30 Sec Clips of NLOTH!!!! DISCUSSION ONLY (Do not post download links!!)

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OK after listening to these clips about 100 times each (seriously!) i have to say this album is shaping up to be fuckin awesome! Everytime i listen to these clips they just seem to be getting better and better. Roll on 27th Feb! :hyper:

I agree. Every time I listen to the Magnificent clip (which is about once every 37 seconds), I break into a huge grin.
I'd say, just from the clips, there doesn't appear to be much going on with "White as Snow" ...also, "Cedars of Lebanon" is fairly low-key. As for a third choice, I'd say go with "Stand Up Comedy," considering most people are upset with the way it (appears) is shaping up (I think it's fine, though).

I wouldn't go for White As Snow, if you're trying to stay clear of interesting stuff. I actually think this is the biggest U2 departure on the album, more so than Fez-Being Born by a long shot.
MOS reminds me of Gone. :heart:

Magnificent seems so familiar and comfortable yet fresh and new. I know this will be my most played track.

Please leak soon. I want to go to there! :drool:
who thinks Fez Being born will be the opening song for the concerts.
The start of the clip reminds me of Zoo Tv opening.
I was in BestBuy this afternoon with a couple of friends, and I plugged my iPhone into one of their nice display sound systems and blared the 30sec clips for the whole store to hear. :hyper:
I have been listening to these 30 sec clips nonstop for an hour or so...and I get more and more excited about the new album...lots of surprising (for the lack of a better word) melodies and arrangements...and Bono sounds awesome...and that fills my heart with joy. Can´t wait for March 2nd!

Cheers, MT
I don't think I've seen a coherent reference to a past U2 album yet. These clips have now been compared to every U2 album except for October and Rattle and Hum. I'm actually not joking.

well nloth reminded me of october due to the piano and theres a little bit of rattle and hum in stand up comedy:lol:
who thinks Fez Being born will be the opening song for the concerts.
The start of the clip reminds me of Zoo Tv opening.
The craziest part about that? It could actually work. Really well, in fact: U2 could play a live version of "FEZ" (the "soundscape" half of "FEZ - Being Born", and then, when they get to the "let me in the sound" part, they could transition to "Get On Your Boots."
Wow...I actually want this to happen now.
The title track and Magnificent (very UF) sound the most impressive to me, excellent. Breathe sounds good as well.
I only listened to the clips once and now I'm done. I just wanted to make it was going to live up to the hype (and and now really excited).

My first impressions are:
- this is Adam's album
- closer to Acthung Baby than any other album
- comparing to AB: GOYB = The Fly, Unknown Caller = So Cruel, Stand Up Comedy = WGRYWH
- Best opening 3 songs of any U2 album
- first half > second half

Album will leak next weekend or shortly thereafter.
Oh my goodness! Oh my..... :shocked:

What a tease! now the waiting is all the more difficult. Definitely will be the best album since POP.

Songs I'm looking forward to: NLOTH, Magnificent, Moment of Surrender, I'll go crazy, FEZ, Breathe, Cedars of Lebanon.

FEZ!!! Oh my goodness. This is going to be THE song. Classic at once.

My heart is beating at a rate of 70 beats/yoctasecond. :heart: The smile just gets wider, and wider with each listen. :D
So I'm guessing everyone hears the two distinct parts in the FEZ clip like I did. I thought I might have encountered a glitch. Anyway, maybe the whole song will tell a different story, but the abrupt transition between the two parts is dangerously close to sounding like some incompetent fool recording over a tape by mistake. The two individual parts by themselves are pretty intriguing.
No Line On The Horizon - love the emotion and building intensity during the verse. the chorus is an odd yet effective relief. can't wait to hear the opening distortion and riff. this sounds like a modernized version of A Sort Of Homecoming.

Magnificent - wall of classic U2 sound. doesn't get me excited but should be a good stadium track. sounds like it wants to be epic but probably won't compare to the likes of Bad.

Moment Of Surrender - not much offered here but what limited texture and mood we get is...well...phenomenal. love that subtle electronic percussion roll in the background.

