Short vides + upcoming feature in The Guardian/Observer (updated 02/16)

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from that vid clip it definitely has the tone and feel of magnificent. however it sounds like a work in progress. particularly towards the end were edge is kind of searching and hits a few wrong notes. Especially round the 0:45 to 0:55 sec mark. Euphoric nonetheless
from that vid clip it definitely has the tone and feel of magnificent. however it sounds like a work in progress. particularly towards the end were edge is kind of searching and hits a few wrong notes. Especially round the 0:45 to 0:55 sec mark. Euphoric nonetheless

Yeah, most of the music in these clips sounds like its in rough form. I hope some semblance of that solo is in the final track, though--I was really feeling it. I think it's definitely possible given the length of the song. The slide solo could be at the bridge at about the 2.5 minute mark and this could be an outro solo. I can't quite remember, but I think one or more of the listening party reviewers mentioned a Magnificent solo in such a way that it didn't sound like they were talking about the slide/beach clip one.
From the Guardian article:

For now, there is enough material left over from the sessions for an album that, Bono says, will be released before the end of the year. It will be "a more meditative album on the theme of pilgrimage".

"Eighteen months later, though, sitting at a table in his home studio in Notting Hill, Brian Eno, a man not given to exaggeration, will describe a song that "was hatched almost fully formed in a breathtaking few hours" in Fez as "the most amazing studio experience I've ever had". Which is saying something. That song is called Moment of Surrender, a thing of complex rhythmic beauty and cumulative power, that, as Bono will later point out, occupies the same place on No Line on the Horizon as One did on Achtung Baby. That is to say, it is the emotional centrepiece of a big, overloaded, creatively risky record. "Apart from some editing and the addition of the short cello piece that introduces it," says Eno, "the song appears on the album exactly as it was the first and only time we played it." "

Didn't they say the same thing about One and So Cruel? It's amazing that that kind of spontaneity can actually happen. I'm eager to hear it.
Can this possibly be true?:

"That's what happened with Stand Up Comedy. I was thinking the other day that Edge has probably heard that song more times than even the most dedicated U2 fan ever will."
You think thats that small addition to the intro of MOS Eno talks about?

Yeah, I'd say so.
Didn;t the cello parts also have something to do with forget what it was exactly.

That article is one heck of a read!
But one thing seems to be getting clearer and clearer...there may be a 2nd album release sooner rather than later. At least they seem to hope so, at this stage.

The times couldn't be any more exciting!
That article was beyond brilliant. There is a ton of stuff in there. That bit about a second release by the year's end. Even in Bono-speak, that could mean a late-2010 release and I'm still damn excited about that comment. And MOS, well Eno (and even Bono!) are talking like God entered the room on this one. Give it too me!!! :drool:
Yes, that's the same Lanois movie riff. They didn't use that on the album ? Pfft.

The second part reminds me of Ground beneath her feet. I was hoping for some MDH-like U2. This made the album ? :up:

And the other posted who heard Fast Cars is on the right track too...

The only thing I can think of is that Eno had them doing an experiment where they play old songs and then improvise from there...

Using something familiar as a starting point to make something entirely new.

It HAS to be this because they were basically playing those two songs note for note...
So, first song is Magnificent. Second is Stand Up. Third is ?. 4th is the beginning of Crazy Tonight. After this Adam bass riff from Crazy Tonight cuts out, what's the song at the end?
I like the part about another album before the end of the year with a focus on pilgrimage. Two u2 albums of original material in one year ... Please yes!
According to that article Bono said theres enough material to release another album at the end of the year :hyper:

For now, there is enough material left over from the sessions for an album that, Bono says, will be released before the end of the year. It will be "a more meditative album on the theme of pilgrimage".

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