Rose Bowl Show to be filmed for DVD + Webcast

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Another reason i don't think anyone has mentioned yet is the stadium is open topped, so the sound therefore will be spectacular. I mean look at slane, completely outdoors and the sound was terrific, so hoping the same stuff. Of course the down point is if it was to rain heavily, all the crowd would be trenched and moody, and of course the whole concert might suffer, lets hope not.
will they keep it up on youtube afterwards though??? (what with time zones and things...)

Just for the record, am happy about the webcast...but i am hacked off about yet another official recording being filmed in The Americas. Europe has had ONE proper DVD in 30 yrs! :down:

This is true, and fair...even though I count Paris '87. But only 2 DVD's is a little short for sure. I'd like to see them film and release a Dutch show, or a show from one of the places they don't/rarely play...didn't I see Moscow on next year's tour dates? That would be pretty cool.
I love how everyone's complaining about them releasing a DVD from the US this year, well folks, at this point it's in NA or nowhere for 2009, and it'll be the biggest attendance thus far, it'll be awesome. The Chicago DVD might have seemed a tab boring, but I can attest to the fact that Boston crowds are not boring, NJ wasn't boring, and I doubt 95,000 people will be boring. Hopefully we'll be getting a SOA-era 360 DVD next year.

Take what you can get, and playing it LIVE ONLINE?! Awesome. Unfortunately I have to be up for work in the morning and I live on the East Coast, so I'll be watching on Monday... I really hope this comes out in December.
given this kind of thing was pretty much unthinkable five years ago, i think it's pretty good. i'd prefer it if they hadn't phrased it that way, but i think the countries they mentioned are the only ones on earth with electricity so it's all good.

:lol: Best. Post. Ever.
Will it be legal to post it on U2Torrents?

i would think not.. But I'm not an expert on this.. Wouldn't there be a copyright violation or something if you did.. ? Someone else know?

According to what Chris posted yesterday, doesn't seem like it will be allowed on u2T.

What is funny, is at U2T, all versions of any recordings will be banned since it's now known that it's set for official release.
Let the rest of us be happy. I'm a native and i understand the comments you're making,which is why I like to also travel to other cities for my favorite bands, but personally i'm thrilled to represent the city.

Please note, that many of the people that have the bad and snobby attitudes at shows/games here in LA aren't FROM HERE

Don't you just love Interference...... U2 does something incredible for fans and the bitching commences.
Can't we just be grateful that they are broadcasting this show for us that can't afford to travel this year to see them or not LUCKY enough to have them play in YOUR city/country whatever already? I would have loved to travel all over the U.S. following them like a groupie but I can't afford it.

Why bitch about a DVD that isn't even out yet? How do you know how the crowd will react? Geez. That's really offensive to us here in the US even if the track record is not the best. What about Red Rocks?
I think U2 film here because they have a sense of loyalty to the U.S. We had a large part of making them who they are as they have said many times, so just I'm just speculating that's part of it. But U23D was South America, they released Vertigo Milan (partial show) too, SLane... ect... so I don't get the bitching. Just sayin.
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