New Album Plan (Hypothetical)

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There's little doubt that Vertigo inspired Green Day's thought process for the naming of their new albums. BJA is a big U2 fan if I recall.

Another one of those cases where certain fans believe the Earth orbits around the Bono. How is there little doubt? Because they both counted in Spanish? A language spoken by 500 million people? With about 500 million people more knowing how to say one, two and three in Spanish? Seriously?

If Billie Joe Armstrong started a song with "Uno, dos, tres, quince" or something, I might say you have a point. But naming their three albums, with the third one being "Tre" (name of their drummer; three albums - three band members - see a pattern here?), was "inspired" by a random intro of an eight-year old song?

It was their idea to release 3 albums all at once. Bono was talking about doing it not so long ago, but they decided no albums at all would be better. :(

No, it wasn't. It was Bono rambling as always. And it was hardly U2's idea "first" to release more albums out of studio sessions.
dan_smee said:
So how does this sound to you all?

Assuming there will be a new album based on the Danger Mouse sessions, and assuming U2 wig out like they always do and want to re-work things, I propose the following:

Album is release as a double disc.

Tight 10-11 song set that contains the best 10-11 songs from the DM sessions in their original form.

Disc 2 is all of the same songs, but with full treatments based on the source tapes by Declan Gaffney (Fish Out of Water). Think the EBTTRT, Crazy Tonight and Boots mixes of recent acclaim.

A single is selected based on the strongest song factoring in both versions, and BOTH are released to radio. Same for any subsequent singles.

Us err on the side of playing the DM versions live, however, if a song is considerably better in the FOOW form, it get s a Crazy Tonight style live treatment.

Halfway through the tour, an EP is released based on the other sessions in recent times (best track or two from RedOne, SOA etc). This is a 6-7 track EP that will rejuvenate the live show in a similar way to the 2010 Europe leg, but with official releases, and more songs in the rotation to warrant the extra US leg/s.

I think this will satisfy U2’s indecisiveness, their need to re-think and question themselves, but also the fans want for a more unpolished, raw and interesting sound.

This is EXACTLY what they should've done w/ NLOTH/SOA.

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