Bono in New York

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Oh. That is definitly not Ali. I think it is Catroina, his assisatant. I think I spelled her name wrong.
OK - he just came back, was outside my office
Actually got to talk to him this time
Pics will be up shortly






Our conversation.

ME: Dude, you're killing us with this. Please, please release a non-album single with some b-sides. Something! We're dying for new tunes from you.

BONO: Yeah, I know. We actually talked about doing that, releasing a single or some demos or something. I dunno. Could still happen.

ME: You guys do that and I'll give each of you a dollar. Or a cookie.

BONO (laughing): Sounds good.

Then he got ushered off.
OK. This has been the coolest birthday week ever.
Well done! Great pics, and you had the presence of mind to ask about the new album! (Bono as evasive as ever.)







Our conversation.

ME: Dude, you're killing us with this. Please, please release a non-album single with some b-sides. Something! We're dying for new tunes from you.

BONO: Yeah, I know. We actually talked about doing that, releasing a single or some demos or something. I dunno. Could still happen.

ME: You guys do that and I'll give each of you a dollar. Or a cookie.

BONO (laughing): Sounds good.

Then he got ushered off.
OK. This has been the coolest birthday week ever.
Whats really great about these as opposed to the pic I put on here of me and my son at Halloween is how much i DON'T look like Bono.

I look like Tom Hanks' retarded brother.


nah, that's not true. you're really good looking :up:

great job with our man, btw. :applaud:

...and lovely son :cute:
Whats really great about these as opposed to the pic I put on here of me and my son at Halloween is how much i DON'T look like Bono.

I look like Tom Hanks' retarded brother.


oh yeah I remember when you posted that :cute:

but you also don't look completely UNlike Bono... you have similar noses. which is a very good thing :shifty:
wow awesomness! great pictures and OMFG BOB GELDOF:love:

I love your conversation :up: nice suggestion!
Our conversation.

ME: Dude, you're killing us with this. Please, please release a non-album single with some b-sides. Something! We're dying for new tunes from you.

BONO: Yeah, I know. We actually talked about doing that, releasing a
single or some demos or something. I dunno. Could still happen.

ME: You guys do that and I'll give each of you a dollar. Or a cookie.

BONO (laughing): Sounds good.

Then he got ushered off.
OK. This has been the coolest birthday week ever.

Thank you for not being too starstruck to ask an important question for the rest of us unlucky fans that can't be in New York right now! :shocked:

And congratulations on the meeting with the man himself and your birthday! :applaud:
Bono is always so nice towards his fans, taking a bit of time out of his schedule to have a little chat must mean so much to those who get to spend their brief time talking to him, and he must be very well aware of it as well! Great role model, for sure.

(Catriona sure seems very busy in the background there, poor thing!)
I figured for years I've been sitting back, stuck at work while people met him at bookstores and record stores and whatnot -- not able to meet him myself.

Stupid work.

So I had the bright idea to make him come to me.
didn't think it would work... :)
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