48 Hours til CA Recall: Just give last minute opinions, no mud-slinging or debate.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 13, 2001
Yep... And this year is the first time I chose to vote. :/

This is my personal opinion
I hope Arnold doesn't win... I was leaning for Huffington for a while. Not because of her anti-Arnold stance, but more because her values seemed a bit closer to mine from the little research I've done.

My reasons against Arnold: :uhoh:
1. Arnold is all talk. He makes big promises but no detailed plans; he avoids a lot of debates. (In fact, I think I only saw him in one on NBCTV with other candidates.)

2. Arnold's compromising stance with Republican ambitions and Democratic-liberal values (and not to mention the contributions) is shady. It's like an unholy alliance dating back to the Founding Fathers, where Deists and "Christians" decided to make the image of America a "Christian nation"... And look where it got us, controversy concerning separation of state and church.

and 3. (Purely subjective observation) Arnold comes off as a meglomaniac. I'll cite three memories of seeing his TV interviews in the past:

a. Upon release of Batman and Robin, Arnold was on Jay Leno promoting the movie. And he tells Jay that he wasn't interested in Oscar-worthy films, but he likes to make movies that make audiences waiting in line extending blocks around the city, days before the movie starts... Does anyone remember the disappointment of Batman and Robin?
b. During the speculation before his formal announcement regarding candidacy, some NBC nightly program (nightly news or dateline?) did a profile where Arnold was talking about how he was fascinated with power and always craved for it. (which brings us to the "C")
c. The Nazi buzz

Okay, so I know I may not have the all the facts to back me up... But in my dentedemented idiotic savant mind, I know what my gut tells me.

I think for anyone who would rather have anyone else other than Arnold to win, I think the best strategy for all Californians is:

No on recall
And then choose whomever they want for governor.

because the Recall measure is a lot easier to win, than trying to beat Arnold with all the factors that involve 135 candidates.

And no, I don't align myself with neither Rep or Dem.


That's my 2cents worthless FYM post.
California essentially has three choices: Davis, Bustamante and Arnold.

Currently, there is no fiscal accountability in Sacramento. Davis is recklessly passing laws to buy last minute votes (on top of the last minute personal attacks on Arnold).

Bustamante will only increase taxes on an already overburdened populous.

Arnold, while not an ideal candidate by any means, will not continue the pay for play politics that currently infects Sacramento.

The tax and spend experiment should end with a recall and vote for Arnold.
Arnold's past doesn't offend me in the least. He's a man who flirted shamelessly with women, who is turn didn't press charges and probably loved the attention. Every single account of his sexual harassment charges seem like overblown instances of flirting in which both parties consented. How is that wrong. Additionally, I heard his comments about Hitler, and they don't prove anything close to the accusations that he's a sympathizer. That negative, slander is pissing me off!

Putting that aside, I don't think Arnold should win. He doesn't have any inkling as to how to change matters in Cali-eee-forn-yaa. Arianna Huffington or the Green Party candidate Peter Camejo were the best people for the job. They had specific plans for change, but nobody listened. That also pissing me off! There were actual people running who would have made a difference and people ignored them for the one-liners and familiar face of a horrible actor. It happened once with Reagan, but twice? Is humanity truly this stupid?

Lastly, my prediction is that Arnold will win if the recall passes. They're saying only 40% support the recall, which is probably better than getting Ahnuld for less than a year of office. If Ahnuld does win, nothing will change. Does anyone really believe this wannabe politician will realistically change anything? If millions of people support the recall of Davis, why aren't they supporting a person who is truly an outsider (Huffington, Camejo) instead of this Bustamante, McClintok, Swarzenegger congomeration of political traditionalism? It baffles the mind.
I've been wondering why we didn't have a thread like this earlier.

I agree with Soulfulmofo. I'd much rather have Davis than Arnold. I don't think Davis was the best governer, but I don't think he was the worst either.

I will vote no on the recall and choose bustamante.

What do you all think about Prop. 54? I personally am going to vote no on it.
No on 54 definitely.

53, I have no economic background to decide for that one.
yeah I'm not really sure on that one either. I agree that california's infrastructure needs to be worked on A LOT, but I don't know that it's the best idea to lock ourselves into a set amount that can't be changed no matter what kind of economic problems we're going through. I might not be right about this, but I think that the facts I have in there are right (though your opinion on whether this is a good idea may vary ;) )
Years ago, the California would spend approximately 20% of its budget on infrastructure. Now it is less than 1%. Prop 53 raises that to a whopping 3%.

It makes me wonder where all the money is being spent.....
I found in interesting that support on Prop 54 is higher among minorities than it is with caucasians.

So much for a colorblind society.....

what are the stats 54?

I think 53 requires 3% only in good times, so it does not have any teeth.

I have my predictions for the election.

Do you have one?
- I understand the Democrats plan to challenge the results only if they "lose"..
--In other words if they win there will be no challenge.
julles said:
- I understand the Democrats plan to challenge the results only if they "lose"..
--In other words if they win there will be no challenge.

Would you expect the Democrats to challenge a victory?

-In the name of Democracy I hope that all participants would be after accurate results regardless of the winner.
In a general election Los Angeles county has something like 5000 polling places.

In this election there will be only 1800.

If people have to drive or take buses to the other side of town to vote and there are lines going around the block a challange might seem legit. If people are turned away from polling places that are registered to vote, a challenge would seem legit.

If the recall loses or Bustamonte wins a close votes the GOP will charge irregularities.

I hope for a smooth election with the margin of victory fer exceeding the margin of any errors.

My predictions:

Davis recalled at about 55-57%

Arnold wins by 9-11%

54 loses

53 will pass
I'll just be happy when it's all over and I'm no longer subjected to nightly phone calls urging me to vote for this or that. In the past few days I've gotten calls with messages from: Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, a representative of the United Farm Workers, Martin Sheen and Edward James Olmos (twice). It's almost enough to make me want to vote for Arnold. :wink:
Well, it's over. The end of my own thread.

All I remember is I saw a really bad movie. :|

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