PGP-Preparing for an epic U2010!

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:lol: @ love/hate relationships. I'm that way with October.

October is my least listened to album. :reject: It's almost like a non-entity for me. Must rectify that.

It plays once a month at my local IMAX and it does quite well. I can barely see the 3D anymore, and I giggle most of the way through it cause, like any movie you've seen and seen and seen, you notice little things that crack you up.

I know. But Oakland and Denver are sold out. :shrug:

Is that all that's stopping you?? Because we can get you tickets. Oh yes, we can...and we will.
October fights with Zooropa for my fourth favourite, depending if I'm feeling 80'stastic or proggy and experimental.

Again, I don't have a favourite album. For years I would have said AB, but now, it's honestly whatever I'm in the mood to listen to at the time, I'm always convinced that that album's The. Best.
I just hate the whole "Pleban" label and what it stands for around here. So, you find a band member attractive, that negates everything you have to say in the entire forum? Fuck that. Even when I wasn't actively involved in this forum so much, I thought that was bullshit.
I just hate the whole "Pleban" label and what it stands for around here. So, you find a band member attractive, that negates everything you have to say in the entire forum? Fuck that. Even when I wasn't actively involved in this forum so much, I thought that was bullshit.

One more rant, and I promise I'm done. What I find the worst is hypocrisy. There are notably some people around here that were former "Plebans" that have grown out of it. Fine, dandy. And yet they diss people who do identify as Plebans. What the fuck ever. That's so lame.
I just hate the whole "Pleban" label and what it stands for around here. So, you find a band member attractive, that negates everything you have to say in the entire forum? Fuck that. Even when I wasn't actively involved in this forum so much, I thought that was bullshit.

Heh, I totally thought you were talking about something else. :shifty:

I absolutely agree with you though. :up:
One more rant, and I promise I'm done. What I find the worst is hypocrisy. There are notably some people around here that were former "Plebans" that have grown out of it. Fine, dandy. And yet they diss people who do identify as Plebans. What the fuck ever. That's so lame.

I can think of one poster. :whistle:
Heh, I totally thought you were talking about something else. :shifty:

I absolutely agree with you though. :up:

Maybe some of us are grounded in realism more than others, but that's a matter of degree, I'd say, and I have no place to judge anyone. I don't think anyone else does, either.

Cabernet makes for fun rants, apparently. :up:
One more rant, and I promise I'm done. What I find the worst is hypocrisy. There are notably some people around here that were former "Plebans" that have grown out of it. Fine, dandy. And yet they diss people who do identify as Plebans. What the fuck ever. That's so lame.

I agree :up:

I know I'm kinda a newbie around here since I've only been on the board for a year (not a postwhore yet like some of you guys :giggle: Hopefully I'll get there someday :cute:).

But I do think it is completely unnecessary to diss people for being Plebans. It's just mean :down:
Me and my wine-induced soap box. :rolleyes:

Morning, girls. :wave: Drea, I'll have to search for it later, I'm going out in a bit, but that's the name that it's under on the dvd, and the songs are 11 O'clock Tick Tock and I will Follow. It's really cute, and from the minute I saw it, I thought that you have to see it. :) The funny part is, in the appearance after that one, whatever that is, that's when he has the bottom sides and back of the 'fro cut really short, so it was clearly annoying him, lol.
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