2nd Favorite Band?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 11, 2004
I don't think any band comes close to how U2 makes me feel. I like Bruce, I love a lot of his songs, think he's amazing performer, but I don't leave the show walking on air.

Actually I saw The Police on their last tour on a whim and was blown away how many great songs they have and how great they sounded live... but that's not my favorite band, just a great show.

The closest thing for me is no joke HAMILTON the musical. I saw that and haven't stopped thinking about it for one day since. the music is amazing. It might be the best piece of live creative expression I've ever seen. It was a rock show. It was amazing.

I was just thinking if other bands give me chills. Certain songs sure. Certain times in my life. But to actually watch a 3 hour concert and feel it again....

I got tickets to Pearl Jam and I haven't seen them in a crazy long time... shit it might be 20 years now for some reason.

This is a lot of babble to say what else music wise makes you feel the way you do about U2.
Pearl Jam is easily my 2nd favorite band. I have every studio album. Every compilation album. A number of their "bootleg" albums. Every show I've seen, I have enjoyed thoroughly. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to see them live since 2010. They always seem to catch me when I'm tight on funds even though their ticket prices are pretty reasonable.
PJ is almost a no-brainer but several others could easily fit that bill.

Though i want to go ahead and throw this out there just in case; if anyone says "Coldplay" you will be banned forever.
The Airborne Toxic Event and U2 share #1. The next level is followed by The Killers, Coldplay, and blink-182. All three of those bands have sort of disgraced themselves in the recent years though, so I guess it's The Killers' spot to take, pending they don't fuck it up again.
U2 aren't even in my top five bands, so there's that.

Probably something like this:

1. Alcest, who make the music I hear in my head but am far too untalented to record
2. Pure Reason Revolution
3. Porcupine Tree
4. Crowded House
5. The Chills
6. Agalloch

Then probably U2.
The yardstick I use which songs may not agree with is how many albums I own of theirs. U2 wins hands down. Depeche mode is second with six. Third is the killers and forth is a multi way third eye blind, goo goo dolls and smash mouth all have three albums.

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U2 will always be my first love, we may not date that much anymore but you're first love is you first love.

My second seems to be in constant flux between James, Ryan Adams, PJ and REM

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The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
Big Star
Neil Young
Pink Floyd
David Bowie
Steely Dan
So do these other bands make you feel the same way as U2? Because no other band makes me feel that way. Plenty of other songs/music/artists I enjoy... individual songs... but it's this special feeling of your favorite band playing live that is one of a kind for me in my heart.
PJ is almost a no-brainer but several others could easily fit that bill.

Though i want to go ahead and throw this out there just in case; if anyone says "Coldplay" you will be banned forever.

Thinking about Coldplay getting shit on for no real reason (besides funny) actually got me thinking of this thread... I was watching U2 halftime show and felt the way I did then, now... which is amazing...

Coldplay I always said was really rainy not as good U2... but they have some okay songs. I think the band are gentle human beings and seem to understand a lot of people hate them. But man, that is someone's favorite band. Someone's U2.

Anyway -- I hate it when a band is just an easy Target...

I don't like Beyonce, but I know plenty of people do. to each his own right.

You might be surprised to learn people don't like U2 including people on this board.
So do these other bands make you feel the same way as U2? Because no other band makes me feel that way. Plenty of other songs/music/artists I enjoy... individual songs... but it's this special feeling of your favorite band playing live that is one of a kind for me in my heart.

My first favorite band was Van Halen in the early 1980's. To me, there was no sweeter sound than Eddie Van Halen's guitar. I was a big fan throughout the decade, but I became a bona fide U2 fan in 1987. I still loved VH when Sammy took over, but by 1991, U2 had replaced VH as my favorite band. Then, in early 1992, I became a fan of Pearl Jam, so Van Halen slid even further down the list of my favorite artists. My third favorite band are The Beatles. I really got into them in my college years.
My all-time second favorite slot belongs to REM. In the 90s, the top spot alternated between U2 and REM, depending on which had an album/tour cycle going on. REM has been permanently moved to the #2 slot.

Current second favorite band (i.e., actively making music)? Elbow.
I don't listen to much U2 and REM anymore, but they're still my top 2. The Killers were actually my first favorite band. I wore Hot Fuss, Sam's Town, and Day&Age to death. I hadn't gotten into music at all before listening to them.
Didn't really get into U2 until I started college. My dad had been a fan since "Boy", (heck, he met them in 1981) so I was always interested. "The Fly" got me hooked on U2 and "Star Me Kitten" got me hooked on REM (weird song to get hooked on, eh?).

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