SOE 32: let there be no leak puns..

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
For those that bought concert tickets, the album redemption emails seem to have been sent. i bought two tickets and i had an option to get two copies (which i did). They will be delivered on 12/1(physical CDs).

Hmm haven’t received mine yet.
CosmoKramer; said:
Just so you know, the email is sent by Ticketmaster not

Anyone know what that means for people who got tix through TM partnersites? As in AXS for Las Vegas?
Did announce that we get albums with ticket purchase?
Crowes < Waughs. Pains me to admit it.

I have a friend who would murder me if I dared disagree with you.

I'm kind of afraid to go over to his place in case he's turned his lounge into a Steve Waugh shrine.
Probably my fave post-Bradman batsman. He wasn't gifted, he worked with what he had and built a record that is incredible.
Kinda like The Edge.
See how cricket and U2 mesh?
Probably my fave post-Bradman batsman. He wasn't gifted, he worked with what he had and built a record that is incredible.
Kinda like The Edge.
See how cricket and U2 mesh?
My favourite cricketer of the '90s. Was a great captain too; guys like Ian Chappel rate Taylor much higher, but captaincy is not just on the field... Steve Waugh's style of captaincy sort of cleared a path for Test cricket.

Mark Waugh... yeah, even when he struggled he looked elegant and I totally get the Edge-S Waugh parallels

Oh, and can't wait for the new album.
Probably my fave post-Bradman batsman. He wasn't gifted, he worked with what he had and built a record that is incredible.
Kinda like The Edge.
See how cricket and U2 mesh?

Kane Williamson, mate.

Kane Williamson.

And my avatar proves that the greatest six of all time was hit by Grant Elliott. HE'S HIT IT INTO THE GRANDSTAND! AND NEW ZEALAND ARE IN THE WORLD CUP FINAL!
Guys, he's not coming back.

I am I promise! I just have a good friend I still haven’t given a full round down - she’d be pissed if I gave random strangers on the internet stories before her. Let me get that out and then I’ll grab my answers off that - be easier that way.
Thanks for visiting us digsy!! Can you take us through the night start to finish? Were the band in attendance for the whole listening? Did they talk to you all or share any interesting insights?

So band weren’t there for listening itself which might be a good thing, I think I would have been far too self conscious! They didn’t really chat bar when they were walking in and out and tHey shook hands and said hello and passed brief words. Except Larry of course who put his head down and just went for it.

DJ Christian o’connel asked questions - his own and some submitted by audience.
Larry wants to be first band to play in space - according to him there are plenty of people willing to fund a one way ticket! Bono reckons Larry would win in an arm wrestle because he hits things all day. Asked about the politics in their music and music in general at the moment, Edge thinks social commentary and consciousness is all in hip hop now, and not rock anymore. But he hopes rock will find its way back again. And Edge described his hobbies as “playing guitar and trying to write songs” :)
Adam gave lovely description of album cover - two young people about to head out in to the world, with shared challenges and experiences.
Digs, how did the album flow? Did it seem cohesive?

Yeah I think. Bono talked about an order recognise last minute after one of his kids said they didn’t like it, couldn’t understand it. Like a lot of this stuff though, it’s very hard to tell on one listening especially when several songs are so familiar already - I’ve spent two weeks listening to YTBTAM into GOOYOW into Blackout into remix YTBTAM and around again.

In regard to actually coming to terms with new music, it’s an odd context to hear it in. You’ve just taken in one new song and suddenly you’re absorbed in the next one and the venue and excitement combined with that is all a bit overwhelming. So honestly I don’t remember specifically what a lot of them sounded like, can only really give you how i remember them making me feel and what tiny notes my husband took down on an take away loyalty card.

But yeah it seems cohesive overall. The opener is unusual - not what we’ve come to expect based on the likes of Joey Ramone, Vertigo, Beautiful a day. If any of you have heard the new Killers album it’s much like that. This orchestral musical ethereal piece and then kick in to the “single” sounding track at #2. It’s wonderful actually
Ok, I’ll be a little bit of a pain.

Does Landlady suck, or does it “ooze loveliness”?

Your thoughts on the closing track 13...

Other overall impressions. Weakest song...
I think you said you like Love is all we Have Left and Red Flag Day the best??

Landlady doesn’t suck, but it didn’t stand out for me either. It’s just very u2. Lyrics seemed good.

Weakest song - nothing new that really made me cringe tbh. Some didn’t stand out and are a bit more meh than other, but Again hard on one listening. To give you context on something you have heard though, I’m not a big Best Thing fan. I think it’s catchy and a complete ear worm and I hum it constantly and I’ll jump up and down when they play it live. But I actually think it’s a cheap song. Disjointed and unstructured and far too trying-for-radio-play-poppy for my liking. I’ll need time with American soul too - his voice is very nasally imo and it sounds like the stuff off SOI I least liked but I know a lot of people are going to LOVE it cause it’s so loud and riffy and stompy. So now you have a sense of my taste at least. But from that I couldn’t really name the weakest yet. I do know people were restless on be penultimate track - seems like a lot of people took that as a chance to get a drink. But then it was also towards the end and people might just have been restless anyway.

