All Purpose Pre-Show Lineup Thread

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JUST FUCKING CUT THE LINE THEN! What are they going to do, beat you up? Those people have no authority.

This has nothing to do with country. The shows do not belong to you or them or anyone. For fuck's sake, tuck your Napoleon complex back in.

An American invention. Christ almighty that's rich.
And to anyone who was in Montreal or Vancouver, I ask this. When did you put your name on a list? If you were in the top 100 and you say "the morning of the show", you are lying.
JUST FUCKING CUT THE LINE THEN! What are they going to do, beat you up? Those people have no authority.

This has nothing to do with country. The shows do not belong to you or them or anyone. For fuck's sake, tuck your Napoleon complex back in.

An American invention. Christ almighty that's rich.

OK, I'll come down the morning of the first show in Toronto and watch you try to cut the line ahead of the people who started this list the night before (if you're lucky) the show. I seriously will. We'll see what happens. I can guarantee you'll be at the back.

I no longer line up for shows because I don't want to play the unfair game, but it's totally naive to think that you can show up at 6am the day of the show and just be in the front because that sounds reasonable. You'll be 100+.
And to anyone who was in Montreal or Vancouver, I ask this. When did you put your name on a list? If you were in the top 100 and you say "the morning of the show", you are lying.

On Tuesday morning, I showed up at 11. They gave me 46. I would have stayed, but they said not to bother, so I didn't.

I don't even care about that. When you pin a country on the asshole, that makes you the asshole.
When you pin a country on the asshole, that makes you the asshole.

Settle the fuck down. The fact of the matter is, it was a group of American fans who made this lining up-off-site days in advance 'list' shit during Elevation and continued to spread it all over North America. I'm sorry they happened to be American because I know that upsets you, but they are.
Settle the fuck down. The fact of the matter is, it was a group of American fans who made this lining up-off-site days in advance 'list' shit during Elevation and continued to spread it all over North America. I'm sorry they happened to be American because I know that upsets you, but they are.

There's no one on here whining like a petulant first grader except you. I just want you to realize that by identifying a group of assholes as American and that those assholes were in YOUR COUNTRY, you're saying the same thing as if you had pointed out their religion or race.
There's no one on here whining like a petulant first grader except you. I just want you to realize that by identifying a group of assholes as American and that those assholes were in YOUR COUNTRY, you're saying the same thing as if you had pointed out their religion or race.

Oh please. I hope it doesn't offend you that you're identified as American when customs asks you for your passport.
I think most of us can agree that the "lists" that start days ahead and don't require you to say in line that aren't actually run by the venue are bullshit.

At some point, the band really needs to step in, but they keep refusing so they will keep seeing the same people on the rail for every gig. It sucks but it's the reality.
I think most of us can agree that the "lists" that start days ahead and don't require you to say in line that aren't actually run by the venue are bullshit.

At some point, the band really needs to step in, but they keep refusing so they will keep seeing the same people on the rail for every gig. It sucks but it's the reality.


Exactly my point. Apologies that I pointed out the people who started this whole 'list' thing were American, however I'm sure they are referred to as 'assholes from NYC/Boston/California' or wherever they are from down there. Of course as a Canadian I'm going to say they are American, because usually people describe people from other countries with their nationality, just like we call U2 Irish (or one half English - LOL).

I didn't realize that was an insult. My whole point is that I hate that the groups of people who game the system like this travel all over and impose their system on everywhere else, just so happens that it has invaded the larger Canadian cities too. It was so nice to hear what happened in Winnipeg and Edmonton because they weren't there, I just wish that was what Canada was known for and not the clusterfucks that the other cities have and are becoming now. I wish Canadians weren't saying 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' when it comes time to put names on secret lists. I love that Europe still tells people like this to fuck off and they win.
Dude, you're offended by people lining up for a concert. I take no offense to anything you've said at all.

My only motivation was for you to understand what it is that you're saying.

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This 3 day-in-advance-secret-list bullshit is 100% an American invention. That is a FACT, you guys. When it happens in Canada, it's the same Americans who come up to our shows.

Your holier-than-thou blanket statements about American vs. Canadian vs. European fans are offensive. You're really not representing Canadian fans very well. :down:
Uh, really? The fucking GA line for Toronto in 2011 started on Saturday (for the Tuesday show) by a bunch of people who were IN MONTREAL. There were two girls doing a documentary who had been there since Saturday legit, and then the 'Muricans showed up with their list and told them all the people on it were in front. They graciously 'allowed' the two of them to be 1&2, but believe me, if you weren't on that list and arrived at 4:30am the day of the show, you were at the back.

