ABC NEWS: Bono injured in rehearsal, undergoes emergency back surgery

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OR "Maybe they should take out 80% of his spine to make room for his ego!"
Which BTW I find completely tasteless. I don't think it'S time or place for anyone to make jokes like that. People can love him or hate him - and there are many who hate him - but I think posting comments like these is simply :down:

lighten up a little please. i know we're all concerned but every time a celebrity gets injured or dies there are always a wealth of jokes. this is not any different.
Does this mean we might see Silver And Gold being played, when the tour resumes?
Broken back to the ceiling
broken nose to the floor
For some it isn't. It can give you hope and strength in difficult times.
Show some respect for people who are really worried, please.

Hey last unicorn. I do respect people who are really worried. Actually, I am really worried too. And I also do respect people who believe in God and pray. But I think (that's my own opinion), it's a waste of time. I have the right to think in thay way, don't I? I don't know why people can be so sensitive for this subject. But maybe I should have added 'For me,' to my sentence:

" I am definately not going to pray. For me, that's a waste of time.
But I really do hope he will get better soon!! "
I don't think they flew him in from the US, more like from France where he spent the last week. He has been seen in Munich before, last time a day after his birthday on Munich airport, obviously in pain and not able to walk properly. So he has a history of going to Munich for treatment of his back. He's in good hands there.

Wasn't he in Seattle a few days ago?
Praying has nothing to do with belief in the bible or a certain religion. I'm not a religious person either but I respect other peoples' beliefs and know about the power of prayer.

And no, I wasn't saying only people who pray are worried for Bono. Praying is just ONE way to deal with it and it works for a lot of people. It's the power of positive thought, something that is really needed on this forum here sometimes.

Research indicates praying for an individual who is aware of your actions can drastically lower moral and recovery rates. Praying is also a contradiction for those that believe in the whole 'god-free will' spiel.
A Fan, but I am not buying this

neuro surgeon? this means he injured his spine... emergency spine surgeries aren't a good thing...

I hate for this to be my first post, but this is bugging me ( as Bono would say)

As someone who knows, Professionally, about this subject, there is something wrong with this scenario.

There is no such thing as " Emergency Back Surgery" except in one instance, or technically 2.

The ONLY time someone has "Emergency" back surgery is when they have lost control of their bowls or bladder. Allowing for an Irish person ( Paul M) making that statement, and some cultural difference in the fact that many Irish or Brittish will say any surgery is an Emergency as a matter of speech , it still doesn't sound right .

I saw the Ga show. I saw Bono in Miami a few weeks before. He was not walking well then. I thought compared to other times going back to 83 I have seen him, he was remarkably Static, meaning he wasn't moving like he used to . I even said to someone, he is either way out of shape for a tour, or something was wrong .

I saw the Tampa show , same thing. I thought it was the worst show ( besides the lights, stage etc) I have ever seen, even more so than the Ga show. Just way way off. The rest of the band was spot on, but Bono was off.

So, whatever it is, just seeing not move, and walking in Miami, I would say by observation , he has had some problem for some time . It didn't happen last week, unless he agrevated something, but then, it wouldn't be "emergency surgery" but one he couldn't put off any more. The above 2 reasons are the only circumstance where someone would have emergency surgery of the spine.

I hope he is well, but again, Seeing him in several place before and during the tour, it was clear something was not right.
Bono has had back problems for many years. I hope it will be a speedy recovery but usually a slipped disk could take months to recover from. Here is to hoping for 100 percent health again.
I can see the threads/discussions bono's voice pre/post pop....bonos voice pre/post back injury :doh:

I have tix to Giants Stadium, front area...please be well for that Bono...good luck to u

What is the front area? 360 . The stage turns and turns
Wasn't he in Seattle a few days ago?

One of the U2 planes was at Boeing Field, but there were no actual reports of him being here at that Microsoft CEO summit or whatever it was called. They must have just loaned out the plane to someone.
Hey last unicorn. I do respect people who are really worried. Actually, I am really worried too. And I also do respect people who believe in God and pray. But I think (that's my own opinion), it's a waste of time. I have the right to think in thay way, don't I? I don't know why people can be so sensitive for this subject. But maybe I should have added 'For me,' to my sentence:

" I am definately not going to pray. For me, that's a waste of time.
But I really do hope he will get better soon!! "

It's ok, I'm sorry :)

Wasn't he in Seattle a few days ago?

There wasn't any confirmation, it was just a rumour. Last time he was seen in Cannes.

I saw the Ga show. I saw Bono in Miami a few weeks before. He was not walking well then. I thought compared to other times going back to 83 I have seen him, he was remarkably Static, meaning he wasn't moving like he used to . I even said to someone, he is either way out of shape for a tour, or something was wrong .

I saw the Tampa show , same thing. I thought it was the worst show ( besides the lights, stage etc) I have ever seen, even more so than the Ga show. Just way way off. The rest of the band was spot on, but Bono was off.

So, whatever it is, just seeing not move, and walking in Miami, I would say by observation , he has had some problem for some time . It didn't happen last week, unless he agrevated something, but then, it wouldn't be "emergency surgery" but one he couldn't put off any more. The above 2 reasons are the only circumstance where someone would have emergency surgery of the spine.

