2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign Discussion Thread-Part 11

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I've had several people tell me that I have a lawsuit if I want it, but I think frivolous lawsuits do more harm than good and seeing as how I will be quitting next week anyway (not related) I'm not going to bother even saying anything.

Ah. Well, here, it wouldn't necessarily result in a lawsuit, but there are regulatory bodies you can report things like that to, where they would reprimand the employer, and maybe fine him.

Good that you're getting out of that environment. :up:
I've had several people tell me that I have a lawsuit if I want it, but I think frivolous lawsuits do more harm than good and seeing as how I will be quitting next week anyway (not related) I'm not going to bother even saying anything.

You have more self-control than I. If I saw my boss or anyone I know with that disgraceful piece of shit displayed anywhere I could see it, I would probably punch them in the face.
Nice to see McCain is inspiring his supporters to lie as well.

When are we gonna see the first picture of this dumbass Backwards "B" girl with the words EPIC FAIL plastered over the top of it?
When are we gonna see the first picture of this dumbass Backwards "B" girl with the words EPIC FAIL plastered over the top of it?

Ask and ye shall receive.

I'm taking bets on how long it will be until McCain/Palin come out and spin/condemn/make excuses/desperately lie and point fingers at the media and/or Obama about this incident. Anyone?:wink:
In other news....

Reagan Appointee and (Recent) McCain Adviser Charles Fried Supports Obama - The Plank

Reagan Appointee and (Recent) McCain Adviser Charles Fried Supports Obama

Charles Fried, a professor at Harvard Law School, has long been one of the most important conservative thinkers in the United States. Under President Reagan, he served, with great distinction, as Solicitor General of the United States. Since then, he has been prominently associated with several Republican leaders and candidates, most recently John McCain, for whom he expressed his enthusiastic support in January.

This week, Fried announced that he has voted for Obama-Biden by absentee ballot. In his letter to Trevor Potter, the General Counsel to the McCain-Palin campaign, he asked that his name be removed from the several campaign-related committees on which he serves. In that letter, he said that chief among the reasons for his decision "is the choice of Sarah Palin at a time of deep national crisis."

Fried is exceptionally thoughtful and principled; his vote for Obama is especially noteworthy.

--Cass. R. Sunstein

UPDATE: Fried writes to TNR: I admire Senator McCain and was glad to help in his campaign, and to be listed as doing so; but when I concluded that I must vote for Obama for the reason stated in my letter, I felt it wrong to appear to be recommending to others a vote that I was not prepared to cast myself. So it was more of an erasure than a public affirmation--although obviously my vote meant that I thought that Obama was preferable to McCain-Palin. I do not consider abstention a proper option.
I'm taking bets on how long it will be until McCain/Palin come out and spin/condemn/make excuses/desperately lie and point fingers at the media and/or Obama about this incident. Anyone?:wink:

Not long.

Police: Woman With 'B' Scratched In Face Faked Political Attack - Pittsburgh News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh

"Todd, of College Station, Texas, admitted there was no robbery or attacker and said she had prior mental health problems, according to Bryant."

Not a surprise here. Mental institutions are more cushy than prison.

"The McCain campaign is aware of the incident involving one of its volunteers. Out of respect, the campaign won't be commenting. The campaign also confirms that Senator McCain and Governor Palin have both spoken to the woman," the McCain-Palin statement said."

They are probably afraid if they make a comment they are going to have special needs protestors complaining that they are attacking a mentally ill person.
McCain's mcmaking me mcangry these mcdays.

Former Governor William Weld of Massachusetts is the latest Republican to cross over and support Democrat Barack Obama for president.

Weld held a press conference in Salem, N.H. to announce his endorsement. While Massachusetts is a slam dunk for Obama, neighboring New Hampshire is a competitive state.

Weld told the Associated Press that while he has never endorsed a Democrat for president before, his choice in recent weeks became "close to a no-brainer."

"It's not often you get a guy with his combination of qualities, chief among which I would say is the deep sense of calm he displays, and I think that's a product of his equally deep intelligence," he said.

Weld said his decision was not based on McCain's weaknesses. "John McCain is a very good guy," he said. "I do think the Republican Party has been playing on an increasingly small field in the last couple of elections."

