Acoustic Guitar Purchase Advice

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I Serve Larry's Stick
Feb 5, 2001
Rocky Mountains
I'm thinking of taking guitar lessons and want advice from the experts
about what kind of acoustic I should get. I want a nice starter guitar but I'm not opposed to spending extra on quality. Soooo...tell me the details of the guitar you'd suggest!

From Telly Time at PLEBA Mansion by our very own Mullen-Girl:

Foadzilla:*stomps and says nonstop* FOAD! FOAAAAAAAAAAAAD! FOOOOOOAAAAAAADDD! *grabs Clarity and lifts her up*

Clarity: Ohhhh, well hello there mr Foadzilla, you look mighty snarly today.

Foadzilla:*lifts eyebrow* Foad?

Clarity: Oh yeah definitely.
Well I did a great catch a couple of days ago when I bought a used Blue Ibanez Performance in my local musicshop
for only $170

I was in there about a month ago and saw this guitar so I sat down and played "Stuck" for a while and serioulsy fell in love that guitar sounded so good!

but my advice is that you ask the guys in your local musicshop what they think...cause Im not so good at acoustic guitars!

"PLEBA Mansion Bootler"

"Proud member of the U2 gender"
I'll sell you my beginner guitar, which is a Yamaha. Once I realized I was committed to learning, I then bought a 1948 Martin 00018 that a guitarist friend of mine found in a pawn shop in Nashville.

Anyway, I'm serious, clarity--I'll sell you the Yamaha. I've been looking at it recently and thinking about running an ad to sell it. It has character and was very good to me. Both the guitarist friend and my guitar teacher thought it was very good for the price and as a beginner guitar. Comes with nice case, good condition.

But you might want something brand spankin' new and better quality. If so, can't beat Martins. I like the 00018 model because they're a little bit smaller. When you go check them out, compare the 00018 with something in the D series, say a D-35:

Martin D-35:

Martin 00018:

you can see it's just a little bit more narrow--more shapely, like a woman

These babies new are in the $2,000 range. My 1948 pawn shop one was $500.

[This message has been edited by joyfulgirl (edited 02-14-2002).]
I too am a novice guitar player...started about a month ago and am working at least an hour everyday to improve my skills. anyways, i have a lot of friends who are guitarists and i've picked up a few good pointers along the way.

Buy a solid top guitar (the top of the guitar is made of one solid piece of ages better.

Steel string is the best way to go. It builds finger strength so eventually, if you move to electric guitar, your fingers will be all buff and strong

And this an employee told me at guitar center. Pick up every guitar, play it and "feel" it. The guitar chooses's like two souls that meet. Yamaha's are great to begin with, Martin's are excellent but they are very pricey, and if you can afford it, buy a nice vintage acoustic! yay


"The world is often a wicked place, when you look around, but it's also full of beauty...and beauty is the consolation prize really...and we just have to find more of it and we have to look for it in unexpected places...its not just in those fashion spreads,
that's not real beauty...There is beauty to be found in everyday things."
I agree--vintage guitars are the best!

Also, clarity, in addition to pawn shops, check out guitar shop bulletin boards and newspaper classifieds for used ones.

Good point, Sylvia, about the guitar choosing its owner. They're kind of like cats in that way.

p.s. I know nothing about guitars, really--everything I've posted here is the sum total of my guitar knowledge!

[This message has been edited by joyfulgirl (edited 02-14-2002).]
Mm, my guitar is a Dixon but I know a whole lotta nothing about guitars.. my grandpa bought it for my mom when she was sixteen, who then gave it to Dad when they got divorced, who gave it to me around Christmas when I "accidently" mentioned I wanted to learn. Yeah, I knew he had more 'n one of them things! My mom kept telling me it was a bad one to learn on cos "you can't play bar chords because it's an acoustic AND the frets are worn down so it's really hard."
I just sorta ignored her.
Hmm, that was entirely rambling and not helpful to your search for a guitar!
I don't know much about guitars, but my mom plays acoustic and she says Martins are superb. (She's very envious of the guitar Bono has with the rose on it!)
I have a Stella Harmony guitar that was my's about 60 or 70 years old and it's really kewl and I started playing it when I was 12 but I stopped and I so regreted I think i'm going to join Clarity and start to learn again how to play
I promised my grandfather I would learn to play an instrument, my whole family is musical so I have to keep the promise

THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

Author of PLEBA Mansion Daily.

"I hit things for a living. I hit things and people clap!" --Larry


Larry: Get me off this fookin booooooooos!

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