The 'I don't seem to like the new album' thread

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I don't know, hearing the guitar in Unknown Caller the first time, I immediately thought of Walk On.

I can understand this reaction, they are both playing arpeggio chords and I think they both have a Dm chord in the intro, from what I remember, but that's really where the similarities stop.
can anyone confirm if an "E" chord has in fact been played by 2 different artists? i'm not sure on this one.
OK, after a couple more complete listens (and removing Boots from the playlist), I am starting to love the album. What still seems to be missing are the "hits", the high energy points and/or songs that will get played on the radio. NLOTH is sort of like AB without Mysterious Ways, Even Better, and UTEOTW. Magnificent and Crazy Tonight might have been the candidates for radio songs, but the hooks aren't sharp enough -- they are great songs on the album, but I can't see them appearing on "U2 Greatest Hits 2000-2010" or whatever. But.... on the other hand... maybe something from this album will turn out like "Bad": a supposedly non-hit, non-radio song that beats all the odds (in 1985, I remember being stunned to hear the live Wide Awake in America version during morning drive time in L.A., all 8 glorious minutes) and becomes one of the all-time classics. Personally, I am loving Cedars of Lebanon though I don't think that's the future classic... just love the atmosphere and the vocal.
I don't mind if the reuse guitar parts like the UC/Walk on thing.

Unknown Caller is a much better song than the cheese that is Walk On, and if a guitar part that would suit UC perfectly has been used before (although in a different arrangement) they should use it again.

There have a few great guitar parts/solo's than are partnered with crap songs. For example the intro to Wire is fantastic, and is the best thing about the song, I would like to see them reuse that again in a more deserving song.
I swear some of you would buy the new album if it was Bono and Edge having a fart competition... We're all u2 fans here but there is only so much criticism you defend them against until you start denying facts instead of opinions. Yes, the intro to Crazy Tonight is the same as Faithfully, I realized that the second I heard it. And I've been saying Unknown Caller sounds like Walk On since I heard the beach clip a year ago. Glad other people are finally hearing it.

Does it mean I don't like U2 anymore? No. But you people jumping out infront of trains for U2 aren't going to change the way I look at the negative aspects of the album.
I swear some of you would buy the new album if it was Bono and Edge having a fart competition... We're all u2 fans here but there is only so much criticism you defend them against until you start denying facts instead of opinions. Yes, the intro to Crazy Tonight is the same as Faithfully, I realized that the second I heard it. And I've been saying Unknown Caller sounds like Walk On since I heard the beach clip a year ago. Glad other people are finally hearing it.

Does it mean I don't like U2 anymore? No. But you people jumping out infront of trains for U2 aren't going to change the way I look at the negative aspects of the album.

Hello :wave:, what do you think of MoS then? Do you agree with all the hype?

Too many people here would swallow any tripe that comes out with a U2 stamp on it. All critical faculties are seemingly lost whenever 'new U2' is mentioned.
I swear some of you would buy the new album if it was Bono and Edge having a fart competition... We're all u2 fans here but there is only so much criticism you defend them against until you start denying facts instead of opinions. Yes, the intro to Crazy Tonight is the same as Faithfully, I realized that the second I heard it. And I've been saying Unknown Caller sounds like Walk On since I heard the beach clip a year ago. Glad other people are finally hearing it.

Does it mean I don't like U2 anymore? No. But you people jumping out infront of trains for U2 aren't going to change the way I look at the negative aspects of the album.

Lol...I know what you mean. I got hammered on here b/c I said that I was really disappointed with the new album b/c there were no songs that I adored on the first listen through (a first for any u2 cd). I also love Pop and HTDAAB, so apparently people think that I'm crazy :ohmy:.... Anyway, it is U2 and I love them, so I'm pleased to say that after listening to the cd for a week, I do now like it very much.
Too many people here would swallow any tripe that comes out with a U2 stamp on it. All critical faculties are seemingly lost whenever 'new U2' is mentioned.

