Tangiwai, New Zealand Superthread

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:yikes: Reggo, you can't take the day off? That sounds fucking unpleasant.
I don't have any more time off to take, as it's the end of the year and I used it last weekend to help take care of my mum thinking I wouldn't get sick. I took yesterday off when I felt even worse and I have to make that up on Saturday. I'll just muddle through.
I gotta somehow do christmas shopping tomorrow, as I haven't done any. Hopefully I'll be feeling better. And I have the next two days off, so there's a win there.
:uhoh: Damn, Reggo. Please try not to die and stuff with all that.
I'm not going to die. Though I feel like it. I'll give any person who can make my throat stop hurting a hundred dollars though.
I was being somewhat facetious, yes. Though going Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve is enough to make me want to die even when in the best of health.
I have no choice, otherwise my mom won't have any gifts to open.
Haha, if I were in charge of doing gifts, nobody would get anything. People who receive presents from me are extremely fortunate.
Why yes, yes, I am going to work like this.

Why yes, I do feel like a douche!


My hair is far more tinselriffic than it looks, haha.
A$hers. :wave:

I was actually just about to bake those Christmas muffins ...!
Well, go ahead and keep us updated on those muffings.

I'll be back, need to blog.
Fuck, I just remembered I need to go to the post office. :frantically wraps a present: Might as well send somebody a late present while I'm at it, eh?

I heard that it's a possible flood zone. :yes:

I discovered it because there's a railway through Bogan Gate and little else!
Let's hope the post office isn't a madhouse. Back soon I hope! :wave:
Bah, I went up to collect two parcels, and only one of them was there. Hopefully the other will be by the close of business ...!
So, are we kicking on this thread? I think I'm going to bake a loaf of some description. It will have various fruits.

And chocolate.

Because chocolate belongs in EVERYTHING.

The Axver Cookbook has the following note attached to every recipe:

1. Can you add chocolate to this?*
2. If #1 is yes, ADD CHOCOLATE.

*Answer is always yes.
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