Teen PLEBAn Party: Dreaming It All Up Again!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Finally home from work. Such a long day. You know when one hour feels like five? YEAH, that was today :lol:
Not really, just having a yummy dinner (which should be ready shortly). Steamed crab legs with butter :drool:
Are you guys doing anything?
That's nothing to be ashamed about! I find that so amazing! I wish I was more into history, because it's really interesting and it would help me not to doze off during class. :wink: I'm more of a U.S. History Geek :yes:
Yeah, I'd assume they just touch on how Canada came to be and I guess what Americans were involved?

U.S. History isn't nearly as interesting as European History, but I'm just so fascinated by mainly the Civil War and the Founding Fathers. Basically everything that is set in either Washington D.C. or Gettysburg, PA. (I went on a trip there in 8th grade and have been interested ever since.)
History is so fascinating. I can't imagine WHY I was planning on being a biology major :yuck:
I prefer European history, but more modern. The Cold War is my favorite!

When I was in middle school I was obsessed with the Revolutionary War :lol:
European history is awesome. I loved history. It fascinates me so much.
I Especially the Golden age in Holland is a time I could really spent days reading about.
We did so much , more bad than good sometime. But its information that you can learn allot from.
I love history but last year I had to save myself from failing . :shifty: I got a B though, so it musta worked :lol:

The history GCSE exams here are proper shitty.

how is everybody!?! I miss you guys!
I love history but last year I had to save myself from failing . :shifty: I got a B though, so it musta worked :lol:

The history GCSE exams here are proper shitty.

how is everybody!?! I miss you guys!

:hug: Miss you to!

God , I need to have your stop-failing-powers :lol:
Almost the end of the year , this is my last schoolday, then only 2 practical training days. AND BBQ + CONCERT!:lol: What all me schoolmates.
:sad: Thats such a bummer, it keeps coming after you , even if you try to think positive.
Me two , intership sucks so hard these last few days, everybody seems to bitching at each other. And school is no use , because no one has to do anything these final days.
I passed my 2 exams tough. Finally some progress :hyper:
Ooh, everybody here loves history! Me tooooo:hyper:. I thin my favourite subject is the French revolution. And ofcourse..VICTORIAN ERAAAA!
^You made post 269 :applaud: :wink:

Kristen...that sucks. :sigh: It's getting so close to the time I was supposed to begin my journey.
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