Here we go again, some armchair U2 - critic wannabe, telling everyone facts about a track he/she doesn't like.
Oh thank you, most enlightened one.
My faculties are fine, since I summed you up by just a couple of sentences.
I love MOS, and don't give two shit's what you think. :p
Here we go again, some armchair U2 - critic wannabe, telling everyone facts about a track he/she doesn't like.
Oh thank you, most enlightened one.
My faculties are fine, since I summed you up by just a couple of sentences.
I love MOS, and don't give two shit's what you think. :p

Someone's defensive. I don't know why seem females here seem quite reluctant to criticise anything (aside from other people's posts).

Also, that post wasn't addressed to you. And I was exaggerating about the tripe bit.

I don't mind MoS either (it's not quite 'tripe'), I just don't understand what all the fuss is about, it's not the second coming, and it seems that others (and even music critics) agree with me.

And though I may be an "armchair U2 critic wannabe", my point is valid, quite a few people here like new U2 songs, simply because they are new U2 songs. If another band released them, they would definitely not be so favourably looked on. (also some people by nature, are just less critical than others and more optimistic)

I assume you weren't around for the launch of HTDAAB, where quite a few people here thought it was a top 3 album as well.

It still amazes me how quickly some fans write off old songs and albums, simply because they're old or because they have listened to them to death.
And therefore think that new songs are better, even though they may not measure up to their earlier work.
My point is valid though, quite a few people here like new U2 songs, simply because they are new U2 songs.
some people here wouldn't love anything U2 put out if it didn't follow the same path as what the band did in the 90s

same as in the 90s some people dismissed their albums as they didn't follow the same path as the band followed through the 80s

I think it's all pretty narrow minded
I swear some of you would buy the new album if it was Bono and Edge having a fart competition...

We can only dream... :drool: Maybe it'll be like the fart competition in "Family Guy" between Peter and Michael Moore.

YouTube - Family Guy - Peter Griffen Vs. Michael Moore Farting Contest

Does it mean I don't like U2 anymore? No. But you people jumping out infront of trains for U2 aren't going to change the way I look at the negative aspects of the album.

Not dissin' you, dawg. :no:

Excuse me - got caught up in some 90's lingo (*clears throat*).

It's not that we disrespect your views, it's just that you also can't change the minds of those who really enjoy the album. And as we enjoy the album, we simply don't see your criticisms as strong enough to justify your views. :reject:

Keep in mind, I'm not a huge fan of JT for the very reason that I think all the songs sound the same (barring say "Bullet" and "Trip" - and I think "Trip" is one of the worst songs U2 ever wrote and I hate the version of "Bullet" on the album, so....). But I do see some brilliance on JT and feel it is one of the best albums of the 80's. It's with that thought that we may try to get you to see that despite some of your criticisms of NLOTH, it is still a strong album.

Now, if you really don't feel that way, it's cool. :up:

Back to the farting contest! :applaud::hyper::love:
some people here wouldn't love anything U2 put out if it didn't follow the same path as what the band did in the 90s

same as in the 90s some people dismissed their albums as they didn't follow the same path as the band followed through the 80s

I think it's all pretty narrow minded

Well I'm not one of those people, not a fan of nostalgia.

I don't think they should do what they did in the 90s again (though I wouldn't mind if they did :hmm:) but their newer stuff simply doesn't have the focus or level of artistic acheivement that their late 80s/ early 90s stuff did.

Their lyrics are sometimes cheesy or cringey, they overuse the 'ohhh' vocalisations etc.
Just had my first listen and although I know I probably can't judge it after only one listening session I didn't like it at all this fist time. There is too much Eno/Passengers in this album. The best parts of the songs for me were mostly the endings, which is a bad sign for me. The best albums for me are always the ones that have to grow on me but another bad sign is that unlike with good albums in the past it now seems as if there are no parts that I really instantly like and compel me to listen to again. Ofcourse there are very good parts in many of the songs but they are now often ruined by things that come after these parts.

I hope it'll grow on me but for now I don't like the many whoohoohoo's of Bono, they come back in too many songs. I also don't like the depressing "Pink Floyd style" backing vocals thoughout the album. And although Edge's guitar work is present a lot (which I appreciate a lot) it has the same style and "voicing" throughout the album and thus can't really keep me surprised throughout, like it does on Achtung Baby where you can hear a real creative genius at work. It just misses the "X Factor" and doesn't sound inspired here.