I hope he is well, but again, Seeing him in several place before and during the tour, it was clear something was not right.

As pointed out by other ones here, Bono has had these problems for years. He had a slipped disk during the Vertigo tour and was treated by the same doc, got injections to be able to perform. He had problems years before the Vertigo tour, not being able to appear at events due to severe back pain. Also, it was said, he had to lie down while recording parts of "Bomb" because of his back troubles. And he said in several interviews that he had a bad back.

A bad back is not something you suddenly get over night and then it goes away again. It gets better and worse, depending on certain circomstances. When you're under stress and having a lot of physical stuff to handle (like touring, performing every second or third night, jetting around the world, not enough sleep etc.), it almost certainly gets worse. I know people my age (mid 30s) who have slipped disks due to several reasons and they have problems walking because their legs give in, or they can't sit down or stand. Moving around makes it better. My dad has suffered from a bad back condition for many years. He didn't have surgery, but physio-therapy and it's best for him when he's moving. He's even doing sports, but it has to be the right training. He has had a bad phase for about half a year now with severe pain in his leg, but physiotherapy made it better and he's improving now. It just comes and goes.

You become scared to move because it might lead to new pain. That's why Bono might have looked stiff and couldn't walk properly. You could also clearly witness this during certain phases of the Vertigo tour.

However, I didn't see anything like that at the 360 shows I went to, but it could very well be that he was better during the start of the tour and got worse later on. He's only human after all and there's also so and so much a body can take.
Hi LU.

I know exactly what your dad went through. Same problem for me due to a sports injury. Ended my Martial Arts training. But, you are right. Walking/swimming is the best thing I can for my back and bulging disc. I didn't have any surgery. Was terrified to do so. Time, rest, physical therapy, luckily helped my situation. I still have to be careful, though. No heavy lifting, sudden twisting, or high heel shoes. ( I am a woman)

Back surgery is always a last resort. Bono has had increasing problems with his back for many years now. It doesn't seem that he had any other choice. I wish him all of my best wishes and prayers too. I understand what he is going through. As, I am sure that every poster here like me with back problems, Sciatica, etc. can relate.

Take good care of yourself, Bono. We'll all be here, when you are better. :hug:
I hate for this to be my first post, but this is bugging me ( as Bono would say)

As someone who knows, Professionally, about this subject, there is something wrong with this scenario.

There is no such thing as " Emergency Back Surgery" except in one instance, or technically 2.

The ONLY time someone has "Emergency" back surgery is when they have lost control of their bowls or bladder. Allowing for an Irish person ( Paul M) making that statement, and some cultural difference in the fact that many Irish or Brittish will say any surgery is an Emergency as a matter of speech , it still doesn't sound right .

Benji, perhaps what you're saying is correct from a professional point of view, but I think that we, profans, talk about an emergency surgery when it is not schedulled, in that sense I had an emergency back surgery some years ago, I'd had a slipped disk for some time and I was sorting it out with physiotherapy, but one day after a quick movement I don't even remember, it rotated and I collapsed in violent and great pain, I couldn't move so I was carried to hospital and they decided to operate immediately and not risk further damage. I don't know about Bono's problem, but I hope it is this kind of scenario and no the one you're talking about.

Anyway, I'd like to wish Bono a total recovery and tell him not to worry about the tour, I've got several tickets and I'll be ready for the concerts whenever he feels OK, I want him healthy and happy, I can wait.
To make matters worse Paul McGuiness has stated that they were going to be playing some new material. :depressed:

Get well soon Bono.
I am definately not going to pray. That's a waste of time.
But I really do hope he will get better soon!!

That's cool. That's why I said pray/ send positive vibes.
I respect whatever you's none of my business.:hug:

Praying and meditation works for me. For those who meditate/pray ( praying is talking to God, meditation is listening to God) let's all focus on Bono's healing, and recovery. Picture him running around and as hyper as ever. It works! When more people do this, the more powerful it is. Whatever you focus on expands....that can be good or that can be bad. Just remember that.

Thanks Comet for pointing out what I said. :wave:
It's ok, I'm sorry :)

There wasn't any confirmation, it was just a rumour. Last time he was seen in Cannes.

As pointed out by other ones here, Bono has had these problems for years. He had a slipped disk during the Vertigo tour and was treated by the same doc, got injections to be able to perform. He had problems years before the Vertigo tour, not being able to appear at events due to severe back pain. Also, it was said, he had to lie down while recording parts of "Bomb" because of his back troubles. And he said in several interviews that he had a bad back.

A bad back is not something you suddenly get over night and then it goes away again. It gets better and worse, depending on certain circomstances. When you're under stress and having a lot of physical stuff to handle (like touring, performing every second or third night, jetting around the world, not enough sleep etc.), it almost certainly gets worse. I know people my age (mid 30s) who have slipped disks due to several reasons and they have problems walking because their legs give in, or they can't sit down or stand. Moving around makes it better. My dad has suffered from a bad back condition for many years. He didn't have surgery, but physio-therapy and it's best for him when he's moving. He's even doing sports, but it has to be the right training. He has had a bad phase for about half a year now with severe pain in his leg, but physiotherapy made it better and he's improving now. It just comes and goes.

