Random Music Talk CXI: W Sellin' VW To Me?

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Just went back and listened to Lost In The Dream by The War on Drugs recently.
I never really appreciated how beautiful of a song they made with "In Reverse". It's incredibly calming, slow burning and atmospheric, yet never gets boring. "In Reverse" and "An Ocean In Between The Waves" could go on another 15 minutes and I would never get tired of them.
It's really frustrating how the album is so poorly paced. The first 2 are great. Then "Suffering" is a major snooze fest and momentum killer. Ocean comes next and is just incredible. Then "Disappearing" comes in and kills the momentum again.
It would've been an even better album if they extended Oceans and In Reverse a couple extra minutes and cut "Suffering" and "Disappearing" for some more upbeat tracks.

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Disappearing is an incredible song, one of the best on the album.

I'm having fun with the new Dead Weather and THUNDERBITCH records.
"Suffering" is the one song that I skip.

"An Ocean..." is one of the most fucking perfect songs of last year.
I just found out that fucking "blaaahhawwwaaadddooooweweeeddoooppddooweeANSHEWAS" song is by Talking Heads. I fucking hate that song.

I really really really need to get around to getting into that band though.
That song is better than nearly anything Outkast has ever released, so...

If you think And She Was is bad (it's great), stay away from Little Creatures. It's one of the only really good songs on there.

In addition to Remain in Light, do also check out Fear of Music. On some days, I think it's even better.
I just found out that fucking "blaaahhawwwaaadddooooweweeeddoooppddooweeANSHEWAS" song is by Talking Heads. I fucking hate that song.

I really really really need to get around to getting into that band though.

Awwwwwwww, I love that song. Have ever since I was a little kid.

But yes, I do agree with the others that the band in general is worth getting into. If you want a taste of how good they are live, go on YouTube and check out some clips from their 'Stop Making Sense' concert film and have a ball :D.
I don't know enough about Split Enz; are songs like Six Months In A Leaky boat or Message to My Girl in any way typical of their stuff, or is there a lot of weird wanking around (of a Flaming Lips kind) as well?
They're weird in the same way that early XTC and Squeeze (and Cardiacs, though they're more esoteric) is weird, not in the way that sluggish latter-era Flaming Lips is weird. It's manic but tuneful music. Sometimes that brand of new wave drives me up the wall and sometimes it's all I want to listen to, depending on my mood.
I don't know enough about Split Enz; are songs like Six Months In A Leaky boat or Message to My Girl in any way typical of their stuff, or is there a lot of weird wanking around (of a Flaming Lips kind) as well?

Six Months is representative moreso than Message to My Girl is. The latter sticks out like a sore thumb as an obvious, simple, shiny pop song even among their other songs of similar ilk, and it also sticks out like a sore thumb on the Conflicting Emotions album because it's the one track that isn't shit (OK, there's Strait Old Line too).

The Enz did change a lot from album to album though. Hell, the earliest albums are really pretentious artsy prog.
Six Months is representative moreso than Message to My Girl is. The latter sticks out like a sore thumb as an obvious, simple, shiny pop song even among their other songs of similar ilk, and it also sticks out like a sore thumb on the Conflicting Emotions album because it's the one track that isn't shit (OK, there's Strait Old Line too).

The Enz did change a lot from album to album though. Hell, the earliest albums are really pretentious artsy prog.

Without, as I say, knowing a heck of a lot about them, I get the impression there might be several Split Enzes, and that Neil making his presence felt might have changed things.

Noted, also, the previous post... early XTC drive me up the fucking wall, but I get the point. It certainly gives me some imagery to work with.
I don't think you can even count Message to My Girl as a Split Enz song. It sounds almost nothing like them. Just a Neil Finn song that happens to be a Split Enz song because that's the thing he was doing at the time.

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Due to recent events, I need some sad music to wallow in. With the caveat that the songs aren't about relationships gone bad.

My wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for the last two years. Just got results back from hormone testing yesterday - turns out that we basically won't be able to have biological children. (The only viable option left is IVF, which is ridiculously expensive ($12k) and only has a 40% chance of success) I've been alternating between feeling generally disappointed and frustrated to feeling absolutely gutted. :(

Our silver lining to this cloud is that we've decided to go to France next summer. Trying to remind ourselves of all the cool stuff we can do that would be way harder with kids.
Sorry to hear that Diemen. My sister went through the same thing and it's pretty tough. I forgot how to use spoiler tags on mobile so I'd go into more detail but she went the alternate route and couldn't be happier now.

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Doing a little open mic set tonight, here's the plan:

1. No Surprises
2. Bad Romance
3. Tim McGraw
4. Picture To Burn

Pretty excited. Haven't done one of these in a while.
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