New album discussion: After despair comes acceptance

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
What the hell is Mrs. Garrison then? :lol:

Also made up ...


To further explain: you all may have made up your mind and are certain that Fisher is Nick66. He may very well be. But he just may very well not be. A shoutout from Fisher to Nick isn't ironclad proof of anything. We're checking up on it through more verifiable means.

Taking this opportunity to publicly bash the guy you've ALWAYS had a chip on your shoulder about is not cool regardless. Yes I'm talking to you gvox and mikal.
You need to chill out and drop this campaign.

That's not fair whatsoever. Neither is your comment about me always having a chip on my shoulder regarding Nick. I've actually been getting along with him just fine since he returned from his suspension.

Fair enough on gathering more evidence. I do agree with that.

My only "campaign" is to protect the integrity of this forum, and I hope your is the same.
Well it's possibly not all been rainbows and puppy dogs, I'm sure you and I must have had differences of opinion since 2000..

But I always got the sense that you were representing yourself/your opinions fairly accurately and honestly...and certainly not that you were attempting some massive troll experiment on the board. And that's all most of us really expect here, unless I've missed something.

Yes, a name like mine certainly welcomes disagreement. :lol: But a long time ago when I created this name, I was more of a prick. Now, the prickery is down to about a 5 out of 10. I might be a prick, but I'm not a troll.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Spring. I'll be outside more and won't get caught up in all of this new album speculation. :wink: I couldn't possibly fathom a day in the life of the members of U2. Heavy hangs the crown or something like that. :wink: They want perfection and we're just gonna have to wait for it.
The reason this BS was obvious to me from the start (even though, in theory, it could be true), is because he said himself he was not in the "inner circle", yet he knew things. This implies that people outside the "inner circle" knew "things". Further, this implies that people outside the "inner circle" kept their mouths shut. Why? I bet there are plenty of magazines interested in dirty news about Bono in the 90's and an unhappy Larry and a sad "Magoo" today. All I could post at the atU2-forum was ... "seriously, people?", cause I followed the whole thing while shaking my head. That and post a picture of Christopher Walken laughing his ass off.

If he is Nick or not, I do not care about. All I care about is that it BS anyway - at least the way I see it.
Taking this opportunity to publicly bash the guy you've ALWAYS had a chip on your shoulder about is not cool regardless. Yes I'm talking to you gvox and mikal.

Acknowledged. Also, in your investigation I encourage you to review the posts where he uses Fisher as a springboard and opportunity to publicly bash me, several times.
Protect the integrity of this forum?

You are taking this waaaaay too seriously.

Sorry, I actually care about and like this place. Feel free to mock me for that all you want.

I'll step away and let you guys investigate.
Sorry, I actually care about and like this place. Feel free to mock me for that all you want.

I'll step away and let you guys investigate.

Don't step away. Your input is valued. Just avoid interacting with people that you're having a problem with.
As opposed to the last few pages where you've done nothing but bash him?


That was already acknowledged.

Anyways, I'm not vain enough to believe this was even remotely all about me per se. It was a troll of the forum in general. Something we used to take pretty seriously, and if I recall there was some rule which made reference to stirring trouble in other forums and then bringing it to Interference.

I can't quote it, because the Forum Rules and Policies link has been down for some time now:
So when does everyone think the new album will be out? :whistle:

I'm going to guess this September or October. :shifty:

The album release date is a discrete random variable with equal probabilities of being May/June 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, and Spring 2016.
So when does everyone think the new album will be out? :whistle:

I'm going to guess this September or October. :shifty:

That seems to be as fair an estimate as any at this point, although it is only March. Apart from the 'multiple sources' that Billboard claimed to have, there's still plenty of time for U2 to even drop the album sooner than that. I'm not saying that's what the plan is....but I'm also not so sure it isn't coming sooner, either..
I have a feeling, that "there's only us" does not exist here.

Just compare that: Fisher's comments spread over 3-5 pages maybe?