Unknown Caller - neat vibe from what I assume is an intro. based on the beach clip and the quality of production in these samples, this should be a great one.

Crazy Tonight - contemporary pop that sounds like it could be from All That You Can't Leave Behind. I really hope it holds up better than Original Of The Species, Crumbs From Your Table, or Window In The Skies. the fact that it sounds comparable to these duds has me nervous.

Sexy Boots - eclectic. fun. meh. whatever.

Stand Up Comedy - like the funky riff, but can't really get a sense of this one. nothing really stands out here.

Fez/Being Born - don't like the transition, but the opening sounds of Being Born are fantastic. driving and wicked.

White As Snow - interesting. sounds like Bono is reciting some combination of Bruce Springsteen and William Butler Yeats. hope it's better than Velvet Dress.

Breathe - not as fast and grunge-infested as what I expected from the beach clip. still sounds great. the piano is just perfect. worried a bit about the soaring to nowhere chorus but hopefully the bluesy verses save it.

Cedars Of Lebanon - another somber closer but sounds very original for U2. maybe the most intriguing sample yet.
So I'm guessing everyone hears the two distinct parts in the FEZ clip like I did. I thought I might have encountered a glitch. Anyway, maybe the whole song will tell a different story, but the abrupt transition between the two parts is dangerously close to sounding like some incompetent fool recording over a tape by mistake. The two individual parts by themselves are pretty intriguing.

Yes the song seems to start off with some ambience and then a reprise of "let me in the sound" from GOYB.
look i'm excited by the clips as much as the next guy but i still don't understand how the hell someone can come up with a full analysis of a song and the album based on a small piece of a song.

QFT, lets let the actual album sink in a bit before we call it the masterpiece everyone is claiming.
Edge's falsetto in MOS is reminding me of Corpse (These Chains Are Way Too Long). :reject:

For the record, I like Corpse.
No Line On The Horizon - love the emotion and building intensity during the verse. the chorus is an odd yet effective relief. can't wait to hear the opening distortion and riff. this sounds like a modernized version of A Sort Of Homecoming.

Magnificent - wall of classic U2 sound. doesn't get me excited but should be a good stadium track. sounds like it wants to be epic but probably won't compare to the likes of Bad.

Moment Of Surrender - not much offered here but what limited texture and mood we get is...well...phenomenal. love that subtle electronic percussion roll in the background.

Unknown Caller - neat vibe from what I assume is an intro. based on the beach clip and the quality of production in these samples, this should be a great one.

Crazy Tonight - contemporary pop that sounds like it could be from All That You Can't Leave Behind. I really hope it holds up better than Original Of The Species, Crumbs From Your Table, or Window In The Skies. the fact that it sounds comparable to these duds has me nervous.

Sexy Boots - eclectic. fun. meh. whatever.

Stand Up Comedy - like the funky riff, but can't really get a sense of this one. nothing really stands out here.

Fez/Being Born - don't like the transition, but the opening sounds of Being Born are fantastic. driving and wicked.

White As Snow - interesting. sounds like Bono is reciting some combination of Bruce Springsteen and William Butler Yeats. hope it's better than Velvet Dress.

Breathe - not as fast and grunge-infested as what I expected from the beach clip. still sounds great. the piano is just perfect. worried a bit about the soaring to nowhere chorus but hopefully the bluesy verses save it.

Cedars Of Lebanon - another somber closer but sounds very original for U2. maybe the most intriguing sample yet.

Srsly dude. Do you have a copy? are you holding out on us fellow interferers?
I must be in the minority. So far Magnificent and Breathe are my favorites.
U2 could play a live version of "FEZ" (the "soundscape" half of "FEZ - Being Born", and then, when they get to the "let me in the sound" part, they could transition to "Get On Your Boots."

Maybe I heard/understood this song completely differently to you - but I'm thinking the "let me in the sound" part is FEZ (the intro to the song, like the babble part of Zooropa) and that Being Born is the actual song part, which is unfortunately where the Walmart clip fades.
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