PGP: I'll have my Bono without the mandals please.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
So thrilled for you guys Amy and Kristen! :hug: And you too, Drea, what a cool surprise! :hug:

The end of last week we were shivering outside at work on breaks. Today it was 32C/90F, 42C/107F with the humidity factored in. :crack:
It's unreal. You can barely breathe out there. It'd be fine if we'd had some transition to warmer weather, but this spring has been very cold and rainy - till today. :crack:

But enough about that, tell us more about the show! :hyper: I listened the other night, first feed I've bothered listening to for AGES, since the beginning of the tour, I think, and the quality was amazing!
So thrilled for you guys Amy and Kristen! :hug: And you too, Drea, what a cool surprise! :hug:

The end of last week we were shivering outside at work on breaks. Today it was 32C/90F, 42C/107F with the humidity factored in. :crack:


oh ghads yeah VP!

we have 85F/29+ weather here since Sat! :|

I don't mind 1 day or so b/c it happens down here but too much TOO soon already!!!

in fact whole at my sis's Top Floor apt Sun/Monday

So warm in her apt she hadn't vacuumed the LV a/c yet so I was drinking lots of water I kept putting the cup in the fridge :lol: and had the fan on!

Her computer slowed down after about 75 mins into the Winnipeg show from the apt while I was on the SLP!!!
It's unreal. You can barely breathe out there. It'd be fine if we'd had some transition to warmer weather, but this spring has been very cold and rainy - till today. :crack:

But enough about that, tell us more about the show! :hyper: I listened the other night, first feed I've bothered listening to for AGES, since the beginning of the tour, I think, and the quality was amazing!

There's a long ass post I made a couple pages back detailing the whole day of the show :shifty:
We met Edgefest, who did the feed, and she had so many listeners she was trending on Twitter. After the show she told me that her and her friend Heather hardly talked at all because they wanted the feed to be good! She listened back after and even she was surprised at how well it turned out!:up:
We met Edgefest, who did the feed, and she had so many listeners she was trending on Twitter. After the show she told me that her and her friend Heather hardly talked at all because they wanted the feed to be good! She listened back after and even she was surprised at how well it turned out!:up:

she's really nice!

She threw a U2 NY/NJ party at a mid-town bar in 2009!
it was quite sweet and fun!

and I got a ZOO BABY sticker in her raffle!

i'm going to have a R&R wall in my apt so I'll be putting it there!

time to leave

glad I got to share the excitement with you amy & K

nice to see a few other people here too!

take care everyone :heart::wave:/ esp in the hotter climes or
we're getting hotter :madspit: climes
or Tornado storm areas :(

may not be here tomorrow see you def thurs!
I guess it's not too crazy an idea that they're basing themselves in Vancouver for these recent Canadian dates? Maybe?
They had nothing, not even when we ran into the pit! We were all panicing. If you went out of the pit, they stamped your NECK! :crack: wtf????

They didn't even screen us at all.
:lol: Stamped your neck?!?! Oh my god.

It sounds like the wristbands are new on this leg, maybe. I didn't realize it at first, but in '09, there weren't any wristbands at the shows I went to.

I asked in another thread if they had them at SLC or Denver - can't remember if anyone in here had gone to either show.

I'll be pissed if it's just Seattle - way to make things more complicated, Qwest! :madwife:
It kind of screwed me up. As I was running into the pit, I had to slow down to look around to see if we needed to get a stamp or anything. Then I just kept running like a bat out of hell to that rail!:lol:
For anyone that wants to see concert videos I took, they're all on my FB profile :wink: Some of them are pretty funny with Amy and I still freaking out!

Can't wait to see them! :) I'll definitely be looking at yours and Amy's stuff after Seattle. :)

They had nothing, not even when we ran into the pit! We were all panicing. If you went out of the pit, they stamped your NECK! :crack: wtf????

They didn't even screen us at all.

Neck stamps?! WTF?! :huh: :laugh: That is the weirdest thing I've heard.

My laundry is almost done, got some $$ exchanged into American moolah, and I'm going to start packing tonight. Tomorrow's a hockey game, and if I can't figure out wtf is wrong with my cable and make it work again, I'm going to go out to watch the game, so I figured I'd better start packing tonight.

:panic: :hyper:
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