Murderkill River, Delaware Superthread

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I vote Chass and Daniel listen to Tori

And Gaf, Khan, and I listen to Darkness :wink:
"two hundred dollars straight in
two-fifty up the ass" she smiled and said
she unbuckled my belt, pulled back her hair
and sat in front of me on the bed

story of my life.
She slipped me out of her mouth
"You're ready," she said
She took off her bra and panties
Wet her fingers, slipped it inside her
And crawled over me on the bed


Bruce doesn't make many mistakes but, honestly, that is just a little bit too much for me. Brucie, this is not Penthouse Forum.
:hmm: i have so few, it's not a tough decision! :lol: i've only got madonna, like a virgin, you can dance, immaculate collection, and something to remember.

not sure which one i'll pick though :hmm:
Eighties. Why am I not surprised :wink:


She slipped me out of her mouth
"You're ready," she said
She took off her bra and panties
Wet her fingers, slipped it inside her
And crawled over me on the bed

She bought me another whisky
Said "here's to the best you ever had"
We laughed and made a toast
It wasn't the best I ever had
Not even close
Good god Bruce. Don't you understand that some ambiguity is sexier? I don't need those kind of details!
"two hundred dollars straight in
two-fifty up the ass" she smiled and said
she unbuckled my belt, pulled back her hair
and sat in front of me on the bed

story of my life.

:lmao: I didn't even realize that was from the same song, I had to Google it XD. I Dont' listen to Reno often, it makes me uncomfortable to hear Bruce sing so :uhoh:
Eighties. Why am I not surprised :wink:

Good god Bruce. Don't you understand that some ambiguity is sexier? I don't need those kind of details!

You're talking to Mr.

Wrap your legs round these velvet rims
And Strap your hands crossed my engines

Take that as you will.
I was gone 38 minutes and you lot put on 114 posts.

... kind of funny how that seems almost slow after we did this thread's first 100 posts in 16 minutes! :lol:
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