go. One of my dearest friends in NYC could help you there.
ouizy said:
OK - who has done it, who likes it, why did you do it, did it work?

I have tinnutus :| which is driving me crazy (thanks Edge) and am considering acupuncture as a remedy.


personally i've never done it ouizy, but i think i told you before that my dad has tinnitus and saw quite a few doctors and specialists about the condition. to my knowledge he was never recommended acupuncture. unless a knowledgable MD refers you to it i would think you'd be better of saving your money. your tinnitus isn't going to go away, barring some miracle, so you'd be better off investing in something like white noise ear pieces. my dad did this and they seemed to help him a lot. again, just going from what "experience" i've had with the whole situation.
Mr. BAW said:
As a claims investigator, I've interviewed many people who opt for acupuncture over the expected physical therapy and they swear by it.............:shrug:

Yeah right, so you claim.

Re: Re: Acupunture

Se7en said:

unless a knowledgable MD refers you to it i would think you'd be better of saving your money.

I could not disagree more. I don't know if acupuncture is an effective treatment for tinnitus or not but it's a rare and, imo, special MD trained in Western allopathic medicine who is open to, and/or knowledgeable about, alternative (holistic) treatments, which is a shame because they can work so well together.
MissVelvetDress_75 said:
^now I really have to go. I would love for my sprained ankle to heal that fast.

My acupuncturist told me that if you don't get treatment for a sprain right away it might not heal so dramatically fast the way mine did. She said it was a combination of all the right things that did it--the fact that I iced it, elevated it and got the acupuncture treatment the next day. Had I waited a few days it would still help but not as dramatically, apparently. It's the same with a cold. If you treat it as soon as you feel it coming on, you've a much better chance of nipping it.
I'm of the opinion, if Joyful is willing to recommend something, then dont hesitate. :wink:

Seriously, my ceramics teacher is another chronic migraine sufferer and she swears by the needles. She also has back pain which she gets it for as well, from a car accident years ago or something. Anyone I've ever spoken to who has it done says the same thing. I'd really love to try it. I'm also scared of needles, but these are sworn to not hurt by avoiding major nerve routes or something.
Those ancient remedies can be bloody clever, dont underestimate them!
Re: Re: Re: Acupunture

joyfulgirl said:

I could not disagree more. I don't know if acupuncture is an effective treatment for tinnitus or not but it's a rare and, imo, special MD trained in Western allopathic medicine who is open to, and/or knowledgeable about, alternative (holistic) treatments, which is a shame because they can work so well together.

I agree. However, over in England you can get acupuncture treatment on the NHS which must mean there is some evidence for the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment if they are using it alongside more conventional treatments. The thought is that the needles somehow block pain signals from reaching the brain, prevetning your perception of pain. There is also evidence that acupuncture stimulates the realse of chemicals in the brain which aid pain relief.

I don't know whether it works for tinnitus or not though so you are right to be cautious - it may be worth asking your doctor what he thinks of it as a treatment before you spend money or whatever. I would recommend finding out if there is some official acupuncture body or organisation who could recommend a qualifed acupuncturist to you also.
Acupuncture is a way of life in a lot of other countries and everyone I know who's done it says it works, so no worries!

Anyone ever tried another treatment where they place glass cups on your back filled with hot air that suctions your flesh leaving you looking like a giant octopus got ya?

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:yes: it seems to work in my opinion.
my brother, my mom, and I have done it before. for free too :D because we have a family friend that's a acupuncture... guy.
my brother sprained his ankle, my mom sprained her wrist, and I... had a cold/sinus problem.

foray said:
Anyone ever tried another treatment where they place glass cups on your back filled with hot air that suctions your flesh leaving you looking like a giant octopus got ya?


My dad did that I forget why.
They kind of prick the skin with this needleish kind of thing and when they suction it with the glass cup, it sucks out the blood. He had to do that on his back and his stomach. Yuck.
The needles are super thin (really tiny diameter) which is why it's not a painful procedure at all.

I think it's worth a shot. The worst that can happen is that it doesn't work and then you're back where you started anyway, not like any damage has been done (and it's not prohibitively expensive).

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