Overall the album has a very heavy "forcing" atmosphere. The soundquality doesn't help in this area either. I thought/hoped this time it would be better than the average U2 album but the sound quality is the thing that disappoints me the me it really sucks!! The overal sound is much too dense and heavy, compressed like hell. The bass is much too thick, voices sound suppressed and covered in veils and hi-hats sound like they were pulled through at leased three of the old Dolby noise suppressor filters that we used to have on our old tapedecks in a row! I also don't think there is a real purpose or reason to sound this way. It's just very unnatural, "over-produced", forced and low-fi.

For me it is a real album though, unlike for example Zooropa, seen in a way that the songs really belong together. Although Get on your boots and Cedars of Lebanon sound somewhat different, all the other songs give me the sense of being part of a whole.

I really, really hope I turn out to be wrong in my (now partly subconsious formed) feeling/opinion that for me it sucks. Not because of other people but because I really want to enjoy a good U2 album again and was really expecting and waiting for another masterpiece like Achtung Baby.

My U2 album top three for now stays the same:

Achtung Baby
Joshua Tree
Unforgettable Fire


U2 - No Line On The Horizon: track-by-track / Features // The Music Magazine
Just dropping in on this most lenghty and amusing thread.

I've been trhough it twice now.

What I like -- most of it; Magnificent is especially cool for me; Bono's lyrics for the most part are very good and I like the spiritual themes in many songs.
I love the birds in the background, and I love the fact that one song samples another song -- Fez Being Born I think; that is very novel and caught me off guard. Adam and Edge are at the top of their game here for me -- especially the bass lines. It is daring and different -- U2 could have easily phoned it in and made a three hit / eight crap filler album, but did not and that is very impressive to me. I like the song names.

What I don't like -- a few too many "oohhh oooh" type lyrics for my taste -- and most of the songs are just too darn long, and I don't even have ADD, at least not yet and it just goes on in parts. I wish Bono's voice came through a bit more in the mix -- I like to hear what he's singing instead of reading the damn liner notes to understand. I don't like the fact that most of my friends wont' "get it" as it seems like a critical appeal but hard to appeal to the masses kind of record. (I'm hoping that radio versions do the songs more justice and I can't imagine Magnificent lasting 5:25 on radio, at least in the US -- that's longer than intercourse for many Americans)

For those of you in the "don't like camp" fine -- but I'd say give it two more tries, all the way through at once, and if you still don't like it -- there's always eBay and 2010 or 2015 for the next batch of new songs. You are welcome in my portion of Interference so speak up, but try to do so intelligently as well.

I am enthused to see how these songs play live -- and I'm glad the album artwork does not have those damn equal signs.

EDIT -- PS -- I don't know the reviewer from Time Magazine, but exactly what part of the world was "Wild Honey" considered a hit? I do not recall that song being considered much of a hit from ATYCLB especially in the US; and the review lost credibility for me right after that sentence.
I've now come the conclusion that U2 dropped the ball with this one. I just can't place this album next to POP, or Achtung, or even HTDAAB. This seems like a different U2. And I do appreciate the band trying to grow but in this case I don't think this album was ready to see the light of day. A lot of the songs seems like they didn't find their melody which was always such a delight in U2's music. I've seen several people here drooling over "Breathe" and I here and it almost sounds dissonant.

I don't know if they purposely tried to be "experimental" and improvised more than they should've, but that seems to be the case to me. Somewhere along the way they confused "groundbreaking" and "experimental" with "strange sounding." I really don't know how to express it.

I really wanted to like this album. I even waited to hear it until I had my original copy just to make sure I wouldn't ruin the experience with bad audio quality.

I know this is a U2 board and we're all supposed to gush at whatever U2 puts out but I'm at a point where suddenly I'm not just a U2 fan but mostly a music fan and in that perspective I can say, I know U2 can do better.

I know I would much rather listen to past material on tour than stuff off of the new album. For example, I'd much prefer Discotheque over GOYB taking up a slot in the upcoming tour DVD, you know?

