It's Official#Pets OTHER than cats and dogs

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Resident Photo Buff
Staff member
Sep 1, 2000
Somewhere in middle America
So howzaboutit? Anyone got some different pets that you love? My parents have a parrot who's really cool and very smart. Despite his small size he totally owns their two cats and has even put a dog or two in their place. When I lived with them I was his favorite. :D

Ringo the Green-cheeked Conure:


I don't have any pets

I throw darts at pet pics posted

my monitor is suffering a bit though
My fish died a few days ago. :sigh:

Besides cats and dogs though, I still have my blackbear hamster Benny and my firebelly newt Oscar!

Benny :heart: Ryan:


Me holding Oscar:


Yeah...those pictures aren't of the greatest quality. :slant:
we don't have any pets right now but we've had hamsters (smelly little biting rodents :mad:) and a rat that lasted 3 days.

We used to have bird named Paco but the kids teased him by putting action figures in his cage to freak him out so we had to give him away.
sorry Kat! :uhoh:

but you have to admit, for such little creatures, they really put out a powerful stink
I usually clean Benny once a week, and it controls his smell pretty well. His aquarium is on the desk I use as a nightstand, meaning that I sleep very closely to him...if I let him stink too badly I'd never get any sleep. :laugh: Sometimes, he bangs his toys against he side of the aquarium though, and it keeps me up. :mad: :laugh:

But...yeah...those little guys sure can make a big odor!! LOL
I have no pets now :sad: but I used to have a dog and tons of fish.

My sister's roommate has a bird named Tweety (how original) the thing is so annoying. I can hear it screaming in the background everytime we are on the phone.

I think if I ever get a pet again I'm sticking with dogs :cute:
I once had 2 rabbits , and we didn't know one was male and the other female. I got them from a pet store and kept them in a pen. Well they had babbies, and they mama & papa rabbits turn on their babies and ate them. They had turned wild. I was 8 at the time and my parents took the rabbits and let them out into the woods. I cried and cried and it was intill 20 years later that my mom told me the real reason why we could rid of them. :shocked:
I'm gonna get some cool fish ... :hyper: My brother gave me his spare 5 and a half gallon tank. :applaud:

They're more for zoey's entertainment than mine :shifty: :lol:
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

Hamsters :no: :slant: (Sorry, Kat.)

But Benny is a sweetheart!!! You pay a little extra for blackbear hamsters because they are bred to be a gentler kind of hamster.
awww bononibcik i have ahanmter just liuejk that! :D err..had.

thy all died like severla yets ago. i had tow hamsters rhiannon0fred and chloe. why fhriannon-0fred> becauise my bio teascher told he it was female but they were ehhh...69ing and other kimky shti and i though theyh wer lexbians. trhgen they had babies.

eventuially the last of them die.d i leblied the lasd of them to died was marie. :(

aslo diemen, i erealuyl want birdies, we'll get a couple when we move out. i want cockatield.

PS: sorru i'm sio dunkr...i'm bored and i don't felel like goingt o bed! and notibg's on but infometcial!@s :(
I just want to post a bunch of animal pics...k?





and I know these are dogs...but I couldn't resist this picture
I'd love to get a White Bellied Ciaque. They are really cute, smart and comical. (sorry this pic is so big, but I like it.)
My mom's parrot, Simon:

My turtle, Amadeus:

We weren't allowed to have pets other than fish in college, so I hid Amadeus's aquarium under my bed. :shifty:

I've also had a tarantula, a hamster, three parakeets, fish, two rabbits, a lizard, and a snake (it escaped, never to be seen again :( ).
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