Desventuradas Islands, Chile Superthread

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I hadn't actually noticed you'd changed it.

I noticed because Khan left me a visitor message, and when you're on the profile page it shows up much larger :lol:.

I'm leaving it because it amuses me
As do I, but about my DI V list. It's the only list I've made that I've still been listening to from start to finish over four months after I made it.

I'm gonna finally listen to yours tomorrow i swear. I have just a few more to go now. I was going to listen to yours tonight, but decided to listen to Screw's instead :doh:
As do I, but about my DI V list. It's the only list I've made that I've still been listening to from start to finish over four months after I made it.

You'll make the semifinals or I'll eat my hat.
Trust me, when it comes to ccm music, the Newsboys aren't really that terrible. And that's saying a lot.

Hm, I'd debate that. MercyMe are worse, yes, but I'd say DC Talk are a mild improvement on the Newsboys.

This is, of course, like comparing bullshit, bird poop, and horse manure.
Hm, I'd debate that. MercyMe are worse, yes, but I'd say DC Talk are a mild improvement on the Newsboys.

This is, of course, like comparing bullshit, bird poop, and horse manure.

There is quite a bit of shit worse than MercyMe. And I despise MercyMe (my wanker of a brother loves the shit).
Hope you don't like your hat too much. I don't see myself making it too far with so many obscure artists and instrumentals.

I don't have a hat. :wink:

Anyway, yours is the second best playlist after Phanana.
Not all of it. :reject: Just the first half or so. I liked V's too, but what I heard of yours deserved better than to get thrashed like that. Even if you used Coldplay.

Ahhh, cool beans. Apparently the first half and the last 25 minutes are okay, but just about no one likes the middle.
Ahhh, cool beans. Apparently the first half and the last 25 minutes are okay, but just about no one likes the middle.

This is a true fact :wink:

I don't really like this song. It's too much annoying Beatles. I don't know why I like Look What You've Done. I think cause I didn't know it was a Jet song :lol:
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