LOST: The Final Season

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Shit, you're making me doubt even more the idea of diving into Fringe. Though I heard some recent episodes were among the show's best.

Shit, you're making me wonder if I should pick it up again. :wink:

Well, like the others said, by all means give it a try at least. Mark and I bantered a bit about it in the discussion thread and I did give it a fair shot, I think.

Confession: I may have watched all of 2 hours of The Sopranos, in total. :reject:
yay! it's libby!!!!!

i want a libby :heart:

(except i don't want her to be kooky)
oh snap!!!!!!!!!

this episode definitely kept the momentum from last week
Holy. Fucking. BALLS.

I thought that was FANTASTIC!!! ...Apart from the Hurley-Libby nonexistent romance angle, which has never worked. Actually, nothing with Hurley + gravitas works, since the character is so one-dimensional...but that was just a scene or two in this entire episode, and EVERYTHING else, as telegraphed as it was, worked for me.
I want to re-emphasize "telegraphed," though. For real. So, so, so obvious. Enjoyable, though! For me!

But at least we got an explanation for the whispers. A silly explanation, sure, but how was it going to be anything else after all these fucking years?
stupid dvr cut off just as desmond was watching locke go across the street....what did he say or do?

now i have to wait until tomorrow before i can watch the ending on abc.com

I don't know if we're ready to talk about this yet. Are we ready?

There was no plane crash. There is no island. And definitely no alternate time-space reality, the key to that being that "successful Desmond" is kidnapped from that reality and sent to the island. None of the others in the 'success reality' have ever gone back to the island. The "Oceanic Six" didn't actually come back from anywhere, they just got released back into society for a bit. The island is virtual, and in being kidnapped and 'sent to the island', all that really happened was Desmond was taken back into the facility and hooked back up to the machines or whatever. When "the powers that be" take the losties off the machine, like Hugo for instance, they give them drugs to erase that part of their memories (the island is somehow fed into their brains) but they don't count on the fact that the brain regenerates itself and remembers.

Well, I dunno, but it's an idea anyways. so much for the purgatory/biblical idea!
I want to re-emphasize "telegraphed," though. For real. So, so, so obvious. Enjoyable, though! For me!

But at least we got an explanation for the whispers. A silly explanation, sure, but how was it going to be anything else after all these fucking years?

I agree it was telegraphed. A pretty good episode, but I think Alana deserved better. I worry a lot of characters are going to meet quick and unceremonious endings. I still think back to Season 1 and Boone dying--that's how I'd like them all to be. Oh, well.

Anyway, Locke at the end? WTF Desmond?!?!?!?!?!?!
Yay, Libby!

I had a feeling Ilana was gonna get blown up once she started carrying that dynamite. :tsk:

Gotta love the creepy Willy Wonka lyrics over the preview for next week! :lol:
stupid dvr cut off just as desmond was watching locke go across the street....what did he say or do?

now i have to wait until tomorrow before i can watch the ending on abc.com


they went for coffee :whistle:

Ilana blowing up = best moment of the season so far. Maybe that was one of the "telegraphed" moments for some of you guys, but I didn't see it coming, and had to pause the TV because I was in a fit of uncontrollable maniacal laughter after it happened. SO awesome. A character that was pointless, that no-one cared about...boom.

And I don't know exactly what to think of Desmond running over Locke at the end. Here, just a few minutes earlier, I was resigned to this idea (which I liked by the way) of Mr. Hume rolling around L.A. trying to "show" the original cast their alternate lives. And then...that happened. Hmmm.

Man, lots to say. Lots to think. Interested to see what the rest of you guys think.

Fucking great episode.
I'm with you, GAF. I screamed "DIE, BITCH!!" and was cheering for a good 10 seconds after the explosion.

As for the attempted murder at the end, at least it proves that Des is living in both realities simultaneously. Maybe he just got mad, and lashed out; it's a natural reaction. What confuses me is why MIB wanted to kill him. Simply because Desmond said he wasn't afraid? He offered to hear MIB out re: Widmore's motives.

Regardless, now Locke has no choice but to see Jack the spinal surgeon, and will tell him about what went through his head when he was lying there on the street. And Des will have one less person to convert to his cause.

That preview looked PHENOMENAL.
She had to blow up.

Watching her swing that bag of dynamite around and dropping water bottles on it, all I could think was, why the HELL isn't she blowing up?!?

Such a great moment.
That preview looked PHENOMENAL.

I think it's just gonna be slam bang awesome from here on out. I think we'll look back and say that Desmond's episode was when the final season of Lost truly picked up steam.

Re: future deaths. Zoe will die, and it will be great. But I've been thinking, you know that at least one of the big beloved original Season 1 characters (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sun, Jin) is going to bite it. I just wonder who will it be, when, and how, and the ultimate significance of it.
I'd have a guess that it'll be either Kate or Sawyer, at least.

As for this week, I laughed big time when Illana went kaboom and immediately thought that Laz would be doing the same. But yes, Tina Fey has to go next, hopefully Widmore will do it himself.

A lot as been made of the plane on the Hydra Island, maybe the survivors will leave on it and merge with themselves in the alternate timeline if Laz' theory of another group flight proves true (like they'll occupy the same physical space and this will cause the merger).

Also, Jacob's been quiet lately hasn't he? I don't think he's appeared onscreen since Ricardo's episode and that was three weeks ago now.
A lot as been made of the plane on the Hydra Island, maybe the survivors will leave on it and merge with themselves in the alternate timeline if Laz' theory of another group flight proves true (like they'll occupy the same physical space and this will cause the merger).

This is exactly what I theorized to my friends tonight, and didn't know why it hadn't been part of my thoughts before.

It also explains why Lapidus is still around--they need someone to fly the damned thing.
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