Magnificent video is out, what do you think about it ?

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What do you think of the Magnificent Video

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Eh... could've been worse. I think they could've come up with something a bit more creative rather than being a bit safe, but it wasn't horrible (even with the ass shot, haha).

Mysterious Ways definitely had the better "middle eastern imagery" though, or whatever you want to call it.
It's ok, but it wan't as grand as I anticipated. Would've actually preferred this song's video to be filmed in Ireland.
One of the most boring U2 videos ever. I was expecting a classic and I kept waiting for it to take off. It never did.
There's nothing to hate, as not much happens at all. A blank screen would be only marginally less interesting.

well they took the subtle approach this time compared to the Boots video, i think it works better. There certainly is a meaning there, but it just doesn't slap you across the face like the last one. And there is a distinct beauty in the scenery as well.
It was ok. I didn't think it captured the meaning of the song.

I'd always pictured a simple video for this song, would have loved to see just a solo magician on stage performing some ordinary magic tricks to a half empty room. Don't know why, I just think that would have been interesting.
It's not the video I'd imagined in my head...the one featuring pine trees and flying over local mountaintops, but it's still really beautiful. Amazing location in that actual smile from Larry.

Yeah, I think that the room that the band is playing at is really beautiful. The deal is that Alex Courtez could've "played" with it, and he totally missed it in the photography side of the video.
He had so much to take and to play with (that room, the Fez landscapes and its own beauty, the top of the hill from the single cover) and he missed it all. It seems a bit uninspired.
Yeah, I think that the room that the band is playing at is really beautiful. The deal is that Alex Courtez could've "played" with it, and he totally missed it in the photography side of the video.
He had so much to take and to play with (that room, the Fez landscapes and its own beauty, the top of the hill from the single cover) and he missed it all. It seems a bit uninspired.

This sums up my thoughts.

Why didn't they have Corbijn direct? That seemed like the obvious choice to me.
Yeah, I think that the room that the band is playing at is really beautiful. The deal is that Alex Courtez could've "played" with it, and he totally missed it in the photography side of the video.
He had so much to take and to play with (that room, the Fez landscapes and its own beauty, the top of the hill from the single cover) and he missed it all. It seems a bit uninspired.
Why didn't they have Corbijn direct? That seemed like the obvious choice to me.
And this.
I don't see what's so bad about it. But then again, I don't ask much from music videos. I'm perfectly okay with watching my favorite band performing a song in a beautiful location.

I don't know what the sheets are supposed to signify, but I don't particularly care; they look cool. :wink:
Although I love it simple the way it is, I agree it’s not the masterpiece everyone was expecting (especially after Boots, which is a great video). I’d prefer Corbjin had done it too. actual smile from Larry.

You missed the smile in the making of.:wink:



This is one of the most UNIMAGINATIVE pieces of media I have ever seen. Did they think about it at all or just kind of show up that day with some cameras and white sheets. Boots is a great video. This video is BLAH beyond BLAH. A true turd.:down:
This is one of the most UNIMAGINATIVE pieces of media I have ever seen. Did they think about it at all or just kind of show up that day with some cameras and white sheets. Boots is a great video. This video is BLAH beyond BLAH. A true turd.:down:

I actually agree. I was terribly disappointed. This is the best song on the album for me and the video didnt do it justice at all. This was NOT the video to bring in the "behind the scenes" shot. Maybe for the first 2 minutes but the WHOLE song??? I hated it. Im in the minority, i know...
The sheets symbolize an unveiling of a new Africa, and echo the white flag imagery that the band used in its early days, which stands for surrender. As Bono has said, surrender is one of the main themes of the new album.

C'mon people, pay attention!!! :wink:
Love the Magnificent video! Sure, it's not as fancy and interesting as the Boots video but the blue sky and the unfolding white sheets create quite the joyful imagery. The Moroccan streets and carpeted studio only make the video even more beautiful, in my opinion. Beats utter CGI garbage like Vertigo and Elevation any day!
it's okay - could have been better.

1. less hand-camera
2. better (stylisher) camera views on the band -
3. better cuts - horrible these frog-perspective of the dancing people and the in the sun-shots - again and again. Doesn't fit - and these shots are just boring.

Like the totals with the white towles.

But some cuts...? why do we have to see Bonos but in the end?
They need to make another video. They did this very often in the past. I think it's now more than ever time to do this.

After a couple of views, I think the video loses interest. It's one of the weakest videos so far. Magnificent deserves better. It's their best song ever.
They need to make another video. They did this very often in the past. I think it's now more than ever time to do this.

After a couple of views, I think the video loses interest. It's one of the weakest videos so far. Magnificent deserves better. It's their best song ever.

Wow so because you dont like it you feel they should go and make a totally new video?, even though the tour is just over a month away?
They need to make another video. They did this very often in the past. I think it's now more than ever time to do this.

they have another video for the song:

YouTube - U2 - magnificent (live from somerville theatre, boston 2009)

After a couple of views, I think the video loses interest. It's one of the weakest videos so far. Magnificent deserves better. It's their best song ever.

this video is in line with other 'best ever U2 song' videos: WTSHNN, ISHFWILF, NYD, BD, Walk On....
I don't see how this video is any worse than any of the above videos... :huh:
They need to make another video. They did this very often in the past. I think it's now more than ever time to do this.

After a couple of views, I think the video loses interest. It's one of the weakest videos so far. Magnificent deserves better. It's their best song ever.

I thought of this, too.
Maybe I'm over interpreting, but I kind of see this as a message to the Middle East. Islamic fundamentalists have really "shrouded" a lot of Muslim countries in overly strict laws and oppression of women, and "only love" can throw off these shrouds. To me, the young people dancing in the video symbolize a new generation who are throwing off the old ways of thinking. Similar to the Beatles "All you need is love" message.

Again, I'm probably reading too much into it...

I don't think they had a message to the Middle East in particular and I don't think U2 would ever do that. They would rather show the other, the beautiful side of Islamic religion, without terrorism, 'ancient' laws and oppression of women.

The city of Fez is a holy city in Morocco. The veils hide the beauty and architecture of the city. The architecture is built in service of God (holy buildings). Then it's revealed and you see the beauty of it. This represents the revelation of God/ love.

It's funny that when I first heard the song it reminded me of the oldest parts of Cairo, Egypt.

But maybe I'm reading too much into it as well!
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