Intercourse, Pennsylvania Superthread

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Did you just make a NZ/sheep joke?

Aren't they the same colours, but reversed? Green/gold, gold/green?

Ha, not intentionally.

And yeah, pretty much. But the way they're designed ... daft.

Fuck, try to Australia. Fuckity.
Doesn't turkey have some sort of chemical (naturally occurring, I think) that makes you sleepy? Is it that that makes Americans want to fall asleep after Thanksgiving dinner, or is it just from eating too much... :wink:
You know, I'm actually not sue.

I think it mostly has to do with when your digestive system is working, you tend to get sleepy anyway.
Not that Thanksgiving helps. It's just an excuse for Americans to pig out even more.
Fuck veganism.

That's pure stupidity right here.
I think if I really tried, I could give up chicken. Buy for right now, it's still pretty much the only meat I'll eat.

Yeah, seriously. Gee, I hate it when people see vegetarians and vegans as the same thing. No, we bloody hell aren't. It's not the case with everyone, but I think vegans are always more likely to be real stuck-up jerks, or neurotic cases. And probably a damn sight sicker than other people, too.

Yeah, I look at ingredients for foods I buy too, but I don't spend all my time researching them.

/horrible rant
Yep. I'm trying to get my dad to drink with me because he's a hilarious drunk. :laugh:
No, really. I don't wanna drink by myself. But I know for sure I'll end up coming on here at some point. You'll just miss the different stages of inebriation. Which, imo, is the best part of drunk posting.

Ah, you're not inviting anyone over? No worries, sometimes dads can be the best drinking partners! :wink:
5-3 to Australia now. Damnit. Come on, South Africa! Australia's clearly the weaker team. You guys just need to keep your shit together.
Yeah, seriously. Gee, I hate it when people see vegetarians and vegans as the same thing. No, we bloody hell aren't. It's not the case with everyone, but I think vegans are always more likely to be real stuck-up jerks, or neurotic cases. And probably a damn sight sicker than other people, too.

Yeah, I look at ingredients for foods I buy too, but I don't spend all my time researching them.

/horrible rant
Somebody called me a vegan once because they didn't know the different between veggies and vegans.
I'm actually not sure if they're sick more often or not. There are vitamins and stuff for things like that, so they're still getting them, but not exactly naturally...

Yeah, I tend to check out the ingredients too. That way I don't end up buying something with beef in it. :lol:
Though I check for onion too, but for different reason. Onions tend to give me bad indigestion.
we suddenly started crapping on about the off-side rule like we'd been soccer fans all our lives. :lol:

I suspect because we all thought soccer would be far more exciting if the off-side rule were just abolished.

5-3 to Australia at half-time. Damn. They did come on in the last ten minutes, though. The second half should be intense.
I can see it now

:drunk: Ali - Ohhhhhhhhh look there's Adam
:drunk: GG - Where???
:drunk:Gluey - I can't see him
:drunk: Wild - So where's Bono?

Sober NI :rolleyes: Ali that's a statue of James Joyce

Is NI being our designated driver then? Aww! :love:

And I know James Joyce's name... but not much else about him :reject:
Ah, you're not inviting anyone over? No worries, sometimes dads can be the best drinking partners! :wink:
No. It's a rather long story, but I won't drink with anyone who's not family or a trusted friend.

My dad is the most amusing drunk, in my opinion, of course. Watching him drink is like a spectator sport in itself. :laugh:
I wish I hadn't purchased this virtual villagers game, Ax :lol: I no longer am amused
That's what all of Australia said when we found ourselves in the (soccer) World Cup a couple of years ago and we suddenly started crapping on about the off-side rule like we'd been soccer fans all our lives. :lol:

:lol: I know hardly a thing about any sport.
Hah, that TiVo thing Yanks prattle on about is apparently finally in Australia, according to some ad that was just on 7.
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