Songs of Experience Episode VII: The Dreamforce Awakens

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I never understood why they reused a Passengers picture for MR&R. Just a Fan Club gift, yeah, still odd.
The band really has a lot at steak on this new album. I know they have a big relationship with Apple, but after how they were grilled last time I think it's best to move on and prove they have the chops to release a hit album without some sort of half baked gimmick. Hopefully the album is good enough to be released soon and they don't chuck it again like they did with Songs of Ascent.

This was good. Would read again.

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I agree, if only for their stupid name. Why is Ruth's possessive? Does Chris belong to Ruth? WHO IS CHRIS? WHO IS RUTH???
The original Chris Steak House (1927–1965)
Chris Steak House was founded on February 27, 1927 by New Orleans entrepreneur Chris Matulich. It was located at 11 Broad Street near the New Orleans Fairgrounds Racetrack, seated 60 people, and had no parking lot. During Matulich's 38-year management, the business was sold six times, failing each time, and enabling him to buy the restaurant back cheaply from the purchasers.

Ownership by Ruth Fertel, 1965–1999
Acquisition, 1965
Ruth Fertel was a divorced single mother who realized she needed to earn more money in order to send her teenage sons to college. Ignoring the advice of her banker, lawyer and friends, Ruth purchased the restaurant in 1965. She used her brother's restaurant, Sig's Antique Restaurant in Port Sulphur, LA, along with family recipes to lay the foundation for her restaurant. She initially planned to raise just $18,000 to cover the purchase price, until it was pointed out to her that she would need an additional $4,000 to cover the cost of renovations and food. On her first day, May 24, 1965, she sold 35 steaks at $5 each.

Fertel personally took a hand in every part of the business. She had to teach herself how to butcher steak, and despite being just five-foot-two and 110-pounds, would saw up 30-pound short loins by hand until she could afford an electric band saw. She staffed her restaurant with single mothers, saying that they were hard workers and reliable. For many years, Chris Steak House was the only upscale restaurant in New Orleans with an all-female wait staff.

From the beginning her restaurant attracted local politicians as well as athletes, businessmen and reporters. Political reporter Rosemary James noted that she "would not have missed a Friday before a major election at Ruth's Chris Steak House. That was the place to be if you wanted to get some scoops." Local celebrities like Fats Domino were regulars.

Name change to Ruth's Chris Steak House, 1976
In early 1976, shortly after Fertel signed a new ten-year lease on the restaurant, a fire destroyed the building. Fertel had recently acquired a second property nearby to rent out as party space. Within seven days, she had relocated the restaurant to its new location a few blocks away at 721 Broad Street and re-opened it, expanding to 160 seats in the process. The sales agreement with Matulich prevented her from using the original name at any other address, so she named the new restaurant Ruth's Chris Steak House in order to keep some continuity with the previous location. She admitted later to Fortune Magazine that "I've always hated the name, but we've always managed to work around it."

Confirmed Rumor: New album cover to be a selfie of the band relaxing in a hot tub. All shirtless.

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Waiting for the next 'getting lost in the music' quote from bono

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Don't you wish they wouldn't make it sound like Bono was stuck in a tree and they "rescued" him? This article could very easily be worded in a manner that depicts Bono was merely there and likely on lockdown until police arrived.
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