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oh man, that guitar. i tried...i lasted until 1:45, mostly because i kept it playing in the background while i typed this. :reject:

I'm just pleased you got to when the bass comes in!

The song actually winds down, rather than building to a climax, and ends on a soft note.

The weird part is I once hijacked an iPod dock and put this on at a party, expecting people to leap to turn it off, and instead the whole album got played! It's not as if Medicine get much less abrasive on the subsequent tracks either. I really can't explain how I got away with that.

it's funny, on a similar vein we were talking music one time and he was listing off bands he liked and mentioned "this band no one he knows has heard of called agalloch" and i was amused that i got to say i knew who they were, thanks to you.

Hahaha nice.
I wasn't getting at sadness though, but drowning in waves of 'gazy distorted guitars. Fucked if I know what, say, Ride's "Seagull" is really about but damn does getting lost in those guitars feel good when I feel shit.

And DAMN YOU ASHLEY! Why won't they come down here. :( :(
Slowdive haven't fucking come here either, and The Verve didn't come on their reformation tour some years ago. Oh and Chapterhouse did a brief lap (including, I think, Japan) about five or six years ago, and Medicine are touring with no signs of coming down here.

Do these legendary shoegaze revivals think we don't have shoes in Australia or something?

(At least Swervedriver have come here twice.)
And switching topics a bit to current shoegaze bands,


Seriously, how can they have never come to Australia? I just don't get it. They seem to be doing pretty well, especially with scoring Muse supports. It's not as if they're obscure. They could easily tour here and they bloody haven't. I'm really hanging out for them to visit.
I'm in a Facebook group that's attempting to get Marillion to do shows in Australia. (I have no fucking idea why, but hey.) They got together and asked their management what the costs of putting on an east coast tour were, and got an estimate of $350,000AUD, assuming the band made minimum wage while performing here. (That's for the full production, shipping all of their equipment there and back, taxes, visas, etc etc.)

I don't think any of the bands you've mentioned have as costly a production as Marillion does, and I'm not sure how big their fanbases here are? My understanding is that shoegaze didn't sell THAT many records in Australia during the 1990s, and so it's harder to cite an existing market and get money for the shows based on those sales. For newer bands (like The Joy Formidable, who I'm gonna check out later) they can cite things like Facebook numbers etc, but that still doesn't translate into tour support.

Playing shows in Australia is expensive, especially if you're in a band and especially if you're bringing your own equipment. I somewhat doubt those bands would be particularly happy playing through rented gear.
Sure, playing shows in Australia is expensive, but what an over-the-top figure surely. If bands like Wolf Alice and A Place to Bury Strangers can tour down here, I see no reason why The Joy Formidable can't. It's not that difficult to do a tour hitting the large clubs with capacities around 800-900.

At least Electric Wizard are honest and have said they just don't want to do the flight down here. (Probably couldn't cope without weed for a day.)
But would they even hit that crowd figure? I'm seeing Shellac in December, and they're playing only playing a 1,000 seat club. (huh, the Metro holds a thousand people? Bullshit it does. Fuck that place.) Wolf Alice are cool and hip at the moment, so they can get a couple of thousand in whatever major Australian city (esp. if the tickets are cheap, like they were on this tour - fifty bucks, right?), but the rest? Dunno if they can.

Also, they might have jobs or something that won't allow them to take leave for the period of time required to tour a country that's a full day of flying away. Or they can't be bothered.
But would they even hit that crowd figure? I'm seeing Shellac in December, and they're playing only playing a 1,000 seat club. (huh, the Metro holds a thousand people? Bullshit it does. Fuck that place.) Wolf Alice are cool and hip at the moment, so they can get a couple of thousand in whatever major Australian city (esp. if the tickets are cheap, like they were on this tour - fifty bucks, right?), but the rest? Dunno if they can.

Also, they might have jobs or something that won't allow them to take leave for the period of time required to tour a country that's a full day of flying away. Or they can't be bothered.

Wolf Alice played the Corner, didn't sell out it. Holds 850. Shellac are doing the Corner too, two shows, neither sold out yet (or even selling fast) - which surprises me, since they did two at the Hi Fi last time (slightly larger venue) and they sold out so fast that by the time I remembered to get tickets the next day they were all gone.

I just don't get the point you're making though, or more to the point I don't get why you are portraying Australia as such a hideously expensive place to tour. Yes, it's more expensive to come here than go to some other countries, and yes our declining dollar right now may reduce the viability of some tours, but US/UK/European bands of all sizes tour here all the time, and not just the buzz bands. In fact the declining dollar worries me seriously, because a number of bands that could've come here a year or two ago may now find it more difficult.

But I mean, hell, The Hotelier are coming here in December. Now there's a band I never thought would visit our shores.
Yeah, I guess the point I'm articulating is that Australia is expensive, and so bands don't come because it's an economic hit.

In other news, someone got fired at the BBC today:

If anybody plays any "RUOK" day shit on me my response will be "no I'm not fucking OK thanks to your awful spelling".

I'm not sure what this says about me but probably nothing good.

Yeah, I guess the point I'm articulating is that Australia is expensive, and so bands don't come because it's an economic hit.

Honestly when I think about it I've done amazingly well to have seen almost every band that matters to me live in the past five or so years. But my genuine surprise at the bands I've been lucky enough to see is consequently tinged with questions along the lines of "if band X can come down here, why not band of similar stature Y?"

Perhaps the most surprising failure to tour Australia from my perspective is Agalloch. Go to any metal show and there are people wearing Agalloch shirts. I often hear them used as PA music (when Wolves in the Throne Room came in 2010 they played Pale Folklore in its entirety before their set!). Yet they've never been here, and although I've asked a couple of metal promoters about it they haven't shown much interest.

The one that hurts most though is Pure Reason Revolution. Fuuuuck I wish I'd hopped on a plane and gone to their final UK tour.

In other news, someone got fired at the BBC today:


Apparently a guy who represents a party's historical platform and came from nowhere to capture a landslide majority of the membership vote through both policies and charisma is "unelectable".

Try harder, British Labour right-wing prats.
I didn't think it would be that much sake, considering the charge.

But it just kept coming.

So of course when I got home, I wamred up the bottle of sake I already had.

My phone has a sake emoji , can you see it??
It was like, a little bottle, but for being happy hour prices, I just wasn't expecting so much.

Watching horror movies cause it's September and that's how I roll.
That's ridiculous.

I have an uncanny ability to 100% call it when the bad guy from Kazaam is in a movie

We're watching a girl walks home alone at night and I JOKED that this guy in it was the bad guy from Kazaam. This is an Iranian movie. But guess what.. I was right
Or as cobbler better knows him, the cab driver from how I met your mother.
i'll tell you what's amazing: viniq ruby. it's alcoholic kool-aid basically, but has fucking glitter in it. i don't even try to pretend that i drink alcoholic stuff that isn't 99% sugar.
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