PGP: Duck and Cover - Here Comes the Holiday Season

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


I am exhausted. :crack: Worked 10 straight hours without a break. No, my work isn't being shady or anything. They obviously offer breaks and ask if you want to take one or work straight through. I chose the latter. :doh: I am not doing that again on Tuesday when I work my next double.

Tom and I talked(OK texted lol) things over and it looks like we'll be OK. :)
I'm glad that things look like they will be ok DG!:up:

Awesome picspam Zooey!:love::love::love:
I must say, the Rose Bowl DVD looks amazeballs on my shiny new TV.

I still say the whole DVD is way too dark. :reject:
Someone should post the elevator bono pic since I don't seem to have it...


I must say, the Rose Bowl DVD looks amazeballs on my shiny new TV.

I still say the whole DVD is way too dark. :reject:

Cool!!! :love:

ZOOooooeeeyyyy..... :D

I came across an old Larry pic I hadn't seen before so i thought of you. :hmm: Of course, Larry girls will probably say oh that old thing? It was new to me tho. :reject:

(uploading, but the new PB makes me fiery hot with anger. :mad: )
Bonocomet, as a fellow Buffy fan, I was hoping you would notice and comment on a particular tag for this thread. :shifty:
I too like cori's avi. :cute:

I keep forgetting that it's now okay to start listening to Christmas music and to decorate the house. Perhaps I'll do that on Tuesday. :love:
Bonocomet, as a fellow Buffy fan, I was hoping you would notice and comment on a particular tag for this thread. :shifty:

I had to ask my kids because I couldn't remember. :reject: I think I have only seen that episode once! Yam sham. :giggle: I remember that now. Time for a rewatch!!!
That episode is awesome.

Xander gets syphillis!

"You made a bear! Undo it!!!"

"We came, we conquered .... we feel really bad about it."
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