t3h h4X0r 7hr34I)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Nov 20, 2000
South Bend, IN USA
! 4(V) t3h 1337 h4X0r! I30(/\) 70 (V)3!!!!1

`/u0 4r3 t3h 10053rz!! LOLOLOL! ! 4(V) (/\)!11 I<!cI< `/u0r 455 4(\)d h4X0r !(\)70 `/u0r c0(V)pu74r (V)4ch!n3 (/\)!7h (V) 1337 h4X0r 5I<!11z!1!!!

! 4(V) 73h (/\)!(\)(\)4rz!!!!!!!!
V (4) U2 qHl/kh rw34!!P U2 (yw. Lkw65 >dw
U2 Xz8/(9) 2112. LMNOP 56/99.2 @ qwert U2 $4.99 !cv<9u 17tHxwe U2 V_(+/w6 HooHah U2.

The joker is the best card.
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elite hacker my ass. we all know KevM is the true eleeeeet here.
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