Titz, Germany Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I'm trying to think of good bands I've discovered thanks to B&C. There may have been one or two, but they aren't coming to mind right now.

Most of the people who post there are indie twats too far up their own arse to be able to hear good music anyway.

I discovered Cut Copy and M83 there. You gotta look through a lot of fucking coal to find diamonds, yes.
Oh, yes. I may ask Phanan if I can help out with DI6. If I have anything to say about it, it'll be the renaissance we've been looking for. You can join in as well. We'll get this shit back on track.

I just hope it doesn't turn into a Kafka tragedy.
As long as it's still 160 minutes. :grumpy:

Most certainly. That's one reason I'm interesting in being more hands-on with the tournament; I don't want the Zootses and Screws of the forum to ruin it with undue "accessibility" (to whom, I ask?)
Most certainly. That's one reason I'm interesting in being more hands-on with the tournament; I don't want the Zootses and Screws of the forum to ruin it with undue "accessibility" (to whom, I ask?)

Thank goodness. And I'm a little unsure what you mean about Zoots and Screw and accessibility?
The most metal grandma ever?

+ http://www.u2interference.com/forums/f200/interferencers-photos-consolidated-xxiv-187757.html = :heart:
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