The CLAW - Part. 2

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U2 is getting old, (Bono and Adam are 50 next year), so it's gonna take a while before they get that middle part erect.

So what you're saying is, it's not fully erect yet?

that's what I've been saying all along :) :wink:

if you refer to the flash animation on you will notice that the shaft is equi-distant top and bottom with the centrepoint being the top of the claw.

bring on the heavy use of magnesium lights I say :hyper:
Pretty cool to see the finishing touches going on now, like the spiral design we could see in the animation



I don't mind the orange, it's the color they've used since the beginning for the logo so I'm used to it now. :hmm:
Looking at the pics it seems that the tower is as high as it's going to go now,I wonder if they're going to put the video screen up and the claws covers.
I was initially a little disappointed with the orange coloring on the tower, but now that it seems that segment of the design is going to be mostly obscured by the rest of the structure I've got no trouble with it.

Weird that they'd throw another color into the design though...the whole thing looks much better and serves as a cleaner blank slate for everything they do during the show if it's just black/gray.

As much as it "fit" with their album colors last time, I never understood why they had to put those horrific looking black and red towers up next to the screen during Vertigo outdoor. Sure, they looked kind of cool during the day time, but those colors didn't work at all with some of the effects they were trying to create.

In my opinion, when you're going to be tossing around state of the art lighting, etc., why bother with cheap tricks like paint?!

...unless the lights are going to shine through that colored fabric during Streets to create the red effect...:hmm:
it looks bloody impressive to me- different from before, very big- can't wait to see it in the flesh at Nou Camp in 5 weeks time

I personally think it will take up a sizeable chunk of the GA area
Weird that they'd throw another color into the design though...the whole thing looks much better and serves as a cleaner blank slate for everything they do during the show if it's just black/gray.

Agreed, i think its a really surprising lapse in taste on the part of the designers to go with orange when a simple white or grey scrim as seen on the animation would be so much more flexible and in keeping with the rest of the design. Plus, like you say, it will probably intrude into some of the lighting effects that they may wish to acheive.

Hopefully when they see how bad it looks it'll be an easy enough job to change the orange sections.
:ohmy: all this talk... anyone got a cigarette??? I thinkz i need one..

ok :wink:

Looking at the pics it seems that the tower is as high as it's going to go now,I wonder if they're going to put the video screen up and the claws covers.

no, those flickr photos probably are not showing the shaft as long as it will be when fully erect through the hole in the claw. look at my previous post.

nonetheless, the claw will look infinately larger with the screens in place (however they will be rigged). I recon the animation on does not even hint at the true capabilities of the overall screen system they will use.

People have hinted at "upstaging NIN visually", "dwarfing Rolling Stones", "Hoberman innovation". We're in for a treat.
How dare anyone criticize the orange-stripped Bonor! :tsk:

(especially before it is fully erect)

Sometimes it's fun to have some color on the Bonor. You'd prefer scented or flavored?


This thing is astoundingly huge and fantastically exciting, but are they going to be able to put it up and take it down at each venue in time, cos they seem to be taking ages in Belgium?
they have 3 identical claws! so one is set up at venue 1 the other is set up at venue 2 whilst the last one is in transport to venue 3 and so on
This thing is astoundingly huge and fantastically exciting, but are they going to be able to put it up and take it down at each venue in time, cos they seem to be taking ages in Belgium?

well it's the first time they've put it all together... i imagine after it's 100% complete and battle tested they will work on taking it down and putting it back together again just to see how long it will take
Agreed, i think its a really surprising lapse in taste on the part of the designers to go with orange when a simple white or grey scrim as seen on the animation would be so much more flexible and in keeping with the rest of the design. Plus, like you say, it will probably intrude into some of the lighting effects that they may wish to acheive.

Hopefully when they see how bad it looks it'll be an easy enough job to change the orange sections.

I'm sure Mark Fisher and Willie Williams will be grateful for your expert opinion and change their plans immediately.
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