You become scared to move because it might lead to new pain. That's why Bono might have looked stiff and couldn't walk properly. You could also clearly witness this during certain phases of the Vertigo tour.

However, I didn't see anything like that at the 360 shows I went to, but it could very well be that he was better during the start of the tour and got worse later on. He's only human after all and there's also so and so much a body can take.

He was planted on the stage. It was obvious at both shows , just planted . I wasn't at all impressed by his performance, and it was something widely discussed in the Audiences .

Also, when he was in Miami, it was also very obvious. He gained quite of bit of weight . Quite a bit ! He was not in shape for a tour of this magnitude. Sounds like he realized that, and this would be a good point to do it. The shows can be rescheduled .

But yes, your point was mine. There are 2 instances of Emergency Back Surgery. Loss of control of bowels and bladder.

It was not a "training accident' he probably just could take the pain any more. There is for a time when you do everything possible to not have surgery ( the last thing anyone should do ) PT, good PT being the first thing to try . Then there is a time you elect to try a surgical method. Back pain, especially lower back pain is one of the worst things someone could go through. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not , but the pain level gets to the point you want to try something new. A good Surgeon can probably help him . I know of the Drs involved. They are good. It is better to do this now, rather than in the progression of his age. Better ecovert at 50 than 55 or 60.

I am not at all discounting him. It would make sense to do it at this point, as over the break, he probably understood how bad it was affecting him, so this again is a good place to do it. PT obviously failed to help.

My point was the "Emergency". At this point inlong term, lower back or C-spine problems with pain, at his age it is a good time to try to diminish some of the pain, if not all of it for a while by surgical method. . The last thing he wants, or the band wants is pain, and to not to perform to his standards. I would bet came to the choice to do it now. I would be certain that more shows than the one that is canceled . If it were just a herniated disk(1) it would be a minimum of 6-8 weeks. Last thing he would want to do is re-herniate it.

I am glad he is seeking a chance at relief . Besides releving his pain , I have tickets for Miami and I was seriously debating making the show. The other 2 were that bad. Lots of very extensive pauses, and segments of him just talking by himself. You could see Edge and all saw and knew that he was going thru something . It was that Obvious . Going any further would have tarnished the band. The break is a natural place to stop and deal with the issue.

Tough time as he has other issues such as financial that would have been helped by the tour. Great singer/writer, person who cares about people, but well known for being the worst investor in the world. He has made, many, seriously bad investments over the last few years. He should let Warren mange his finances . Bill and Warren would bail him out though...Seriously, that is another issue he has to face.

I wish him the best, and hope that Miami is the return of the Bono.. the great entertainer he is. I am a little spoiled by the Slane Castle show. Nothing will ever beat that . But these 2 were plain bad. Now we know why.
Well, as I said I didn't experience anything like you are describing at any of the European shows I saw, maybe he was just in bad condition when you saw him. Can be, everyone has a bad day now and then, especially if physical pain is involved. Bono was very dynamic and moving a lot during the shows I saw. And yes he had gained weight, but he has never been slim. In 2006, when they finally played the originally cancelled dates in Australia and NZ he admitted to having gained weight because of his back problems. It was hard for him to work out back then. With the right physical therapy and the right training it should make it easier for him to stay fit and not strain his back too much.
I saw the Tampa show , same thing. I thought it was the worst show ( besides the lights, stage etc) I have ever seen, even more so than the Ga show. Just way way off. The rest of the band was spot on, but Bono was off.

I went to the Tampa show as well and thought it was one of the best shows :shrug: :lol:

Oh well, good example that people can have very different views of the same event.
With the right physical therapy and the right training it should make it easier for him to stay fit and not strain his back too much.

"We can rebuild him!" :lol:

I was actually thinking something similar. By taking care of this, if he then takes care of himself properly for a while postop and with physical therapy, he might end up in better shape than he's been in in a while-----if all is done well!
If this is true about his back surgery then you can kiss all tour dates this year goodbye! I have known people in my life with different back complaints and not one of them were up and running in weeks! this is gonna take a few months to recover from! better for him to heal rather then do stuff too early that will aggravate what he was recovering from!
I guess it was the wheelmic. Hanging from that mic isn't the best thing you can do with a back that's already damaged. Plus he's ackward! He almost fell of stage a couple of times when he was playing with that mic last year. Maybe that's what happened to him, sweaty hands and all.
I guess it was the wheelmic. Hanging from that mic isn't the best thing you can do with a back that's already damaged. Plus he's ackward! He almost fell of stage a couple of times when he was playing with that mic last year. Maybe that's what happened to him, sweaty hands and all.

Wheelmic needs extra grips!
I feel really guilty - I couldn't make any of the west coast shows due to a scheduled vacation - if they are postponed then I have a chance - I know that sounds terrible and selfish - get well soon Bman - just not too soon.
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