Hotel Atlanta, München, Germany, Superthread

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I'm having the house to myself this weekend. Time to catch up on bad horror movies :drool:
Hey Ax! I'm not bad, I had my Stats final today and I think it went pretty well. Hopefully I can scrape up into the A- or A grade boundaries :pray:
I've been quietly marveling at how fast this year has gone. All of a sudden I'm doing my exams and am going to Dublin in 38 days! :ohmy:

Good luck. :up:

And yeah, wow, I can't believe I'm going to Europe in UNDER A MONTH. Where has the time gone. I'm genuinely stunned.
I love it when I have the house to myself. My 'singing' is probably going to cause the neighbours to call noise control :lol:

I don't know how my neighbours haven't complained about me yet.

Or maybe they really dig my version of Bullet.
:lol: I fully expect a rendition of this in Dublin.

I might have to be fairly substantially bribed to do that! I've never done it when I've been conscious of other people able to hear.
:up: I was amazed at the normality of my flight times! My flight from Auckland departs at 5.30pm, and returns at something like 2pm! Usually they're at about 1.30am :crack:

Wow, not bad. I think most of ours aren't too bad, and our flight out is only just after midnight so we'll stay up on the 5th.

What dates are you in Dublin? I recall you leave on the 26th?
I might have to be fairly substantially bribed to do that! I've never done it when I've been conscious of other people able to hear.

I thought you were the opening act for U2 several times during the last tour's set list parties... :shifty:
What sort of bribe are we talking here? :shifty:

Large sums of money? A veritable library of books? My own railway?

Wait, hang on, I'm the only person who uses :shifty: to refer to anything railway-related.
:sad: I wish we could! All our flights and accommodation are booked though - we're heading to London with Theresa. Alas, we booked it all before the third show was announced.

Postpone the flight and stay with us for a couple of nights? I think we have a spare ticket for the third gig, actually ...
See, I'm familiar with people trying to make railways out of material other than steel ... wooden rails, things like that.


This experiment must be tried.
See, I'm familiar with people trying to make railways out of material other than steel ... wooden rails, things like that.


This experiment must be tried.

You just WAIT til I get back to TCU and have disposable income.
Postpone the flight and stay with us for a couple of nights? I think we have a spare ticket for the third gig, actually ...

:hmm: It's hugely tempting, but would have to discuss with Kim and Theresa...not sure if the flight could be postponed!

See, I'm familiar with people trying to make railways out of material other than steel ... wooden rails, things like that.


This experiment must be tried.

If this is the last thing we do, IT MUST BE DONE.
I want to know how the fuck you're going to make a working locomotive out of bacon.
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