You Yangs, Lara, Australia Superthread

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I'm really getting quite distraught over finals week now. I just don't know what to do.
Ok. I'm feeling like a bit of weight has just lifted.

If I didn't do the paper at all, I would get a D in the class.
If I get a C on the paper, a grade I expect if I'm going to half-ass this, I will get a B in the class.
So if I get a B or miraculously an A on the paper, I'll get an A in the class.
I dare not say this on EYKIW, but - is it just me, or is HTDAAB music for people with very limited musical horizons? It seems that all of us who, in 2004, were diehard U2 fans with little knowledge of any other bands and then went on to dig deeper into music and discovered a lot of new stuff have pretty much just disowned HTDAAB.
I'll tell you what gang, this is just crazy. I get better grades in college than I did in high school, and suddenly the idea of getting a C is end of the world material. Nevermind the fact that I got SEVERAL in high school, and it is acceptable to do slightly worse in college than high school. But I haven't got a C yet, and I want to keep it that way, thus I get stressed out during finals time and don't shut up about it to you lot :p
I'll tell you what gang, this is just crazy. I get better grades in college than I did in high school, and suddenly the idea of getting a C is end of the world material. Nevermind the fact that I got SEVERAL in high school, and it is acceptable to do slightly worse in college than high school. But I haven't got a C yet, and I want to keep it that way, thus I get stressed out during finals time and don't shut up about it to you lot :p
oh i understand. once the bar's been set you don't want to lower it if you can avoid it.
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