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It might be the worst thing I've heard since I last listened to Brokencyde

One good song, the rest are unlistenable trash worse than your average Brokencyde song or at best too boring to notice, four songs left...

Is it really that bad? I've heard Are You Ready, and it was musically better than I expected. The lyrics, weeelll ... I'm not sure what's more fictional, Ashcroft's theological assertions or Brokencyde's assertions of sexual prowess.
Everything about them is horrible, the wolves look bad too and when they transform back they're fully clothed, well the female wolves are, the male ones just run around in shorts and talk about how hot they are
Hah, at least the books are more realistic than that, although I've only seen male werewolves so far.

I have no idea what Triple M is...
The mainstream rock radio station here... There is some overlap with the classic rock stations.

I might make a new account seeing as my name is no longer true :hmm:

Irishtween? Good for another 9 years I guess... :wink:
Is it really that bad? I've heard Are You Ready, and it was musically better than I expected. The lyrics, weeelll ... I'm not sure what's more fictional, Ashcroft's theological assertions or Brokencyde's assertions of sexual prowess.

Musically it's not completely awful but lyrically it's complete shit, more religion than your average Ken album :wink:

I 0.5ed it on RYM, I might be being harsh but if this is what he gives us instead of more Verve than I won't be listening

Hah, at least the books are more realistic than that, although I've only seen male werewolves so far.

The mainstream rock radio station here... There is some overlap with the classic rock stations.

Irishtween? Good for another 9 years I guess... :wink:

At least the books didn't have literally marble vampires

Phantom's an alternative station with some classic rock thrown in

Dani told me to go with IrishTea :lol:
By the way, I need to share with you the list of music that Ms Meyers credits with providing her with inspiration. I'm sure you can guess one of the bands, at least! :happy:

The full list will have to wait until I'm home, sadly.
By the way, I need to share with you the list of music that Ms Meyers credits with providing her with inspiration. I'm sure you guess one of the bands, at least! :happy:

The full list will have to wait until I'm home, sadly.

Muse? They damn well better be since they threw away all credibility with that twilight song
At least the books didn't have literally marble vampires

Dani told me to go with IrishTea :lol:

I'm curious about exactly how they're portrayed as being literally marble, but I don't think I want to know. I mean, what do I do if it turns out that sparkly vampires are fossiliferous??

*L* How about Irish Coffee...?
Muse? They damn well better be since they threw away all credibility with that twilight song

Bingo! That song and all the other soundtrack appearances.

The only other band I can remember at the moment is everyone's favourite that starts with C and is otherwise unnmentionable. I was amused.
I'm curious about exactly how they're portrayed as being literally marble, but I don't think I want to know. I mean, what do I do if it turns out that sparkly vampires are fossiliferous??

*L* How about Irish Coffee...?

When they get punched their faces break apart like rock and when you see their necks their clearly marble, same with any other part of their bodies, they smash like rock

:angry: not funny coffee is a devil drink
When they get punched their faces break apart like rock and when you see their necks their clearly marble, same with any other part of their bodies, they smash like rock
I was afraid of something like that. :doh:
So much for them being indestructible!

:angry: not funny coffee is a devil drink
I don't like it either, but I don't mind the bailey's part. :wink:
I would say coffee is the worst drink known to humanity, except rum exists.

Also, looks like I'm going to need to learn how to use PayPal since my premium membership apparently is about to expire.
Whoa. Wrong on both accounts. How anyone prefers Beer over Whiskey/Scotch/Rum is beyond me!

I've nothing against whiskey, in fact I quite like a good one, but my sole memory of trying rum was the most unpleasant drinking experience I've ever had.

Then again, it was Bundy.
Hmm, Bundys not the best. I'd still take that over about any beer.

Bundy vs XXXX is a close call, I'll pay that.

Personally, besides wine, my favourite alcoholic drink is cider/perry. Nothing beats a pint of good cider on a hot day.

Listening to my rock star friend's album. Reminds me quite a lot of The Velvet Underground/Lou Reed kind of stuff before lou discovered Bowie.
Rum is even fouler than coffee.

I had not heard of that morphosaurus idea, Ax! Wow. Hard to accept, but if that's true, so much for skulls being diagnostic! Must ask Pat what she thinks.
Based on lyrics alone, I'd relegate this to Horrible Music Hour, but the music is quite good. Skillful playing redemption.
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