$10+ for opening night movies...?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 13, 2001
I found out my Red Carpet Mann tickets no longer applies to special engagements at Mann theatres.

Do I really want to spend $10 for Matrix Reloaded tonight and get out at 2:00am? :crack:

Re: this thread is about the cost worth of going to see movies at full admission.
I always do matinees during the week. You couldn't pay me to go anywhere near the 21 screen megaplex on a Friday or Saturday night.
Eh...I don't see what the big deal about seeing a movie on opening night / day is anyway. So I don't see it before everyone else...it'll be just as new to me and in the same theatres anyway.

the only movie I have ever wanted to and acted upon the want to see opening night was LOTR - FOTR. And it was worth it. Other than that, it's not worth the loss of sleep and money. :D
the only movies i did see for full price was for the LOTR, TTT, and will do the same for ROTK.
$10.00 for a movie??????

shit that is cheap, come to NYC and realize the only movies you can get into are tickets purchased online at a base cost of 10+ with a service charge on top of that...
:der: new movies here cost $8 iirc. matinees are $5.

oh the joys of living in the south! btw, this costs the same all around town. i live out in the suburbs, but even at the swank downtown theatres it's the same ticket prices - for that chain, that is. but the other chains charge the same so as to stay competitive.

thank god i've got a theatre within like a mile of my house. i could seriously walk to this place if i had to.

oh, my husband and dad are going to see the matrix saturday. :banghead: (that's how they'll be feeling at least, standing in line for hours.)

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