A Little Bit More New Album Discussion

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I think that tracklist could be legit, maybe... though it does look a bit odd. UMG does own Island, Interscope and Mercury, these advance test pressings have gone out before, I have seen very similar copies for ATYCLB, HTDAAB and NLOTH usually about 2 months before release with the promo sheets.

If there was actual listening parties, and many have confirmed there were. Promo track sheets would have been labeled for reaction to actual tracks. The track names may not be finalized or just working titles, but the inclusion of North Star and Every Breaking Wave makes sense.

Of course, just speculation but the band would have to be close to finished with the recording and mixing, if they want to get the album mastered and packaged for a mid-late fall release. I could see them getting back to Dublin to possibly do some vocal overdubs or last minute changes to lyrics, but being at Electric Lady for a good time gives the impression of final mixing.

The idea of an album titled Manhattan doesn't seem to really fit though, although it does stir a lot of emotions especially now that the Freedom Tower (1WTC) is finished and has changed the New York skyline once again.
GG, it's seriously the only thing i can remember about his posts - it really used to bug me at the time :D

:lol: I remember that his posts were always full of love... oh wait!

That does remind me of the guy who used to always used to sign his posts with his name. Man, that annoyed me. Then I realised I spent too much time on here and went to do other things, lol. It's really a pleasant feeling to still be around and care less about the weird people on here. :D
please stop with this. please. i'm begging you.

these are not unreleased demos. they are just jams.

Unreleased Demo jams........some of them anyway.......some are not.... :wink:

I'm off on vacation. Cannot wait to see what this thread looks like when I get back!! :applaud:
This thread smells of people trying to convince themselves the tracklisting is fake but in the backs of their minds knowing there are good odds it's at least somewhat accurate.
This thread smells of people trying to convince themselves the tracklisting is fake but in the backs of their minds knowing there are good odds it's at least somewhat accurate.

Actually, I kind of agree with you... Think Manhattan is a working title though and they don't have an actual title yet.
Unreleased Demo jams........some of them anyway.......some are not.... :wink:

I'm off on vacation. Cannot wait to see what this thread looks like when I get back!! :applaud:

I have a feeling it will smell like a little bit of shame and a lot of desperation....


This thread smells of people trying to convince themselves the tracklisting is fake but in the backs of their minds knowing there are good odds it's at least somewhat accurate.

Lordy I hope you're not right, :lol:.
I'm trying to decide which thread is better: This one, the Slow Loris one or Fake Edge. For those of us who were around then, which one takes the cake, baker and bakery? :hmm:
I mean, nothing tops Fake Edge, since Interference itself confirmed and endorsed it, leading to the majority of posters here squealing and freaking out.
I mean, nothing tops Fake Edge, since Interference itself confirmed and endorsed it, leading to the majority of posters here squealing and freaking out.

I still wish I could have seen the conversations between Fake Edge and the site owner during that time. He must have been a real good con to pull that off!
So the photo of the fake tracklist was brought to the attention of Bean from Kevin and Bean (KROQ Morning Show). He tweeted Steve Lillywhite and this is the response:

So the photo of the fake tracklist was brought to the attention of Bean from Kevin and Bean (KROQ Morning Show). He tweeted Steve Lillywhite and this is the response:


I think this is confirmation that Steve is playing reverse psychology with us and that his tweet means that the tracklist is indeed accurage. :wink::D
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