2+2 =

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 1, 2000

but 2 beside a 2 is


the number of years I have been married:faint:as of today

It has gone by so quickly, so much water under that big old bridge, some of it needed oil, sometimes it was deep, sometimes it was warm, sometimes it is so beautiful I can hardly believe it.

oh gosh...I risk going on and on and on and on and on and on

don't I?

We aren't doing much to celebrate tonight( heck I had better get that chicken a-roasting in the oven asap...**bad cass**he's not here at the moment my Mr Cass, he's out helping a friend, so I've snuck on line:D...........as you do)

But on Tuesday we both have a doctor's appointment( woooohooo, how exciting) and then we are going to travel south to buy 2 new armchairs. They are on sale and superlight. I am getting old---------er and my back hurts. They'll be easier to move around when I/we clean) He asked if I wanted to go out to dinner tonight. No, what I want is to call in at my favourite headland on the way home Tuesday, take the binoculars, set up the armchairs on the grassy headland and see if we can spot some migrating whales out to sea. Seeing them and how their numbers have increased in the past decade REALLY makes me happy...as does Bono writing a lyric about my mates the tuna fish:heart:

So the ocean and simple pleasures and love
I confess to enjoying them all.
I hope one day you all can experience what we have together...

"I have no silver, I have no gold
but I'll have had a lot of fun
when I grow old...."

I am going on eh?.........

:hug: :heart: my mickel :heart: :hug:

woops how did he get there?
that red devil?
he was meant to be up there next to the sneaky grin

go cook a chook

just one chook
that's all it took
just one chook
and then I knew you were mine mine mine

and for gawdsakes

STOP SINGING!!!:crazy: in:heart: :edge: :applaud: :wave:
Havent you learned anything from Radiohead? 2 and 2 always makes a 5.

:up: hehe

Congratulations, that's cool stuff. :up:
Such wonderful stuff, congratulations beautiful!

Time flies eh? :hug:

Here's to the last 22, and many many more to come Cass sweetie :)

i loved everything you wrote so much, cass. it was beautiful. especially the part about the whales. congratulations on your long lasting love and marriage.

Thank you very much indeed. I think it is a bit of an achievement, it does require sustained effort, not all the time......but you know. Lots of fun too and the shared love of our children helps.

I suppose I was worked up, about the 22 thing...you know, the #2 gets me going
U2 :yes:

and I still find him...........CASS!!enough!
:drool: :dance: :combust:

Hiphop....Sean Penn?Lost me there mate, please explain or I'll die of curiousity ( in a pm if it's a bit shady):angel:

Thanx again :hug: y'all:hug:
I'd also like to say..........

I don't want to bring up the post about my great-nephew Elijah until I have some positive news about him.
But I do want to mention the 2 young beautiful woman who are Siamese twins and are currently being operated on in Singapore by a huge team of doctors. It is a VERY risky procedure and I pray for their survival and recovery. They are so brave .

Stories like theirs make me feel humble and even more thankful for what I have.
Good luck to all concerned.

(excuse me, rushing, typos galore...sorry)
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u2popmofo said:
Havent you learned anything from Radiohead? 2 and 2 always makes a 5.

:up: hehe

Congratulations, that's cool stuff. :up:

Thanks Capt. Obvious! jk.

Congrats Cass!
On the radio right now, as I write this..
radiohead- 2+2 =5

the 6 am news was just on. They just died on the operating table, the twins from Iran., 50 hours into the operation. May they rest in peace, together forever:(

thanx again guys...44? :faint: I hope so :yes:

well the doctor's appointment was exciting. He was an hour behind schedule. I waited in his room for ages, checked out all his certificates and awards, his family photos, his "tools", his computer, only interesting thing on his desk was a sample pack of Viagra:lmao:. He burned a sunspot off my nose...ouch!!( Ihaven't looked in the mirror yet, as long as it is healed when I go to see Russell Crowe and his band) and hub is having some tests later, but it doesn't seem to be anything serious. PHEW!!

So the butterfly wing effect..an hour behind schedule, change of plans, meet new fascinating person( I'm going to make a post about him when I have time...GO BOY!!).
We did get to the headland and right on cue, a pod of four humpback whales appeared, and dolphins following small fishing boats. Their is a chain of islands just off the coast there. They looked so beautiful. The sea was dead calm and the light was so unusual. It was hazy and the horizon blended with the sky., all silver and pink and blue. There was a huge white yacht well out to sea and it looked as though it was floating in the sky.
The headland was covered with people ( I've learned to share). It was so nice to hear the children being educated by their grandparents and sharing the excitment and love of the sea creatures.
We then went to my eldest son's place ( so hub could work on his computer) and I made dinner for my 3 sons and my beautiful "potential new daughter-in-law".
2+2 =
Happy cass :yes:

PS: "captain Obvious" :lmao:
*raises a glass of whatever they're drinking in Australia these days*

Here's to the next 22! :hug: CASS :hug:

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