The double digit leak thread: Leak Thread 10.

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The real LEAK was the BOMB two weeks before!!! THAT WAS A LEAK!!!!!!!

if a leak falls in the woods and nobody's around to download it, is it really a leak?

give it a break dude... if the album hits the interwebs 5 hours before it's supposed to go on sale, it's still a leak. a shitty one, but a leak none the less.
eh hem... you're speaking to a blackberry snob. i have no need for an iPhone.

technicaly i don't really neeeeed an iPod, so i've been testing myself to see how long i can go without one... i've gone 2 1/2 months now so that's pretty good, but i'm starting to get antsy.

I have both and iPod classic and an iPhone 3g. As for iPod feautres, I prefer using a the classic a lot more that the iPhone 3G, plus has 10 times the capacity of my 16 GB iPhone. I also encode all my movies to the iPod classic in DVD quality, so I can output to my TV wherever I am. It is a lot more convenient as an iPod than an iPhone 3g/iPod Touch.

However the iPhone 3g is very useful for browsing wherever I am, but it is more like a toy phone. If you're a more serious business user, I think blackberries are better.
i know about the iPods... i'll get a classic when i get a new one. i have no need to go backwards capacity wise just for a touch screen and some wifi. my music collection wouldn't fit on one of those things, which would negate the point

the only question is should i break my holding out streak and buy one tonight... which is what i want to do but i'm trying to get someone to justify my expense.
i know about the iPods... i'll get a classic when i get a new one. i have no need to go backwards capacity wise just for a touch screen and some wifi. my music collection wouldn't fit on one of those things, which would negate the point

the only question is should i break my holding out streak and buy one tonight... which is what i want to do but i'm trying to get someone to justify my expense.

Yes, If it hasnt leaked to the masses yet it probably wont happen until Japan gets it. Boots never leaked before radio airplay so i dont expect the album will either.
I wonder how much money Universal has spent to avoid a leak. They are going to have to do some seriously high volume pressing/shipping soon.
Coldplay's album leaked 1 week before release date... so we could get it in th ecoming days. Security must have been similar to NLOTH
Yes, If it hasnt leaked to the masses yet it probably wont happen until Japan gets it. Boots never leaked before radio airplay so i dont expect the album will either.

How does this follow? I'm not trying to be rude, but it seems that it would be more likely to leak the closer we get to the release date.
Coldplay's album leaked 1 week before release date... so we could get it in th ecoming days. Security must have been similar to NLOTH

Nah, it's just that soccer moms with no internet experience are the only ones who like Coldplay.
GREED and LIES are expensive, Bram.

Haha. I meant more along the lines of the delay in pressing and shipping the copies. They must be waiting to do this until the absolute last minute, which has got to cost a good deal more.
Hey... I'm back

Did I missed any discussion/ban/revolution/armageddon in the last 30 minutes?
Or did it leaked?
Stages of waiting for a NLOTH leak that never comes :(

1. denial: It'll leak any minute now! I know it!
2. anger: WTF it's still not leaked grrrraaaahhhh!!!1
3. bargaining: I'll trade n00ds for a leak!
4. depression: Life sucks without NLOTH :(
5. acceptance: I guess I'm just going to have to wait til release day.

You forgot delirious laughter and hallucinations.

Thank you.
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