Pecker's Point, Newfoundland Superthread

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Ok, had to skip the first track iTunes spit out as it was Shawty by Plies :shakesangryfistatbrittany: Onto Lullaby ~ The Cure
I turned off my iPod so I can see who gets booted off of So You Think You Dance Tonight ... but you know what song I absolutely love?

Sinnerman by Nina Simone

:heart: :heart: :heart:
If I woke up at noon, I'd be pissed to have slept away the whole morning ... and also be completely zombie-like. I feel zombie-like if I sleep past nine.

I woke up at 8:45 this morning, which is REALLY late for me.
My favourite on Shenanigans - You Lied :rockon:

So much so that I am annoying my co-workers with my desk drumming.
I hate sleeping late, but my last semester largely encouraged it because I had all afternoon classes. I feel as though I'm wasting the day if I wake up after 10am.

At least I'll have morning classes this semester. The joy of spring mornings :drool:
"This is one of the most surreal nights of my life...Fuck. Hold on we've got an injury..."
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