Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor Swift

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How did Massive Attack get away with this? I did not know that was not an original. This is barely different from Massive Attack's version (unless one of their members sang it on Blue Lines...?!)

XTC sounds like progeny to the pinched post-punk of the early aughts. They named Message in a Bottle and Is She Really Going Out With Him as 'see also' - can absolutely see why.
Not sure how I feel about the Wild Beasts' latest album. Maybe it needs a bit of time, but feels a little forced and lethargic, even if some of the songs on their own are calling out to me for a repeated listening. 2BU probably my favourite song so far.

Sent from a barge floating through the docks of Dublin
I had no idea Scott Walker has been around so long.

His career trajectory is one of the most fascinating in music. "Challenging" isn't really adequate for some of the stuff he has done lately.

Cheap Trick! There goes any hope we had of iYup reading this article. This song sounds like a Who pastiche.


Not sure how I feel about the Wild Beasts' latest album. Maybe it needs a bit of time, but feels a little forced and lethargic, even if some of the songs on their own are calling out to me for a repeated listening. 2BU probably my favourite song so far.

Interesting that the reviews have been mixed. To me it is another triumph - I love how each successive album is getting more menacing. I can see how the theme would seem forced at points, though.
Faces had Ronnie Wood and Rod Stewart!? is this the same band mentioned throughout Quadrophenia? cos this song is really fucking great

Only one of the best songs ever, way too low on that list. I already knew the Ron Wood vocal story, nice to see it spread around more though.

The band had more notable members than those two you mentioned; the real star of the band for me was Ronnie Lane, who wrote and sung many of the band's best. Plus you have Kenney Jones on drums (who joined The Who after Keith Moon died) and frequent Stones contributor Ian McLaglen on the keys.

What an all-star band.
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I feel like Martha has failed you.

I fucked up.

And I love Ronnie Lane. I got to see him at the Palomino once. His MS was so advanced he couldn't walk off the stage. He told us to close our eyes snd pretend he walked off for the encore. Ian McLagen played keyboards that night. I was able to get to his trailer after the show and thank him for doing April Fool. It's one of my favorite songs of all time. It was a wonderful night, maybe my favorite concert of my life. ❤️

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
I fucked up.

And I love Ronnie Lane. I got to see him at the Palomino once. His MS was so advanced he couldn't walk off the stage. He told us to close our eyes snd pretend he walked off for the encore. Ian McLagen played keyboards that night. I was able to get to his trailer after the show and thank him for doing April Fool. It's one of my favorite songs of all time. It was a wonderful night, maybe my favorite concert of my life. ❤️

Lovely story.
Ahhhh FYF's schedule is a beauty

Alex G
Hop Along
Jagwar Ma
Vince Staples
Todd Terje
Tame Impala
Kendrick Lamar
Explosions in the Sky

Julia Holter
Blood Orange
Charles Bradley
The Black Lips
Grace Jones
Beach House
LCD Soundsystem

Fuuuuucckkkk :hyper:
Be interesting to compare that with the first round announcement of the Falls Festival down here that's meant to come out later today. It'll probably be further proof of how lame Australian festivals are compared to North America and Europe. So far we know London Grammar and Childish Gambino are on the bill.
I listened to What's Going On tonight for the first time in 3-4 years, some time before the recent uptick in high profile shootings, the formation of Black Lives Matter and very public instances of police brutality. Some of the lyrics on there are startlingly relevant 45 years later.

Crime is increasing
Trigger happy policing
Panic is spreading
God knows where we're heading
Oh, make me wanna holler
They don't understand

It's depressing as hell, but a testament to the quality and universality of the writing that so many artists are using it as a template today.
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