In an earlier statement, Weld said, "Senator Obama is a once-in-a-lifetime candidate who will transform our politics and restore America's standing in the world. We need a president who will lead based on our common values and Senator Obama demonstrates an ability to unite and inspire. Throughout this campaign I've watched his steady leadership through trying times and I'm confident he is the best candidate to move our country forward."

Weld supported former Bay State Governor Mitt Romney during the Republican primaries.

UPDATE: This afternoon, the McCain campaign issued a statement from two other former Republican governors of Massachusetts, Paul Cellucci and Jane Swift.

“John McCain stands head and shoulders above Barack Obama on the critical issues facing our country," they said. "McCain alone has the experience and judgment to jumpstart our economy, create good jobs and keep America safe in a dangerous world. As no less than Joe Biden has said, Barack Obama is not ready to lead. Bill Weld is entitled to his opinion, but we respectfully and strongly disagree.”

Weld joins former Governor Arne Carlson of Minnesota, who announced his backing for Obama on Thursday.

In the Rasmussen Reports national tracking poll, which combines three days of surveying, Obama's support among Republicans is now higher than John McCain's among Democrats. Obama is backed by 12 percent of Republicans while McCain, whose political persona is all about being the maverick with bipartisan appeal, is backed by 10 percent of Democrats.

But with an increasing number of Republicans jumping ship, conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer issued a strongly-worded rejoinder in an op-ed piece in today's Washington Post.

"Contrarian that I am, I'm voting for John McCain," he wrote. "I'm not talking about bucking the polls or the media consensus that it's over before it's over. I'm talking about bucking the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama before they're left out in the cold without a single state dinner for the next four years.

"I stand athwart the rush of conservative ship-jumpers of every stripe -- neo (Ken Adelman), moderate (Colin Powell), genetic/ironic (Christopher Buckley) and socialist/atheist (Christopher Hitchens) -- yelling "Stop!" I shall have no part of this motley crew. I will go down with the McCain ship. I'd rather lose an election than lose my bearings."
More violent minded crazy people related to the election:

Former Newsweek Reporter Admits Dreaming About Taking Out Giuliani - FOXNews.com Elections

"I quickly realized Rudy was a maniac. I had a recurring fantasy in which I took him out during a press conference (it was nonlethal, just something that put him out of commission for a year or so), saving America from the horror of a President Giuliani. If that sounds like I had some trouble being 'objective,' I did. Objectivity is a fallacy," he said.

Hastings said he wasn't the only reporter who despised Giuliani, although he frequently tried to appear sympathetic to his campaign staff so he could get information from them.

We made fun of his divorces and his wives, that he’d married a second cousin, that he surrounded himself with corrupt cronies, that he had a piss-poor relationship with his children, etc. We talked about his megalomania and his cynical exploitation of September 11.," Hastings wrote.

"I stand athwart the rush of conservative ship-jumpers of every stripe -- neo (Ken Adelman), moderate (Colin Powell), genetic/ironic (Christopher Buckley) and socialist/atheist (Christopher Hitchens) -- yelling "Stop!" I shall have no part of this motley crew. I will go down with the McCain ship. I'd rather lose an election than lose my bearings."

At least somebody has some spine.
But....but.... diamond said he was 89-90% sure this story was legit.
... :(


Here's what I what I said in response to BVS, who said:

Originally Posted by BonoVoxSupastar
I hope the woman is OK, but the story smells odd to me. She claims the robber got mad after seeing a McCain bumper sticker and that's when he started to beat her, and then carved a 'B' on her face. But then she refused medical treatment... weird.

My response:

I kinda feel the same way-but I can't believe this to be a Twana Brawley type made up story.

I mean if it is, the GOP will never recover from this.

I'm 85-90% sure this story is legit.
She needs to go live and be interviewed and eat popcorn with Nancy Grace.
Seriously she should come out and not be a victim if this story is true.

I actually agreed with BVS that the story smelled fishy, and as the day wore on I was about 60-75% on this.

So the truth always comes out eventually.

Regarding the brewing Obama birth certificare scandal-I have some good news and bad news on that from my people in DC.

I will post my thoughts later.

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