I really hope rumored album in mid-2009 will redeem NLOTH. It's not terrible. It's not the worst thing ever recorded. It's just that up to U2's standards it's lacking.
I've now come the conclusion that U2 dropped the ball with this one. I just can't place this album next to POP, or Achtung, or even HTDAAB. This seems like a different U2. And I do appreciate the band trying to grow but in this case I don't think this album was ready to see the light of day. A lot of the songs seems like they didn't find their melody which was always such a delight in U2's music. I've seen several people here drooling over "Breathe" and I here and it almost sounds dissonant.

I don't know if they purposely tried to be "experimental" and improvised more than they should've, but that seems to be the case to me. Somewhere along the way they confused "groundbreaking" and "experimental" with "strange sounding." I really don't know how to express it.

I really wanted to like this album. I even waited to hear it until I had my original copy just to make sure I wouldn't ruin the experience with bad audio quality.

I know this is a U2 board and we're all supposed to gush at whatever U2 puts out but I'm at a point where suddenly I'm not just a U2 fan but mostly a music fan and in that perspective I can say, I know U2 can do better.

I know I would much rather listen to past material on tour than stuff off of the new album. For example, I'd much prefer Discotheque over GOYB taking up a slot in the upcoming tour DVD, you know?

I really hope rumored album in mid-2009 will redeem NLOTH. It's not terrible. It's not the worst thing ever recorded. It's just that up to U2's standards it's lacking.

Since you think HTDAAB is better, then i dont know what to tell you.
Hello :wave:, what do you think of MoS then? Do you agree with all the hype?

Too many people here would swallow any tripe that comes out with a U2 stamp on it. All critical faculties are seemingly lost whenever 'new U2' is mentioned.

Actually, by my recollection I gave a very personal and calculated interpretation of Moment Of Surrender. While, I agree some people go over the top with their blind defence of U2 the same can be equally said about negative critics. You simply dismiss the good points people bring up as a rebuttal to your arguments.

As soon as someone deems something as a very impressive piece of work which they are contemplating as a classic a lot of people whom disagree think its because they have a one eyed love for U2 and know nothing else. If I'm honest, Feeder is my favourite band and I still consider Moment Of Surrender a classic.
Keep in mind, I'm not a huge fan of JT for the very reason that I think all the songs sound the same (barring say "Bullet" and "Trip" - and I think "Trip" is one of the worst songs U2 ever wrote and I hate the version of "Bullet" on the album, so....). But I do see some brilliance on JT and feel it is one of the best albums of the 80's.

Bravo. I mean I personally don't consider JT a masterpiece, however I don't consider everyone who does as sheep of U2. I suppose its easy to bash an album thats been out for ten days with only a handful of songs played live on a Promo tour.

After this much output can we immediately compare it to AB and JT (either positively or negatively) which have had a complete generation to 'fester' into something else.
Well I'm not one of those people, not a fan of nostalgia.

I don't think they should do what they did in the 90s again (though I wouldn't mind if they did :hmm:) but their newer stuff simply doesn't have the focus or level of artistic acheivement that their late 80s/ early 90s stuff did.

Their lyrics are sometimes cheesy or cringey, they overuse the 'ohhh' vocalisations etc.

And AB didn't overuse 'Baby'?

And JT didn't overdo the multi sensory imagery of a desert?

I think lyrics are picked apart way too frequently on this forum that it causes them to lose any meaning for some.

Let's put it into context, Bono is in his 40s and 'literally' trying to save the world. The fact that this sometimes (and I mean sometimes) comes through in some works makes them 'cheesy'. I think the ideas discussed are sincere and that people focus to much on every line. It's the delivery that the majority of the time makes Bono's lyrics much more powerful.

Im done. Of course until I hear your response. :wink:
Bravo. I mean I personally don't consider JT a masterpiece, however I don't consider everyone who does as sheep of U2. I suppose its easy to bash an album thats been out for ten days with only a handful of songs played live on a Promo tour.

After this much output can we immediately compare it to AB and JT (either positively or negatively) which have had a complete generation to 'fester' into something else.
I'm with you guys here - doctor who too - spot on, this is my opinion exactly
I'm beginning to like SUC, I think I need professional help:wink:
I hated that song so much but now I can't get it out of my head!
I even like IGCIICGCT!! Really like it.
I love Fez-Being born, but wish being born was instrumental too.
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