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Originally posted by CatDubh:

His kladdagh is "in", tho. There's definitely a Suzie!!
Go Adam!!!!

About the ring, it is not a wedding band, though he has stated he has a "girlfriend", he has worn this ring since Popmart, it is a gold band with a black stone on it.

For a better view you might want to look at the tour program, the red background solo shot of him with his hands on his hips, you can see the ring on that pic. You can see it is the same ring, just twisted around his finger abit!
Wishful thinking on my part, maybe, but IMO it is not a wedding band.

BTW...great pics Cat!!! The 21st century man looks HOT!!!

"Bass players attract the weirdest fans..." --Edge

If you want to kiss the sky..Better learn how to kneel..(on your knees boy!)

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

Originally posted by sparkys girl:
About the ring, it is not a wedding band, though he has stated he has a "girlfriend", he has worn this ring since Popmart, it is a gold band with a black stone on it.

For a better view you might want to look at the tour program, the red background solo shot of him with his hands on his hips, you can see the ring on that pic. You can see it is the same ring, just twisted around his finger abit!
Wishful thinking on my part, maybe, but IMO it is not a wedding band.

BTW...great pics Cat!!! The 21st century man looks HOT!!!

First of all, thanks everyone! I'm glad u gals liked the pics.

I always thought that the ring he's been wearing is a so-called "Kladdagh" ring (a crown, a heart and two hands),
a celtic, traditional wedding band, tho it doesn't really mean anything nowadays.
I had one too... I lost it a year ago.
If it's pointing "in" towards your heart, that means you're taken
and if it's "out" you're single.
Pls correct me if I'm wrong

"A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes." - Adam
"I believe in love, love and money! I believe in poetry, electricity, cheap cosmetics. I believe in the sky over my head, and the silver shoes beneath my feet. I have a vision! I have a vision! Television!" - The Mirrorball Man
"My real name is Johnny Carson, but I just didn't think that would get me on the show." - Edge in 1981
"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." - Larry

its very 'Im-here-and-may-be-quite-tired-but-if-I-stick-a-feg-in-me-gob-I-can-look-quite-sexy-while-signing' - Madie on one of the pics of Sparky

[This message has been edited by CatDubh (edited 09-06-2001).]

Okay, I've done some research on the subject of the claddagh rings, (they are beautiful)here is a pic of one (for gents).
They are just as you described Cat, but Adam's still looks different to me, his has a black stone on it, it is just a gold band with the stone.

If anyone has a pic where we can get a better view of the ring....a couple of us curious ladies would love to see it.

"Bass players attract the weirdest fans..." --Edge

If you want to kiss the sky..Better learn how to kneel..(on your knees boy!)

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

Originally posted by CatDubh:

Check out that REACH!
Yeesh. LOL

*squints at her own sparky photos*

I dunno you guys, it just looks like a ring with a black or green stone. Something really simple.

I find it amusing that this has turned into a Sparky post though... and the analysis of his accessories.
yeah, it may seem kind of trivial, but we love talking about anything sparky, and the whole ring thing came up! so we just started looking at his rings and those strong, sexy, masculine hands!!! *maria starts panting* okay, i gotta talk about something else...
i agree with you jtree, i think it is also a simple ring with a stone on it!

"Bass players attract the weirdest fans..." --Edge

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

Originally posted by Missthefly:
I love the Claddagh ring! It's story is so romantic!!! My dream is to meet an irish man (like Bono) who gives it to me!!!
lol! me too!!!!!!!! anything he gives me would be fine! a ring a brick a toaster oven a piece of pocket lint...

"Thanks for letting us rub up against you!" ~Bono~

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