The Reaction on Fisher's posts in another forum(!!) spread over 10+ pages here?

And if it is the case that a user on Interference posts pulp fiction on another forum - and recites it here on this very forum ... that would be so strange that I could not believe it

Why can't you just read it (or not) and take from it whatever you like?

I don't know why some people have the need to play forum police ... it's not so much about "protecting the integrity" .. it's much more bashing on persons ..

wow .. I had a reason why I'm registered here for 10 years with a Total of 13 Posts ..

take it easy guys !!
So when does everyone think the new album will be out? :whistle:

I'm going to guess this September or October. :shifty:

I'm going with October/November.... maybe to coincide with Holiday sales? It would seem they would sell more actual CD's at this time of the year..... but just a guess. I would love to know if they are actually working right now on it.
That seems to be as fair an estimate as any at this point, although it is only March. Apart from the 'multiple sources' that Billboard claimed to have, there's still plenty of time for U2 to even drop the album sooner than that. I'm not saying that's what the plan is....but I'm also not so sure it isn't coming sooner, either..

It is my guess because it fits their "usual" release/tour pattern. I think they are definately planning to tour by late winter/early spring 2015. It appears they may have moved the first leg (which was to be this fall) to the end of the tour. But it becomes difficult logistically and on their crew to delay much more beyond that. This fall/early winter release fits that and puts them in consideration for a grammy and as an option for the Christmas retail market, although I don't think the latter is as much of a consideration with the download market.
deliberately falsifying lurid stories about the band in regards to drug use, infidelity, money, and "darkness" is a pretty shitty thing to do. certainly anyone who read it as gospel should take an internet 101 class, but these forms are hungry for information, especially at a time like this, and we all love hearing from someone who talked to Dallas or whatever.

what bothers me is that it sought to be deliberately cruel to U2 fans. one of the things that many people find appealing about U2 is that they all seem to be generally good people, and given 35 years and a single drug bust for something as silly as marijuana, really, that's an extraordinary track record. they all seem to be in committed relationships, have lots of kids, good family lives, etc. this is part of their essential appeal -- they aren't Led Zepplin or the Stones, they were never understood to be part of the self-destructive aspects of rock and roll.

does this mean that they are choirboys? no. does this mean that there isn't a tight circle that closes ranks when things get weird? no.

but to start claiming inside information about the things that seem so opposite to what people like about Bono, while hinting at "darkness," is a bit like taking a perverse joy in telling a 5-year old that Santa Claus isn't real.

it's like, well, duh, but really, what kind of sick pleasure do you get watching someone's face fall with disappointment?

there's a mean-spiritedness about this kind of trolling that's really distasteful. and it seems to come from some sort of need to feel intellectually superior to others.
We at least need a new thread soon. A new beginning. The hope that THIS will be the thread we hear something concrete! Or at least a thread without talks of FISHER!
It is my guess because it fits their "usual" release/tour pattern. I think they are definately planning to tour by late winter/early spring 2015. It appears they may have moved the first leg (which was to be this fall) to the end of the tour. But it becomes difficult logistically and on their crew to delay much more beyond that. This fall/early winter release fits that and puts them in consideration for a grammy and as an option for the Christmas retail market, although I don't think the latter is as much of a consideration with the download market.

I agree that the accompanying tour plays a big role. They have to book people off who are in high demand in the industry in general. Said people can't wait around forever, they gotta work eventually.
To quote David Crosby from Sept. 1969:

"...the human comedy rolls along, folks."

New album? It will be released in either the near or distant future,
or it won't be released at all. On the other hand, 2 albums might
be released. But then on the other hand, only 1 album might be
released. What's holding up the album really is that U2 are
secretly taking dance lessons to have a more choreographed concert
show. How could U2 top the 360 tour? To come out and dance
in unison, while Edge and Adam make "poofy" faces and do 80's
rock star poses.
What it really comes down to....I have no idea when the album
will be released.
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