Eek, Alaska Superthread

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I had a good listen. Feel asleep at 4am listening to new radiohead, and then awoke just as pride started.

Sound quality was pretty good. Hopefully we are entering some good broadcasted shows with the south American shows coming soon.

The next 3 months on this thread are going to be hell trying to stay spoiler-free.
Psh, half our posts about U2 are factually inaccurate piss-taking anyway! The real game is trying to pick up on when we're serious.

And oh god, I'm going to have to brave the new Radiohead album this week. It's going to be so hyped and over-discussed that I'd like to form an actual opinion on it.
Psh, half our posts about U2 are factually inaccurate piss-taking anyway! The real game is trying to pick up on when we're serious.

And oh god, I'm going to have to brave the new Radiohead album this week. It's going to be so hyped and over-discussed that I'd like to form an actual opinion on it.

True. I'll assume all your posts about setlists are piss-taking from here on out.

I've been interested in listening to Radiohead lately as well. Not due to the new album, but because I discovered something cool about OK Computer and In Rainbows.
Let's test your true/false piss-taking skillz, Reggo. Only one of the following statements about the Cape Town set is true:

1. Cedars Of Lebanon made its live debut, dedicated to pro-democracy activists in the Arab world.
2. Even Better Than The Real Thing returned to the setlist, replacing Mysterious Ways.
3. A sample of Zooropa was included in City Of Blinding Lights' intro.
4. Bono added a snippet of Two Hearts Beat As One to Crazy Tonight.

Can you pick which!
1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True.

Oh, wait. Just one. Then #1. Although, #4 could be, since it was Valentine's day a few days ago.
I said pick ONE as true. :tongue:

You're right on #3. The "what do you want?" bit is now a pre-recorded part of the intro.

yeah, yeah, I suck at reading directons sometimes. I read, though, that it was a clip of Fez, not Zooropa.
yeah, yeah, I suck at reading directons sometimes. I read, though, that it was a clip of Fez, not Zooropa.

Clips of both Fez AND Zooropa, actually. Kind of cool, though I wish they'd just fucking PLAY both songs instead of cockteasing us. Nice to know they remember the songs exist ...
Clips of both Fez AND Zooropa, actually. Kind of cool, though I wish they'd just fucking PLAY both songs instead of cockteasing us. Nice to know they remember the songs exist ...


and now this Radiohead album must keep me awake till the u2 gig starts. I'm gonna be soo tired and grumpy later today.

Triple J just played a couple of tracks from it... they made me wonder about where the line is between a band having a distinctive, signature sound, and a band sounding like they're taking the piss out of themselves. :huh:

26 more rows, then WhoScarf will be 50% complete! :hyper:

:hyper: :applaud:

:lol: also! Printer fail.

I had a good listen. Feel asleep at 4am listening to new radiohead, and then awoke just as pride started.

Sound quality was pretty good. Hopefully we are entering some good broadcasted shows with the south American shows coming soon.

Shame they weren't doing that on the last leg! I think I was awake when the last of it was happening, since I saw someone posting lyrics as their facebook status seemingly at random, but I think that was their way of commenting on the set. :shrug:

Bit weird them having these two shows with a month off again before South America. Guess they didn't feel the need to be adventurous.

*wonders when she stopped including personal pronouns and words like "it's a" in her sentences* :reject:
Charlotte, do you have any preference about which Max Brenner we may attend tomorrow?

(Or which Dr Who we torture Ax with, come to that.)
(Or which Dr Who we torture Ax with, come to that.)

"Blink"! Tenth Doctor, Series 3, episode ten, orignally aired on 9 June 2007. :yes: Tenten's barely in it, but it's one of the best Who episodes ever.
Neil Gaiman is writing an episode of Doctor Who for Series Six. :faint: Awesome.
Triple J just played a couple of tracks from it... they made me wonder about where the line is between a band having a distinctive, signature sound, and a band sounding like they're taking the piss out of themselves. :huh:

That's what I thought about In Rainbows and expected everybody to rip them to shreds, but instead we got years of fappery.

As for Brax Menner, I was thinking about the one at QV. They do better frappes than the one in Melbourne Central. We're curious to try the chocolate fondue, because it has changed - thanks to Yasi, the bananas have been replaced by apples.
"Blink"! Tenth Doctor, Series 3, episode ten, orignally aired on 9 June 2007. :yes: Tenten's barely in it, but it's one of the best Who episodes ever.

I keep reading that's a favourite of a lot of people... :hmm: Haven't got that far myself.

Omg Gaiman's writing for Dr Who?! sdjfhlskjhdkf!!! :hyper:

*is running late despite having the whole morning to get ready*

Evil Yasi, destroying half the bananas and causing the rest to cost $exorbitant amount a kilo!!

I wonder if Boost has been reduced to using imported banana puree again...

*really gone*
"Something doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick."

My entire life philosophy, summed up in twelve words. I love it.
Psh, half our posts about U2 are factually inaccurate piss-taking anyway! The real game is trying to pick up on when we're serious.

And oh god, I'm going to have to brave the new Radiohead album this week. It's going to be so hyped and over-discussed that I'd like to form an actual opinion on it.

More like underrated, the fans aren't so hot on it as of yet. Not hating it either, but we're talking like #3 or #4 placement on most lists.

Daniel, I'm listening to that Lia Ices album, it's gorgeous.
So this Radiohead album, can I have it? At least tell me the password to the .zip file on mediafire etc.

/deliberately irritating
I posted a request in the Radiohead thread but received nothing. :( Cheers, Ashley.
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