13 - loved it. It’s like a sequel to Song For Someone and is actually better IMO. There’s a lot of that marrying of tracks from SOI. American soul has a partner in Volcano, 13 in SFS etc.
Hi and thanks for stopping bye. Hopefully you don’t get overwhelmed with what will be dozens of questions but we are all(most of us) getting really excited.

Very curious to hear your thoughts on the experience as a whole and then some of the tracks.

Will try give a blow by blow of tracks but honestly very hesitant. It is just my opinion after all and could be the complete opposite of someone else’s opinion in the room!

To give you context - AB is my favourite album, although any would be my desert island disc (life without streets is no life at all), Pop completes the top 3. I don’t like HTDAAB although I did at the time, but can’t imagine any circumstances where I would go back and listen to it now. I like the front of NLOTH and the back of it and hate everything in the middle. I only listen to SOI these days for the end of the album (troubles, sleep like a baby) and for the acoustic EBW and crystal ballroom although I loved a lot of it live (raised by wolves for example).

From what we’ve all heard of SOE I will say I LOVE Blackout (even though the lyrics are naff, sonically it’s epic) think GOOYOW is brilliant and enjoyed Little things live. I bop along to Best Things but hate myself for it.

So with that all on board - and take this with a pinch of salt because opinions bend and change with each listen of a new album, and I’ve only had one - Love is all we have left, red Flag Day, Little Things album version, and 13 stand out for me (and then GOOYOW and blackout which I mentioned already).
Showman sounds like a Beatles track, lights Go home sounds like a Bomb track (although the version they played at the end for us which was orchestral I think was great!), Landlady is just typical u2. My husband reckons Love is bigger could potentially be a show closer.

And there you have it. And I’m sure in 2 weeks time you’ll all be listening to it ourselves going. “wtf was she talking about”!!! Ha ha.
So yeah, remember guys, it’s purely my opinion and it was one listen in very unusual overwhelming circumstances. Hell, I’ll probably read this in 2 weeks and wonder wtf I was on about!
This is now the most amazingly encouraging page of all 32 SOE threads. Thanks so much digsy, I really appreciate you laying out your own U2 pet loves/hates to give us a context, and I appreciate your necessarily vague yet insightful commentary.
And the Irish Sun link is a goodie.
Two more bloody weeks!
Will try give a blow by blow of tracks but honestly very hesitant. It is just my opinion after all and could be the complete opposite of someone else’s opinion in the room!

To give you context - AB is my favourite album, although any would be my desert island disc (life without streets is no life at all), Pop completes the top 3. I don’t like HTDAAB although I did at the time, but can’t imagine any circumstances where I would go back and listen to it now. I like the front of NLOTH and the back of it and hate everything in the middle. I only listen to SOI these days for the end of the album (troubles, sleep like a baby) and for the acoustic EBW and crystal ballroom although I loved a lot of it live (raised by wolves for example).

From what we’ve all heard of SOE I will say I LOVE Blackout (even though the lyrics are naff, sonically it’s epic) think GOOYOW is brilliant and enjoyed Little things live. I bop along to Best Things but hate myself for it.

So with that all on board - and take this with a pinch of salt because opinions bend and change with each listen of a new album, and I’ve only had one - Love is all we have left, red Flag Day, Little Things album version, and 13 stand out for me (and then GOOYOW and blackout which I mentioned already).

Showman sounds like a Beatles track, lights Go home sounds like a Bomb track (although the version they played at the end for us which was orchestral I think was great!), Landlady is just typical u2. My husband reckons Love is bigger could potentially be a show closer.

And there you have it. And I’m sure in 2 weeks time you’ll all be listening to it ourselves going. “wtf was she talking about”!!! Ha ha.

So yeah, remember guys, it’s purely my opinion and it was one listen in very unusual overwhelming circumstances. Hell, I’ll probably read this in 2 weeks and wonder wtf I was on about!

Was there a “why wasn’t THIS the lead single”?! moment for any of the album cuts we haven’t heard yet?
Was there a “why wasn’t THIS the lead single”?! moment for any of the album cuts we haven’t heard yet?

Not what you asked I know, but for me personally Blackout and GOOYOW both would have been better choices. Of the new stuff, I’m not sure - I do recall thinking “this is so much better than Best thing” over a lot of the songs, but didn’t really look at any of it in that specific context. Sorry, useless answer.
Does the Little Things differ much from the live version, Digsy? Cheers.

Not massively. It’s more coherent obviously and that build up towards the end felt more drawn out (in a good way). Preferred it to the live version but that could just be that it needs more practice. And once I know the album version better I’ll probably be able to appreciate the live version more too.
These are the same recycled comments over and over again. Knew all this already. And please stop with the grain of salt and only one listen stuff. Who the hell cares. If you actually heard it, just post your damn thoughts.
These are the same recycled comments over and over again. Knew all this already. And please stop with the grain of salt and only one listen stuff. Who the hell cares. If you actually heard it, just post your damn thoughts.

Don’t be such a mouth breather!
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