Okay, you got me there. I didn't line up for the TO show in '11. Had just started a new job and couldn't get away early enough. But in '05 and '09? I was there. For all of them. No problem at all.

And I still don't think it's fair to characterize this as a problem with Americans. Whether the Europeans who are doing it are friends with Americans doesn't matter...the fact is, they're still doing it.

JUST FUCKING CUT THE LINE THEN! What are they going to do, beat you up? Those people have no authority.

No, but I've been in plenty of legitimate lines (i.e. lines where you get there and stay except for brief food and bathroom breaks) where you would either be shamed to the back of the line, or the stadium security who supported the fan line would make sure you were moved to the back.

I don't necessarily agree with the way that EdgeFest is presenting this whole thing, but I strongly agree with the principle of it, and if you went to a fan line where people actually stayed in the line whole time and then tried to insert yourself at the front, that's a douchebag move.

Exactly my point. Apologies that I pointed out the people who started this whole 'list' thing were American, however I'm sure they are referred to as 'assholes from NYC/Boston/California' or wherever they are from down there. Of course as a Canadian I'm going to say they are American, because usually people describe people from other countries with their nationality, just like we call U2 Irish (or one half English - LOL).

Actually, we just call them assholes.

I really couldn't give a turkey where they're from.
At some point, the band really needs to step in, but they keep refusing so they will keep seeing the same people on the rail for every gig. It sucks but it's the reality.

This cannot be stated enough, and I've brought it up myself a bunch of times. It would be so easy for them to control this entire thing and stop all the bullshit, but they won't.
Guess what, the lineup for Chicago has already started. :doh:

Bunch of dang Canadians came across the border into Illinois and started a list.

I don't get EdgeFest's preoccupation with the nationality of the culprits outside perhaps the most casual of observations, but many of the other points made are valid, true, and things I saw myself.

Sent from my ass crack
I don't get EdgeFest's preoccupation with the nationality of the culprits outside perhaps the most casual of observations, but many of the other points made are valid, true, and things I saw myself.

Sent from my ass crack

There are problems with the current "list" situation, I'm with you on that. But EdgeFest's perhaps rational points are obscured by her ridiculous, ignorant rants about Canadians vs. Americans vs. Europeans. I can assure you that there are jerks in the GA line from all countries-- including the apparently "saintly" Canada.
I was able to read it earlier from Facebook, and there was a comment about someone near the front of the line about how getting the "face time" with the band was about a "shared connection" (okay, that's cool), but also like "communion with the band."

... at least she didn't say the water Bono throws on the crowd is Holy Water.

The only bit I saw without paying was that one of the folks had literally only seen the airport and pavement. To me that's sad. If you fly out to an exciting city like Chicago, I couldn't imagine seeing none of it just to camp out. Then again, that's why I'm never on the rail, and that's totally fine by me.
I waited in line all day just once, and that was Barcelona 1 for 360. I had a great time, even though it was a very hot and long day and evening. I felt guilty at times for not exploring the city but that was mitigated by the fact that I had spent the day before exploring, and knew I'd have the next two days as well. I mean, everyone should do what brings them the most enjoyment but it's inconceivable for me personally to fly into a city, see a concert, any concert, and not explore that city unless it's a place that I've thoroughly explored before....and even then, I'm not so sure it would work for me.

I love U2 dearly, but, when push comes to shove, travel >>>>> U2. For me.
I waited in line all day just once, and that was Barcelona 1 for 360. I had a great time, even though it was a very hot and long day and evening. I felt guilty at times for not exploring the city but that was mitigated by the fact that I had spent the day before exploring, and knew I'd have the next two days as well. I mean, everyone should do what brings them the most enjoyment but it's inconceivable for me personally to fly into a city, see a concert, any concert, and not explore that city unless it's a place that I've thoroughly explored before....and even then, I'm not so sure it would work for me.

I love U2 dearly, but, when push comes to shove, travel >>>>> U2. For me.

You were so grumpy in Paris you wouldn't get out of your room and your roommate had to crash on our hotel room floor. :wink: Yeaaa probably better you're not lining up anymore.
I've only waited in line in Boston and Providence on the Elevation need to explore either city I know them both fine. Wristbands and Red Zone eliminated the need for lining up for Vertigo and 360 respectively. Were I travelling, I would more than likely forego lining up for experiencing a city I was unfamiliar with,
unless of course it was a Canadian city, in which case my American birthright would put me at the front of the Canadian line. :wink:
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